Paris attacks

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Attempt at history revision noted.

First a recap.

The murders in France are murders by criminals, not enemy combatants.

You clearly state they are not combatants. A combatant is a combatant if he says he is. This is not debatable.

I point this out. That isn't how they see it. You say the are not enemy combatants.

That isn't how they see it. And that does not change the punishment, which should be execution.

I point out if they are enemy combatants then they die by the sword of the military. If they are not and are merely murdering criminals then they die by the sword of civil authority. No difference.

Your response to my rebuttal of you saying they are not enemy combatants is;

Which civilised nation executes prisoners of war?

They are now enemy combatants so you can oppose the death penalty of a murderer. The liberal hopes I fall for the rabbit trail.

You don't want murderers executed.



New member
So what happens to the 1.8 million people living in Gaza?

Holocaust, genocide, which word fits your vision?

Since you already quoted my answer in your previous post #181 in this thread,
we can only conclude you are a trolling goofball who is trying to change what I said,
and who wants to mislead those who don't go back and read all the posts:

POST #181 by "Eric h" the TROLL


Originally Posted by Nazaroo

My position is detailed and clear and was previously posted here on TOL.

My plan involves evacuating Egyptians from Gaza
and THEN nuking it so it becomes an uninhabitable buffer zone for Israel.
There are all sizes of nuclear weapons, including small tactical and special function designs.

This plan will only create more terrorists. Guns and bombs were deemed to be the solution in Iraq, look at the mess we have made. Two million refugees have lost their homes, jobs, schools and many of them went to Syria.

These angry people want justice, and who are they going to blame for their plight?

My original post makes it plain that there is NO Genocide or killing planned at all.

Simply Emmigration back to Egypt.

Which is morally no different than the current Emmigration to Europe occurring right now,
except that Europe doesn't belong to muslims, and Egypt is their real homeland.


New member
This is not debatable.
Well, with that answer you have demonstrated that debate is beyond you.

I point out if they are enemy combatants then they die by the sword of the military. If they are not and are merely murdering criminals then they die by the sword of civil authority. No difference.
You are a fool if you can't see a difference between executing a capture soldier, which is usually immoral, and executing a criminal concocted for murder.

You don't want murderers executed.

Irrelevant to the discussion. I'm marginally opposed to it, but not enough to want to tell anyone else how to deal without criminals.

I was simply suggesting that terrorists are unlawful criminals and not lawful combatants, and should be treated as such. Everything else you have claimed is just a reflection of your own biases and preconceptions.


Well-known member
Right. Welcome aboard.

Right. Welcome aboard.

No thanks. I am not one of the war mongering group, nor do I belong to the anything-but-war group.

I belong to the small group in the middle who thinks this is complicated, and one has to act carefully.


Well-known member
How is it that we cannot recognize that moderate Islam is the foothold that radical Islam needs to conquer the west? Is moderate Islam spearheading the fight against terrorism? No. They are complicit with it.

Let all Muslims take selfies of themselves spitting on a picture of Jihadi John (may he rest in pieces) and send it to all their relatives, or else, revoke their citizenship and expel them from the country. I am tired of those who quietly love murder.

Christians are nice until they are not.

Have you not noticed the Muslims speaking out against these actions?

Eric h

Well-known member
Since you already quoted my answer in your previous post #181 in this thread,
we can only conclude you are a trolling goofball who is trying to change what I said,
and who wants to mislead those who don't go back and read all the posts:
My plan involves evacuating Egyptians from Gaza
and THEN nuking it so it becomes an uninhabitable buffer zone for Israel.
There are all sizes of nuclear weapons, including small tactical and special function designs.

There are around 1.8 million Palestinians in Gaza, not all of them are Egyptian, so after you evacuate all the Egyptians, a lot of Palestinians are going to face your nuclear barrage.

My original post makes it plain that there is NO Genocide or killing planned at all.

Simply Emmigration back to Egypt.

So on a practical note, you want to evacuate 1.8 million people, where are they going to live, and who is going to pay for their move?


New member
There are around 1.8 million Palestinians in Gaza, not all of them are Egyptian, so after you evacuate all the Egyptians, a lot of Palestinians are going to face your nuclear barrage.

You are an idiot.
There is no such thing as a "Palestinian". Its a term invented by the British.

The residents of GAZA are actually Egyptians and some descendents of
ancient Phonecians (Greeks).

So on a practical note, you want to evacuate 1.8 million people, where are they going to live, and who is going to pay for their move?

It will be a lot cheaper on many levels to force these idiots at gunpoint back to Egypt,
rather than have the same number of them overrun Europe.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Is it the Christian thing to lower your standards until you are no better than those you demonise?


Spoken as a true liberal...if you don't have the stomach to do what is required, then just stay in the background and just make noise, which seems to be all liberals know how to do....make noise, give lip service, and make idle some point you will have to move aside and allow the strong to protect the weak, and then of course you can demonize them for how they protected you later. Just for your information being a Christian does not mean being a pacifist or a victim (though there are many at TOL that buy into that belief set) in fact there is plenty of scripture to back up destruction of evil, and protection of the weak, it is godless liberals that have drawn that false caricature of what a Christian "should be" certainly not God almighty or His Word.
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Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
haven't followed this thread, but the liberal Justin Trudeau is planning on bringing over 1000 syrian refugees a day before the end of the year

a whole bunch of them will end up in vancouver and jump the border to come down to california

We have our fill of liberal miscreants & illegal aliens now...not sure I would be able to distinguish a difference when they arrive.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
You are a fool if you can't see a difference between executing a capture soldier, which is usually immoral, and executing a criminal concocted for murder.

So, then you would be open to a military tribunal for the enemy combatant/unlawful combatant under the Geneva Convention and then promptly executed? I can work with that...

Irrelevant to the discussion. I'm marginally opposed to it, but not enough to want to tell anyone else how to deal without criminals.

Nobody will ask you to sit on the tribunal or to watch the execution...Fair enough?

I was simply suggesting that terrorists are unlawful criminals and not lawful combatants, and should be treated as such. Everything else you have claimed is just a reflection of your own biases and preconceptions.

Again, reading comprehension must not be a strong suit for you. It really does not matter how "YOU" see terrorists, it is how the world sees them. Read real slow maybe you can get it this time.

Enemy combatant:

any member of the armed forces of a state with which another state is at war; also, any person in an armed conflict, including terrorism, who could be properly detained under the laws and customs of war

or Unlawful Combatant if you prefer:

Unlawful combatants are likewise subject to capture and detention, but in addition they are subject to trial and punishment by military tribunals for acts which render their belligerency unlawful. The spy who secretly and without uniform passes the military lines of a belligerent in time of war, seeking to gather military information and communicate it to the enemy, or an enemy combatant who without uniform comes secretly through the lines for the purpose of waging war by destruction of life or property, are familiar examples of belligerents who are generally deemed not to be entitled to the status of prisoners of war, but to be offenders against the law of war subject to trial and punishment by military tribunals. (Emphasis added)


Well-known member
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump Nov 15

President Obama just told President Putin how important the Russian air strikes against ISIS have been. I TOLD YOU SO!


Well-known member
If you were smart with investing file:

Our defense partners' stock soared Monday! Gains: Boeing: 1% Lockheed: 3.5% Raytheon: 4% Northrop Grumman: 4% Drone maker AeroVironment: 6%


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
If you were smart with investing file:

Our defense partners' stock soared Monday! Gains: Boeing: 1% Lockheed: 3.5% Raytheon: 4% Northrop Grumman: 4% Drone maker AeroVironment: 6%

Yes, I do love seeing my portfolio expand with Boeing & Lockheed, I own a bunch of Boeing due to my career... I may need to look into AeroVironment, they should do real well down the road. Thank You :)

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I belong to the small group in the middle who thinks this is complicated, and one has to act carefully.

Nobody thinks otherwise.

You want to wait and wait and wait hoping they just stop. Maybe your stupid, who knows.....