Paris attacks

Eric h

Well-known member
My position is detailed and clear and was previously posted here on TOL.

My plan involves evacuating Egyptians from Gaza
and THEN nuking it so it becomes an uninhabitable buffer zone for Israel.
There are all sizes of nuclear weapons, including small tactical and special function designs.

This plan will only create more terrorists. Guns and bombs were deemed to be the solution in Iraq, look at the mess we have made. Two million refugees have lost their homes, jobs, schools and many of them went to Syria.

These angry people want justice, and who are they going to blame for their plight?

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
How is it that we cannot recognize that moderate Islam is the foothold that radical Islam needs to conquer the west? Is moderate Islam spearheading the fight against terrorism? No. They are complicit with it.

Let all Muslims take selfies of themselves spitting on a picture of Jihadi John (may he rest in pieces) and send it to all their relatives, or else, revoke their citizenship and expel them from the country. I am tired of those who quietly love murder.

Christians are nice until they are not.

Eric h

Well-known member
My plan involves evacuating Egyptians from Gaza
and THEN nuking it so it becomes an uninhabitable buffer zone for Israel.
There are all sizes of nuclear weapons, including small tactical and special function designs.

After you evacuate the Egyptians, how many people are going to be left in Gaza to face this nuclear cleansing?


Well-known member
After you evacuate the Egyptians, how many people are going to be left in Gaza to face this nuclear cleansing?

Speaking of Nazaroo aware of the geography of the area? His plan would leave the Southern half of Israel uninhabitable.


Well-known member
Nuclear weapons cannot be the answer. The whole earth will be poisoned.

People say things in anger without considering the consequences. If they calm down afterwards and reconsider, it is not so bad. But there are some who never calm down and never really think things through.


Well-known member
Stop all this nuke talk, it isn't necessary. Targeted HE (High Explosive), laser guided from high altitude onto strategic sites, would have a far more useful effect.


New member
People say things in anger without considering the consequences. If they calm down afterwards and reconsider, it is not so bad. But there are some who never calm down and never really think things through.

True. This is so frustrating because we have taken people into our countries on the face value that they are seeking a better life.
Then we discover, too late, that they do not care about life at all.
They simply wish to destroy us.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
If Republicans did it, it would have been OK?

Irrelevant! the fact remains it was democrats that did do it, just as they promoted slavery, just as they opposed civil rights, just as they desperately held on to segregation, just as groups like the KKK were aligned with, and were an arm of the democrats. Not much has changed with democrats but the tactics of their psychosis.

Why are so many here busy blaming this on The Enemy, where The Enemy is "Liberals" or "Democrats".

Because it is their psychosis, and worldview that has caused the world to be an unsafe place. The failure to recognize who your enemies are under the guise of tolerance, inclusion, and diversity is a fallacy and unrealistic.


Well-known member
This is the fault of the Left.



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Stop all this nuke talk, it isn't necessary. Targeted HE (High Explosive), laser guided from high altitude onto strategic sites, would have a far more useful effect.

I agree, the nuke talk is not a feasible solution. The enemy needs to be targeted and terminated with extreme prejudice. There will be collateral damage, there will be unwanted civilian casualties because that is the nature of is the savage reality of armed conflict but, it is a reality the world especially liberals need to come to terms with if we intend to rid the world of this evil.


Well-known member
Attacks fly in the face of safety promises made by multi-culti Euro elites

At the height of the migrant crisis last September, Nigel Farage, the UKIP leader said the migrants flooding into northern Europe were a threat to British security.

“My concern is that Isis have actually said that they will use the migrant wave to flood Europe with half a million of their jihadi fighters,” he said in a radio interview, “Now even if that’s wrong, even it its only 5,000 - even if it’s only 500 - I am very worried about that.”
Lo and behold he was right, as anyone with common sense would be.


New member
Absolutely over the top! It is time for progressive liberals to wake up to the danger their worldview has wrought.

France has a murder rate usually four times lower than the US. How has the American worldview caused that difference? There will likely be only 800 murders in the whole of France this year - it looks like their worldview is doing OK really.