pacifism for true Jesus' followers.


New member
Sorry I don't agree, (regarding what it means that to be in God and Christ and them in us, means that we just all agree with them), that's not enough. We are to be willing to lay down our lives and live by the will of God, to be a living sacrifice. And through faith by the grace of God, the life of Christ is made manifest in our hearts by the power of the Holy Spirit, thus Christ is within our hearts and his life should be seen through us as ours is put to death, thus he's risen in us and we are risen with him by the power of God! If we truly agree, God and Christ we will be doers of the word as not hearers only.

Too many like to hear, but don't like to truly follow Jesus and live by the gospel!

Colossians 3

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

Isn't that what I said? Do you just wish to expound a little more flowery-like from a soap-box? I said that we have Christ's teachings in our hearts and we act in accord with them. You are confusing people as to what you are saying when you seem to intimate that Christ is LITERALLY within us.


Well-known member
Isn't that what I said? Do you just wish to expound a little more flowery-like from a soap-box? I said that we have Christ's teachings in our hearts and we act in accord with them. You are confusing people as to what you are saying when you seem to intimate that Christ is LITERALLY within us.
flowerly-like? I thought that those born of God would know what I mean? Christ must be in us if we are alive in him?

Sorry if I sounded confusing, but that's what I meant anyway, Jesus said "I am the resurrection" so once we are quickened by the Spirit, and his life is in us, then we are raised with him.


You are making a mountain out of a mole-hill!
No I'm not. You agreed it is the "crowning [and] central truth" of the Christian faith---IOW it is a mountain.
Just because meshak didn't answer you, you ASSUME that none of us will answer you! Then you ASSUME that non-trins don't believe in the resurrection of Jesus!! You are carrying that little dust-up with meshak WAY out of bounds, and you're still running with it.
I'm not assuming, I've got evidence with multiple non-Trin user accounts, and as I said, I've had no trouble with any Trinitarian user accounts on this question.
Also, how can you say that no one here who is non-trin has answered you affirmatively about the resurrection? You asked me directly and I said YES I believe in Christ's resurrection! So you are spreading lies.
You're another exception. :)


The church's representative have also been raping, neglecting, kidnapping, extorting and lying to the poor and sick for centuries. Haven't you done any research into the church's history? Don't you pay attention to news reports? You still haven't answered my questions on Rodrigo Borgia.
Yes I did.


Well-known member
No I'm not. You agreed it is the "crowning [and] central truth" of the Christian faith---IOW it is a mountain.
I'm not assuming, I've got evidence with multiple non-Trin user accounts, and as I said, I've had no trouble with any Trinitarian user accounts on this question.
You're another exception. :)
LA is another exception too. So far not one non Trinitarian has said that they don't believe in the resurrection.

And meshak believes the words of Jesus and he is the resurrection so I'm sure she believes in it.


Pray the rosary? And that's good enough for you? Obviously you have dismissed the very words of Jesus:

"Don't recite the same prayer over and over as the heathen do, who think prayers are answered only by repeating them again and again." (Matthew 6:7, The Catholic Living Bible)

You claim Luke 1:43 says that Mary is the mother of God? It merely says that Mary would be the mother of "the Lord." That certainly is NOT saying that Mary is the mother of God!
Like I said already, "You're non-Trin, you're not going to care." You are, and you don't. :idunno: I answered the question.


Well-known member
Correct, and true.
What???? How are you not a Catholic? You say that Peter is the first pope and he is the head of your church, and you pray the rosary and the catechism is of utmost importance to you.

How are you not a Catholic?


What???? How are you not a Catholic? You say that Peter is the first pope and he is the head of your church, and you pray the rosary and the catechism is of utmost importance to you.

How are you not a Catholic?
All that, plus not Catholic. :idunno: