pacifism for true Jesus' followers.


Hang on, I've just seen this

Quote: no Christian need listen, unless they're preaching the Catechism of the Catholic Church.


We are to listen to the gospel of Jesus Christ, not the catechism and that's what those who truly belong to God preach, and that's all we need!
Right. And no one has to listen to you. We're not put out in the wilderness as sheep among the wolves, we're always welcome in the Fold, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church shows us the fence around the Fold, and we can be inside or out, but there is a fence, and the Shepherd has not left us alone.


Well-known member
The Catholic Church's been helping and looking out for the poor and sick for centuries. The largest and oldest charitable organization on earth. Which is what you'd expect . . . if the Lord is risen indeed.
And they're one of the richest churches too. They can do a whole lot more! I've heard the there are beggars outside the Vatican. Open the doors and bring them in.

I wonder how many the Catholic church could feed if they opened their bank accounts?

I know a woman who was a Catholic, she said that her father left her mother with many children, and she became really poor, and her mother went to the Catholic church and asked for help, she got one food parcel and was told that that's all they give. That's not like Jesus at all, he was a giver and he loved to give.

Jesus helped many with his little, lots of churches help little with their many!


And they're one of the richest churches too. They can do a whole lot more! I've heard the there are beggars outside the Vatican. Open the doors and bring them in.

I wonder how many the Catholic church could feed if they opened their bank accounts?

I know a woman who was a Catholic, she said that her father left her mother with many children, and she became really poor, and her mother went to the Catholic church and asked for help, she got one food parcel and was told that that's all they give. That's not like Jesus at all, he was a giver and he loved to give.

Jesus helped many with his little, lots of churches help little with their many!
That's because the local Catholics were either not numerous, or not generous. And I strongly suspect the former over the latter.


Well-known member
Right. And no one has to listen to you. We're not put out in the wilderness as sheep among the wolves, we're always welcome in the Fold, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church shows us the fence around the Fold, and we can be inside or out, but there is a fence, and the Shepherd has not left us alone.
You need to read a Bible and not the catechism.

Have you read the Bible? Are you allowed to? I've been told that years ago Catholics weren't allowed to read the Bible, it's just for the priests to read, they are only to read the catechism. Is the still the case now?


You need to read a Bible and not the catechism.

Have you read the Bible? Are you allowed to? I've been told that years ago Catholics weren't allowed to read the Bible, it's just for the priests to read, they are only to read the catechism. Is the still the case now?
More than three times through.


Well-known member
This was in Ireland? So what? There are some very, very poor parishes in Ireland.
They weren't poor niliho. I'm sure they could help the people more than that. It has also happened here where I live, and they are definitely far from poor!

My poor grandfather went to the Catholic church and plowed his money into it and never noticed the need around him. He was just a for the Catholic church. It's just wrong!


Oh well that's good, so where does it say in the Bible that Mary is the mother of God?
You're non-Trin, you're not going to care. But if you can sympathize with a Trinitarian, Luke 1:43 (KJV) is good enough for me. It's just logical otherwise, almost linguistic, semantic. But regardless, the Church teaches to pray, and to pray the rosary, and that's good enough for me.


Well-known member
You're non-Trin, you're not going to care. But if you can sympathize with a Trinitarian, Luke 1:43 (KJV) is good enough for me. It's just logical otherwise, almost linguistic, semantic. But regardless, the Church teaches to pray, and to pray the rosary, and that's good enough for me.

You've probably mistyped that, there's no Luke 1:43

Can I also ask, where does it tell us to pray the rosary in the Bible too?


They weren't poor niliho. I'm sure they could help the people more than that. It has also happened here where I live, and they are definitely far from poor!

My poor grandfather went to the Catholic church and plowed his money into it and never noticed the need around him. He was just a for the Catholic church. It's just wrong!
How do you know the finances of any Catholic parish, let alone one in particular? How are you making your judgment? It sounds like a convenient judgment; one you could make prejudicially without substantiating evidence, is this the case? Are you mostly just surmising? Why would the Church hoard money? Priests know they're not signing up for the luxury lifestyle. Do you think that secretly, really rich people are running the Catholic Church? Because I can assure you that is fake.


Well-known member
How do you know the finances of any Catholic parish, let alone one in particular? How are you making your judgment? It sounds like a convenient judgment; one you could make prejudicially without substantiating evidence, is this the case? Are you mostly just surmising? Why would the Church hoard money? Priests know they're not signing up for the luxury lifestyle. Do you think that secretly, really rich people are running the Catholic Church? Because I can assure you that is fake.
Are they one of the richest churches in the world or not?


Are they one of the richest churches in the world or not?
Are "they" or are "they" not, closing parishes and rapidly? And in need of greater interest in the priesthood? And living in a world facing mountainous challenges and problems?


Well-known member
Are "they" or are "they" not, closing parishes and rapidly? And in need of greater interest in the priesthood? And living in a world facing mountainous challenges and problems?
Then they should go to the top for help!

Jesus gave what he had to his disciples and they fed those in need with it.

Maybe your church should do the same!

Wealth wasn't important to Jesus, he came to do the will of God, and wealth shouldn't be important to those who follow him either!

God comes first, we can't serve God and mammon!


Then they should go to the top for help!

Jesus gave what he had to his disciples and they fed those in need with it.

Maybe your church should do the same!

Wealth wasn't important to Jesus, he came to do the will of God, and wealth shouldn't be important to those who follow him either!

God comes first, we can't serve God and mammon!
What's your point with the link? The assets are probably over 90% real estate, which would be the land upon which the Church's over-200-hundred-thousand churches are built. You got a problem with that?


Well-known member
What's your point with the link? The assets are probably over 90% real estate, which would be the land upon which the Church's over-200-hundred-thousand churches are built. You got a problem with that?
They will have plenty within their banks nihilo, Jesus didn't build up in this world, and worldly temples meant nothing to him, when the disciples were in awe at the temple, Jesus said this

Matthew 24
And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

To store up billions isn't the way of Jesus. And that goes for any church doing so not just yours. It's the living stones that Christ wants, and they follow the cornerstone, Jesus himself, in a new and living way, and worship God in a temple not built by men's hands, but in a temple built by the hand of God through Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit, and they worship the father in Spirit and in truth!


Those pro pro-pro military Christians cannot refute Jesus' word so they go down to usual dirty tactics.

so typical and juvenile.

That proves they don't know what Jesus is all about.

Their behaviors prove my point.