pacifism for true Jesus' followers.


Eclectic Theosophist
The resurrection..........

The resurrection..........

Not that I know of. And the phenomenon may just be with online-active non-Trins, maybe IRL JWs aren't like that at all---although, I have to say that the JW website explains the Resurrection---while not technically distinctly from the Catholic teaching, except that they rather extremely mention that the Lord rose in a quote-unquote spiritual body, which He did . . . but the JW-dot-org website was so careful to point out that His risen body was different from the body He died as, that it almost seems to be giving space to those who don't want to believe that He rose nonfictionally.

If you can believe it, [MENTION=1746]freelight[/MENTION] actually balked at my usage of the words nonfiction and fiction, saying they were somehow ambiguous terms, even when used explicitly mutually exclusively. :)

Hi Nihilo,

Indeed,...I do not find the term 'fictional' or 'non-fictional' as being appropriate to apply to the 'Resurrection', so my former comments with you on this holds. As shared, cannot even prove or really ascertain some things written about in the 'scriptures' as being 'true' or 'not', or how much they are actual historical events or embellished mythologies, or some blend thereof. There is plenty of metaphor and symbology in religious writings, much is 'figurative',...and the meanings and values you as a 'religionist' must search for and discover are the spiritual truths, eternal principles and ideals hidden within the narrative. All reality-perception and knowledge is at last 'subjective' anyways, no matter how 'objective' the descriptions are, and no matter....the kingdom of Spirit is always within, reflected or realized in one's own consciousness, apart from which there can be nothing...not even 'God'. Consciousness is the only fundamental and universal reality, the substrate in which all things arise to be perceived, known or discovered. All that exists, exists in the universal Consciousness and Spirit-Radiance that 'God' IS. 'God' is SPIRIT.

'Resurrection', besides the mere religious/intellectual concept or assumption, if we take it as an actual experience, is to be realized personally within the subjectivity of one's own awareness, the experience of dying, then rising again, being 'born anew', TRANS-FORMED. This happens whole-bodily, the whole being. The spiritual process of transformation of consciousness is not something you can just label 'fictional' or 'non-fictional', since the subconscious mind does not know the difference between such really, but reflects back to itself that which the surface mind superimposes upon it (imagines into it), and takes that 'view' as being 'true'. You cannot prove the resurrection even took place, and only choose to believe the religious records or 'STORIES' some people recorded, then 'canonized'. Jesus came to show that we too must FOLLOW HIM, in the process of birth, death and rebirth, undergoing the process of spirit transformation, as the mortal puts on immortality, and one is born again in the divine nature, never to see death again, but to have life into the ages,...and as long as one chooses to do His will, into the ages of ages :)

ALSO: I don't believe I've added yet to this thread or topic, but caught wind of it by your 'mention' of me. In general I agree with meshak, as highlighting the clear teachings of Jesus, and disagree with the some of the wrathful, blood-thirsty and cruel depictions of Yahweh in the OT, who appears as a 'war-lord' sometimes ( a mighty man of war), although that aspect of divine justice or severity can be symbolized in certain stories. It was the glaring difference of the warlord 'god' of the OT with the loving compassionate God and Father of Jesus, that led some groups to reject YHWH as the one true God, and de-rank him as an demi-urge, while worshipping ONLY the 'God' and 'Father' of our Lord Jesus, who is also our 'God' and 'Father',...since there is only one Universal Father of one and all. The Most High One, besides whom there is no other. - all other living beings are His offspring, since He is the Sole One Original SOURCE of all that is, the Infinite SPRING from whence all rises.


It is strawman attack saying anyone who claims Jesus' name don't believe Jesus is risen.

Which non-trin claim Jesus is not risen?

Why did you even come up with that idea?


Hi Nihilo,

Indeed,...I do not find the term 'fictional' or 'non-fictional' as being appropriate to apply to the 'Resurrection', so my former comments with you on this holds. As shared, cannot even prove or really ascertain some things written about in the 'scriptures' as being 'true' or 'not', or how much they are actual historical events or embellished mythologies, or some blend thereof. There is plenty of metaphor and symbology in religious writings, much is 'figurative',...and the meanings and values you as a 'religionist' must search for and discover are the spiritual truths, eternal principles and ideals hidden within the narrative. All reality-perception and knowledge is at last 'subjective' anyways, no matter how 'objective' the descriptions are, and no matter....the kingdom of Spirit is always within, reflected or realized in one's own consciousness, apart from which there can be nothing...not even 'God'. Consciousness is the only fundamental and universal reality, the substrate in which all things arise to be perceived, known or discovered. All that exists, exists in the universal Consciousness and Spirit-Radiance that 'God' IS. 'God' is SPIRIT.

'Resurrection', besides the mere religious/intellectual concept or assumption, if we take it as an actual experience, is to be realized personally within the subjectivity of one's own awareness, the experience of dying, then rising again, being 'born anew', TRANS-FORMED. This happens whole-bodily, the whole being. The spiritual process of transformation of consciousness is not something you can just label 'fictional' or 'non-fictional', since the subconscious mind does not know the difference between such really, but reflects back to itself that which the surface mind superimposes upon it (imagines into it), and takes that 'view' as being 'true'. You cannot prove the resurrection even took place, and only choose to believe the religious records or 'STORIES' some people recorded, then 'canonized'. Jesus came to show that we too must FOLLOW HIM, in the process of birth, death and rebirth, undergoing the process of spirit transformation, as the mortal puts on immortality, and one is born again in the divine nature, never to see death again, but to have life into the ages,...and as long as one chooses to do His will, into the ages of ages :)

ALSO: I don't believe I've added yet to this thread or topic, but caught wind of it by your 'mention' of me. In general I agree with meshak, as highlighting the clear teachings of Jesus, and disagree with the some of the wrathful, blood-thirsty and cruel depictions of Yahweh in the OT, who appears as a 'war-lord' sometimes ( a mighty man of war), although that aspect of divine justice or severity can be symbolized in certain stories. It was the glaring difference of the warlord 'god' of the OT with the loving compassionate God and Father of Jesus, that led some groups to reject YHWH as the one true God, and de-rank him as an demi-urge, while worshipping ONLY the 'God' and 'Father' of our Lord Jesus, who is also our 'God' and 'Father',...since there is only one Universal Father of one and all. The Most High One, besides whom there is no other. - all other living beings are His offspring, since He is the Sole One Original SOURCE of all that is, the Infinite SPRING from whence all rises.
Five men for sure perished unjustly because they believed that the Lord Jesus Christ son of Mary mother of God died, was buried, and rose from the dead; and it's not unlikely that all Twelve Apostles perished from a death penalty reserved for capital criminals, for this one unique element of their faith; that Jesus Christ rose from the dead.

"I made it up!" could have said Peter, "I'll go around and teach everybody that I made it up, and extinguish this obnoxious Church I made up, I'll fix it!" to save his own neck---but NO! Peter said, "If you're going to nail me to a cross, Please, make it Upside Down?"


Well-known member
Disagreed. Cultist.
What do you mean, neither Peter nor Paul are the head of the church, Jesus Christ is! How is that being a cultist?

I'm in the body of Christ of whom the head is Christ, which body are you in, where the head is Peter?



This thread is not about "Jesus is risen".

No one claims Jesus is not risen.

So stop making up things and spreading lies.


Well-known member
Five men for sure perished unjustly because they believed that the Lord Jesus Christ son of Mary mother of God died, was buried, and rose from the dead; and it's not unlikely that all Twelve Apostles perished from a death penalty reserved for capital criminals, for this one unique element of their faith; that Jesus Christ rose from the dead.

"I made it up!" could have said Peter, "I'll go around and teach everybody that I made it up, and extinguish this obnoxious Church I made up, I'll fix it!" to save his own neck---but NO! Peter said, "If you're going to nail me to a cross, Please, make it Upside Down?"
They didn't believe that Mary was the mother of God at all, but rather Jesus was the son of the living God.


Well-known member
[MENTION=1746]freelight[/MENTION] I Love this bit, this is how I believe too

Quote: Jesus came to show that we too must FOLLOW HIM, in the process of birth, death and rebirth, undergoing the process of spirit transformation, as the mortal puts on immortality, and one is born again in the divine nature, never to see death again, but to have life into the ages,...and as long as one chooses to do His will, into the ages of ages :)


What do you mean, neither Peter nor Paul are the head of the church, Jesus Christ is! How is that being a cultist?

I'm in the body of Christ of whom the head is Christ, which body are you in, where the head is Peter?
All this is cultist talk. A Christian need not concern themselves with anybody who isn't relaying what the popes/magisterium teach. The Catechism of the Catholic Church is Christ Jesus son of Mary mother of God's memo to His Church, guaranteed.


Well-known member
Sorry [MENTION=13959]meshak[/MENTION] I didn't mean to derail your thread, but Peter isn't the head of the church and Mary isn't the mother of God, God has no mother. I couldn't not speak against that. As it's not the truth.

By the way welcome back friend :)


Well-known member
All this is cultist talk. A Christian need not concern themselves with anybody who isn't relaying what the popes/magisterium teach. The Catechism of the Catholic Church is Christ Jesus son of Mary mother of God's memo to His Church, guaranteed.

What, so everybody outside the Catholic church is a cultist? ROFL. No everyone who lives by the will of God are those who belong to him, and are brothers and sisters of Jesus, it's not about a denomination, Jesus is the way not the pope!

Just look at the pope, he's nothing like Jesus!

The catechism isn't the Bible, go read the Bible nihilo. There lies the truth.

Nowhere does it say in the Bible that Mary is the mother of God!


What, so everybody outside the Catholic church is a cultist? ROFL. No everyone who lives by the will of God are those who belong to him, and are brothers and sisters of Jesus, it's not about a denomination, Jesus is the way not the pope!

Just look at the pope, he's nothing like Jesus!

The catechism isn't the Bible, go read the Bible nihilo. There lies the truth.

Nowhere does it say in the Bible that Mary is the mother of God!
No Christian need fear the magisterium's/papacy's teachings on faith and morals, and anytime that anybody is preaching on matters of faith and morals, no Christian need listen, unless they're preaching the Catechism of the Catholic Church.


Well-known member
No Christian need fear the magisterium's/papacy's teachings on faith and morals, and anytime that anybody is preaching on matters of faith and morals, no Christian need listen, unless they're preaching the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
I'm going to be honest here nihilo, I only need the look at the pope to know that the teachings of the Catholic church is wrong. Jesus was nothing like him. And all who come after Jesus, are like Jesus!

Lowly, humble, without excessive worldly wealth and riches, and walk among the people sharing the gospel with them and sharing what they have when they see the need.

I don't believe in any multi million pound religions. They should open their churches, put beds in and bring in the poor, then open their bank accounts and feed them. Get rid of all those idols in them and worship the living God, by worshipping him in Spirit and in truth and truly following Jesus.


Well-known member
No Christian need fear the magisterium's/papacy's teachings on faith and morals, and anytime that anybody is preaching on matters of faith and morals, no Christian need listen, unless they're preaching the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Hang on, I've just seen this

Quote: no Christian need listen, unless they're preaching the Catechism of the Catholic Church.


We are to listen to the gospel of Jesus Christ, not the catechism and that's what those who truly belong to God preach, and that's all we need!


Eclectic Theosophist
Welcome to the Christ Cult.................

Welcome to the Christ Cult.................

All this is cultist talk.

Well,....the RCC is one of largest and most traditionalized established CULTS in religious history :) - I guess it takes a 'cultist' to know one? :angel: While this might offend those who have demonized the word 'cult', I have no problem with the word,...just how some have used this term to demean and marginalize people on the forum who don't believe as they do.

I enjoy considering the teachings, principles and concepts of all religious cults, schools, traditions, a student of comoparitive religions. 'God' is ONE. One Ocean, many rivers. One Sun, many rays.

A Christian need not concern themselves with anybody who isn't relaying what the popes/magisterium teach. The Catechism of the Catholic Church is Christ Jesus son of Mary mother of God's memo to His Church, guaranteed.

Are you serious? (about ready to implode lol)

I respect some aspects of the RCC, but moreso the Eastern/Greek/Russian Orthodox traditions, BUT these sects still have no monopoly on 'God'! - you can learn, enjoy, consider and even be join such communities, that's all good, but a more truly 'universal' (catholic) faith I have. The 'Church' is more often her own enemy, bound by her own dogmas, fossilized creeds, and other trappings. - rennovations, reforms and revivals....arising from 'heretics' have paved the way to bring new movements of spiritual renaissance to her, and God bless more to come, since a renewal she needs. Believe me, soul lineage goes back to many life experiences of priests and monks, so I'm familiar with ascetic life and mystical schools of both east and west. Tradition and ritual must marry the Spirit, ethic and essence of the Christ, to be a living channel and chalice of the Holy Spirit. - for this I do not discount the true works and service done in Christ name, by those who truly have the Spirit of God, and are true lights in the world, serving within or without the visible church organizations.


They should open their churches, put beds in and bring in the poor, then open their bank accounts and feed them.
The Catholic Church's been helping and looking out for the poor and sick for centuries. The largest and oldest charitable organization on earth. Which is what you'd expect . . . if the Lord is risen indeed.