pacifism for true Jesus' followers.


Well I've honestly never heard a non Trinitarian say they don't believe in the resurrection, on here or I'm my daily life.
Well as I said, it may be an internet phenomenon that doesn't statistically or proportionally carry over IRL. :idunno: What you say is good news. :)


Just you and Kingdom Rose. Meshak fought me, Daqq resists answering, Freelight doesn't, and Gurucam. That's just so far.

Just becaseu I don't take your bate to argue, don't lie about anyone else's faith.

It is a grave sin to make false accusation.

It seems you don't care if you sin against Jesus' teachings.


Well I've never heard of that before, you sound like a staunch Roman Catholic in your posts. Which church do you belong to? Thanks

I believe he used to claim to be a catholic.

It seems that he is afraid of persecution.

RCC is not so popular in this forum.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Gold Subscriber
Just becaseu I don't take your bate to argue, don't lie about anyone else's faith.

It is a grave sin to make false accusation.

It seems you don't care if you sin against Jesus' teachings.
Meshak, let's say your boss tells you to come to work at 0800 every morning for the next 7 weeks (barring Sundays), or you'll lose your job. And so you start coming to work at 0800.

About 1 week in, your boss says that he doesn't want you coming in at 0800 anymore, but that he wants you to come in at 0900, and any earlier or later and you'll be fired.

Do you keep coming to work at 0800? or do you start coming to work at 0900?


Well I've honestly never heard a non Trinitarian say they don't believe in the resurrection, on here or I'm my daily life.

Not even one claim who claim to be a Christian believe Jesus did not resurrected.

It is so weird that he is harping about this.

He maybe just panicked because he is exposed that he does not know what Jesus teaches.

Strawman attack is usually trying to derail the thread.


Meshak, let's say your boss tells you to come to work at 0800 every morning for the next 7 weeks (barring Sundays), or you'll lose your job. And so you start coming to work at 0800.

About 1 week in, your boss says that he doesn't want you coming in at 0800 anymore, but that he wants you to come in at 0900, and any earlier or later and you'll be fired.

Do you keep coming to work at 0800? or do you start coming to work at 0900?

hello there,

I thought I put you on ignore.

You are back to ignore.

good day.


Well I've never heard of that before, you sound like a staunch Roman Catholic in your posts. Which church do you belong to? Thanks
I attend Catholic mass whenever I can, weekend, weekdays, whenever I can. I don't celebrate the Eucharist because it's not licit for me, me not being in full communion with Rome.


I believe he used to claim to be a catholic.
I made this claim once, back way before I understood that you can't just consider yourself Catholic to be Catholic; you must be received into the Catholic Church to be Catholic. I was quickly corrected, and haven't made the claim since. This was years ago.
It seems that he is afraid of persecution.
RCC is not so popular in this forum.


Well-known member
I believe he used to claim to be a catholic.

It seems that he is afraid of persecution.

RCC is not so popular in this forum.
Ah right! Well even though I don't agree with the catholic teachings and traditions, I would never judge the heart of another because of what church they belong to, I believe that we speak the truth, back it up with scripture, and leave the rest to God. Then be there for anyone who needs us, whoever they are. God loves all, and so should those who belong to him. :)


Well-known member
I made this claim once, back way before I understood that you can't just consider yourself Catholic to be Catholic; you must be received into the Catholic Church to be Catholic. I was quickly corrected, and haven't made the claim since. This was years ago.
Can I ask, why aren't you a member seeing as you believe in their teachings so strongly? Thanks


I don't know. Why give a hard time, over such an easy question?

Because I don't play silly games.

Why do you even come up with such simple Bible fact? Why?

Why do you dwell on this simple Bible fact?

Most non-trin I know are much biblically educated unlike your kind.