pacifism for true Jesus' followers.

Lazy afternoon

Someday, the anti-Christ WILL take over the world. Perhaps, God is using the USA to hinder him at this time? Maybe, the USA isn't around during that future time? If not for the USA the world would be under the control of the Communists today. Remember that.

You seem blind to what is happening in the USA today.



You seem blind to what is happening in the USA today.


USA got all the glory and now it seems it is going down badly.

Anyway, His followers have nothing to worry. We just have to keep on preaching God's kingdom.

We need to worry if our faith is not in God and Jesus.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
USA got all the glory and now it seems it is going down badly.

Anyway, His followers have nothing to worry. We just have to keep on preaching God's kingdom.

We need to worry if our faith is not in God and Jesus.

If someone attempted to steal that stupid hat from you, would you fold, not object, and be a pacifist?

Good day to you, sir.

patrick jane

USA got all the glory and now it seems it is going down badly.

Anyway, His followers have nothing to worry. We just have to keep on preaching God's kingdom.

We need to worry if our faith is not in God and Jesus.

Jesus was not always passive

John 2:15 NLT

Eric h

Well-known member
The Israelites (The chosen people of God) had armies. God helped those armies win wars and battles against their enemies. God Himself instructed those armies, at least once, to go into the area of the enemies and kill every man, woman, and child. Even ALL of the animals. That may shock you, however, since Christ is the Son of God and God in the flesh, He's the one who instructed the Israelites to do ALL of those killings.

God was angry with mankind and commanded the Flood that killed every man, woman and child. God instructed Samuel to command Saul to kill every man, woman and child.

For all of you that don't know the God of the Old Testament, (which is the same and only God of today) He gave orders to kill enemies of His people the Israelites.

Has God switched nations and made America his chosen people today, and which prophet commanded Mr Bush to go to war against Afghanistan and Iraq?

Read your Old Testament if you desire to know another side of God? Our country and ALL countries need a military,

If all countries need a military, then which side is God on? My understanding of Old Testament wars, was that Israel was often the under dog, but that never mattered because God was with them.

otherwise, a Hitler, Mao, or Stalin will take over the world.

Twenty thousand children die every single day as a result of grinding poverty, starvation and preventable disease. that is around seven million a year, or around a hundred million since 9/ 11.

Stop producing weapons and use this money to prevent the deaths of another hundred million children in the next fifteen years.

Eric h

Well-known member
Jesus was not always passive

John 2:15 NLT

Of course, but like Mahatma Ghandi, he used the least harmful ways to challenge evil. Jesus could easily have used a sword instead of a whip against the money changers.

If Jesus needed a sword to demonstrate his message to mankind, he would have had one, of that I have no doubt.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Without human law there could have been no cross, no redemption, the law is upheld, preserved and administered by military force.

No military = no law

Eric h

Well-known member
Without human law there could have been no cross, no redemption, the law is upheld, preserved and administered by military force.

No military = no law

The law of God hangs and depends on the greatest commandments, God's law are just and fair.

Mankind's laws seem to favour the rich and powerful, hence they need the military to enforce their laws, because they are not so fair or just.
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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
God was angry with mankind and commanded the Flood that killed every man, woman and child. God instructed Samuel to command Saul to kill every man, woman and child.

Has God switched nations and made America his chosen people today, and which prophet commanded Mr Bush to go to war against Afghanistan and Iraq?

If all countries need a military, then which side is God on? My understanding of Old Testament wars, was that Israel was often the under dog, but that never mattered because God was with them.

Twenty thousand children die every single day as a result of grinding poverty, starvation and preventable disease. that is around seven million a year, or around a hundred million since 9/ 11.

Stop producing weapons and use this money to prevent the deaths of another hundred million children in the next fifteen years.

We absolutely NEED a strong military. What country do you reside in anyway?


Originally Posted by Grosnick Marowbe View Post

We absolutely NEED a strong military.

the military is for the world, not for His servants.

We have Almighty in our side.

We have nothing to fear.

Eric h

Well-known member
Without the might of the USA military, Communism would take over the world.

The American military seems to have world domination as its goal, maybe it is countries like Russia and China that stand in its way.

How does the military help us to live by the greatest commandments?