pacifism for true Jesus' followers.


New member
JWs and Mormons are considered cultists and not Christians. Watch out for both of these cults.

If people would take the time to look into these two faiths, they could see what a difference there is, and which one is Christian and which one is counterfeit. Go to and check out JWs for yourselves. See if you want to get involved with true Christianity or if you want to get involved with a religion that started with a man "translating" a so-called sacred book by putting his face in a hat behind a curtain.

JWs believe that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit....Mormons say he was conceived by a physical man and the H.S. had nothing to do with it.

JWs believe in ONE God, Jehovah. Mormons believe in MILLIONS of Gods, this planet having its own God and other planets having theirs.

Don't believe what you hear from the likes of people like Grosnick. Check it out for yourselves.

And don't lump JWs in with Mormons. There is no real similarity at all.


New member
I called you a murderer on the authority of God's word just as I did shackles...BEFORE she PROVED to all TOLers that God's word is true. And God's word will find YOU out too....God will always back up His word.

The word is that you hate His church, the brethren. That is murder, the spirit of Cain who slew his brother.

I don't suppose Judas or Caiphas or Annas ever physically killed anyone but they did kill the Christ.

Britain had a pacifist Prime Minister in the years before the war as did France, when Hitler invaded Chekozlovakia and the Sudentan land they did nothing, in fact they negotiated those nations rights away in return for a pledge form Hitler that he would not invade any other nation. "Peace in our time" Chamberlain said waving the pact for everyone to see. The Germans were already brutalising the Chekz.

Then Hitler invaded Poland.

If Britain and France had acted responsibly and upheld INTERNATIONAL LAW millions of lives would have been saved, there would have been no world war.

That is exactly what I was talking about! There probably would've been no war if Britain and France had acted responsibly!! I have said that all along. There never needed to be a WWII. So people who say the U.S. HAD to go to war to stop Hitler don't know what they're talking about.


New member
This is the only example in the bible that shows when Jesus got mad and lost his temper and everyone uses it. Here are like over 10 scriptures on being non-violent, no temper, turn the other cheek and yet everyone jumps to the ONE scripture where he gets mad. I find it funny what people choose to believe even though there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

I agree. And further, Jesus didn't "lose his temper." I keep saying that if you read the account with no pre-formed prejudice, you can see that there is no evidence that he went berserk. He saw a wrong and he went to right it. He made a small whip of ropes and drove the animals out of the temple. No frenzy, no loss of temper. He overturned the doesn't say he was a maniac. He strongly told the greedy money-changers to get out of the temple. People are too ready and willing to label him a crazy person in this instance. He was not. He was just solving a serious problem.


New member
And what more shall I say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak and Samson and Jephthah, also of David and Samuel and the prophets who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, became valiant in battle, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. (Hebrews 11:32-34)​

The point was that those men were FAITHFUL men, not that they were violent themselves. They were close to Jehovah and saw victories in their lives because of that.

Some may have been involved in war, but that ceased to be the case for a long time after the Promised Land was gained back, after Cyrus allowed the Jews to go back to Jerusalem.


New member
I bet messhak tells people that she teaches on TOL and how it takes up most of her time. Her ministry to spread Jesus' teachings. Yes folks, she tells strangers and those outside TOL that she teaches here. :rotfl:

So what? Isn't the internet a valid instrument of sharing knowledge and opinion? It's a fine thing when the true Gospel---OF THE KINGDOM---is spoken about in any type of forum. (Matt.24:14)


give unto caesar the things that are caesar's

Of course, Jesus' followers are not thieves. They have obligation to fulfill their responsibilities to the world too. We live here. We don't live off by their taxes, we ought to pay taxes too.

In fact, Jesus' followers give more than they receive because that's what Jesus expects form His followers.

Good try but not no cigars, friend.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Of course, Jesus' followers are not thieves. They have obligation to fulfill their responsibilities to the world too. We live here. We don't live off by their taxes, we ought to pay taxes too.

In fact, Jesus' followers give more than they receive because that's what Jesus expects form His followers.

Good try but not no cigars, friend.

How can anyone give more than they receive?


New member
The point was that those men were FAITHFUL men, not that they were violent themselves.

The U.S. military is comprised of faithful men and women who are willing to lay down their lives as Jesus instructed.

This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. (John 15:12-13)​

Jesus laid down his life and the men and women in the U.S. military are willing to do the same.

Now I saw heaven opened and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. (Revelation 19:11)​

We should follow his example and judge the intentions of those who would destroy our nation and make war to stop them when necessary. Christ will guide us.

Freedom is not free, what have you done for freedom?


New member
If you're so anti-America why not move to another country? We won't miss ya, right?

It is totally PRO-America to be against what the gov't has done in sending so many people off to kill others for no reason except monetary gain and power. True Americans would eschew such insanity. And true Christians would remain neutral.


Quote Originally Posted by patrick jane View Post

I bet messhak tells people that she teaches on TOL and how it takes up most of her time

Maybe I should but I have other responsitility too as His servant.

But this forum is humongous. It is effective to reach out to the world to tell the world that Jesus' followers' main responsibity; is to keep His teachings and tell the world the same.

You keep disregarding Jesus' word: "go therefore make disciples of all nations... teaching them to obey I have commanded you."

why don't you understand or disregard this simple commands and spread false gospel to the world?

What you are spreading is a grave sin, friend.


Well-known member
Of course, Jesus' followers are not thieves. They have obligation to fulfill their responsibilities to the world too. We live here. We don't live off by their taxes, we ought to pay taxes too.

In fact, Jesus' followers give more than they receive because that's what Jesus expects form His followers.

Good try but not no cigars, friend.

To be logically consistent, you should be giving away cigars with no expectation of anything in return.


Quote Originally Posted by Grosnick Marowbe View Post

JWs and Mormons are considered cultists and not Christians. Watch out for both of these cults.

Watch out for your own deceptive messages and witnessing to the world.


New member
It is important to note that neither Britain or France or Germany or America is the church, they are nations in which the church is tolerated and by her presence there has brought remarkable change and blessing to the people [which of course the politicians take credit for] As Christians we are commanded to obey the government and to pray for the government.

The government including the military and civil military the police force are ordained by God they are His institutions Paul says to reward the good and to punish the wrongdoer.

My argument against jerzy, kingdom rose and shackles is that they go around on this mission of condemning the sins in high places to deflect attention away from the corruption in their own hearts which they refuse to come to God and be saved from, to be radically changed themselves by the new birth.

shackles particularly own back yard is a mess which she won't clean up.....she will go to the public park and clean up the litter and condemns Christians for not joining her but she will not address her own wrongdoing. Nothing could be a clearer picture.

And although I don't [yet] know about KR I guarantee it will be the same, I know some things which she has shared like she was brought up in a Christian home but never got saved from which I can understand how she joined the JWs out of spite for the church.

The church's presence has brought "remarkable change and blessing" to people??? Are you serious? The church should have been saying NO WAR! They should have been teaching their people what Christ taught, and then there would be no war. But the churches sided with the nations and supported war.

Christians obey the government---but not when the government is GOING AGAINST CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES. And if you'll notice, the scriptures say to pray that the government will simply allow us to preach about the Kingdom of God....not that the government will remain strong and/or conquer other nations.

The military institutions are NOT "ordained by God"! If you believe that, then you believe that Hitler's Third Reich was ordained by God.

It's not the military that Paul was talking about in Romans 13. He was referring to the police and judicial institutions.

You didn't get the right idea about me, dear. I "got saved" just like everybody else in my Baptist church when I was in my teens. But I didn't like the hypocrisy I saw and I didn't agree with certain doctrines. I didn't "join the JWs just to spite the church." LOL When I left the churches I did so because I didn't see any one of them following Christ. When I met JWs I said, "Oh, maybe there IS somebody really following Christ!"



Jesus is for the whole world. He does not take side or play favoritism.

He definitely do not to endorse violent practice.

Jesus does not endorse patriotism.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The church's presence has brought "remarkable change and blessing" to people??? Are you serious? The church should have been saying NO WAR! They should have been teaching their people what Christ taught, and then there would be no war. But the churches sided with the nations and supported war.

Christians obey the government---but not when the government is GOING AGAINST CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES. And if you'll notice, the scriptures say to pray that the government will simply allow us to preach about the Kingdom of God....not that the government will remain strong and/or conquer other nations.

The military institutions are NOT "ordained by God"! If you believe that, then you believe that Hitler's Third Reich was ordained by God.

It's not the military that Paul was talking about in Romans 13. He was referring to the police and judicial institutions.

You didn't get the right idea about me, dear. I "got saved" just like everybody else in my Baptist church when I was in my teens. But I didn't like the hypocrisy I saw and I didn't agree with certain doctrines. I didn't "join the JWs just to spite the church." LOL When I left the churches I did so because I didn't see any one of them following Christ. When I met JWs I said, "Oh, maybe there IS somebody really following Christ!"

Your opinions stem from your association with your Jehovah Witness cult.