pacifism for true Jesus' followers.


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I would rather see Milkshake helped to better understand what is means to be in Christ, rather than being banned again.


Active member
They share a common bond, they're both cults. I would advise folks not to visit JW websites and read their cultist propaganda. You'll be deceived. Just read your Bible and let the Holy Spirit guide your path to truth.

Its fairly obvious from your statements you know very little about either faith. There are literally no similarities at all between either faith. Its a shame when a discussion among 'professed' Christians has to descend into a petty squabble with ad hominem attacks.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Its fairly obvious from your statements you know very little about either faith. There are literally no similarities at all between either faith. Its a shame when a discussion among 'professed' Christians has to descend into a petty squabble with ad hominem attacks.

I know enough to state that they're both cults. Can you prove me wrong? Are you a member of one of these cults? Seems like you're making an attempt to defend them? I don't really believe you're in a position to say what I know or don't know? You don't know me pal.
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Loving your enemy is based on the principle of loving others as you love yourself. If you don't love yourself then you don't love others.

If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are. (1 Corinthians 3:17)​

We should do all we can to prevent someone from destroying God's temple rather than just handing it over as you are promoting.

You continually misusing the scripture to suit your worldly desire and mentality to justify your violent faith.


New member
You continually misusing the scripture to suit your worldly desire and mentality to justify your violent faith.

And you continually impute motives to other people's understanding of God's word and his Word. Why?
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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
SonofC seems to like to jump in and attack then leave right away as if he can't back up what he's saying and doesn't want to show off his true ignorance?


And you continually impart motives to other people's understanding of God's word and his Word. Why?

I can see clearly so called "Christians" misrepresenting Jesus' pacifism position to warmonger savior.

You need to reexamine your faith, friend.

You cannot see clear teachings of Jesus' word.


Well-known member
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why my spreading Jesus word of "love your enemy" relate to being me banned?

I don't think they give you a fair shake, Milkshake. I sincerely hope you find someone who can help to connect the dots. Meanwhile I think you try to be a good Christian, yet, like most posters, you write more about what you think you know, rather than ask questions about what you don't know.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I can see clearly so called "Christians" misrepresenting Jesus' pacifism position to warmonger savior.

You need to reexamine your faith, friend.

You cannot see clear teachings of Jesus' word.

How are you able to judge others? You don't even know if you're a true Christian?


Originally Posted by Grosnick Marowbe View Post

Would you prefer we disband our military and let the Communists walk on in and take over?

You keep claim from the world's point of you view.

the world will take care of itself.

Why don't you pay attention or focusing to spread God's kingdom instead of being so political?

Your Lord seem to be your country, obviously.
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I don't think they give you a fair shake, Milkshake. I sincerely hope you find someone who can help to connect the dots. Meanwhile I think you try to be a good Christian, yet, like most posters, you write more about what you think you know, rather than ask questions about what you don't know.

I don't have my own opinion I am not smart.

that's why I rely on what Jesus teachings and commands.

thank you K. You are kind.
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Active member
I know enough to state that they're both cults. Can you prove me wrong? Are you a member of one of these cults? Seems like you're making an attempt to defend them? I don't really believe you're in a position to say what I know or don't know? You don't know me pal.

I don't need to know you. What you've written is enough for me to know how little you know about either faith. The reality is there's as much similarity between the Jehovahs Witnesses and Hinduism as there is with the Mormon Faith in other words none.

And i don't need to provide any proof to you. You're entitled to your opinion even if its incorrect. In addition its self evident from your posts and fallacious claim that you're not interested in any proof. If you was you wouldn't be dogmatically sticking to your erroneous position as well as repeating to others that the JW's are a cult the same as the Mormons.


That's too bad, a lot of men and women have sacrificed greatly so that you may have your own opinion.

My opinion is nothing because I decided to follow Jesus.

He is much smarter than any men.

You need to trust His word for guidance because you claim to be a Christian.