pacifism for true Jesus' followers.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
The church's presence has brought "remarkable change and blessing" to people??? Are you serious? The church should have been saying NO WAR! They should have been teaching their people what Christ taught, and then there would be no war. But the churches sided with the nations and supported war.

Christians obey the government---but not when the government is GOING AGAINST CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES. And if you'll notice, the scriptures say to pray that the government will simply allow us to preach about the Kingdom of God....not that the government will remain strong and/or conquer other nations.

The military institutions are NOT "ordained by God"! If you believe that, then you believe that Hitler's Third Reich was ordained by God.

It's not the military that Paul was talking about in Romans 13. He was referring to the police and judicial institutions.

You didn't get the right idea about me, dear. I "got saved" just like everybody else in my Baptist church when I was in my teens. But I didn't like the hypocrisy I saw and I didn't agree with certain doctrines. I didn't "join the JWs just to spite the church." LOL When I left the churches I did so because I didn't see any one of them following Christ. When I met JWs I said, "Oh, maybe there IS somebody really following Christ!"

Jesus Christ did not go around proclaiming "no war" that is a lie...He actually said there would be wars and rumours of war until His coming. He said "I have not come to bring peace but a sword"

So you are a liar

You are a liar also when you say that you were saved and can't tell the difference between JWs born again Christians

You saw everybody else's hypocrisy just like shackles, your mess smells so much sweeter, after all you are perfect aren't you, dear.

You are a liar also when you claim JWs are more godly...I have met too many of them who are engaged in secret sins...boy do they work hard to keep it covered up.

There was no police force in Paul's time just the soldiery, the military. They kept the civil and the international law.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Pacifists want their freedom, however, if the military is disbanded, we would soon lose our freedom. Then, what would the pacifists have to bellyache about?

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Jesus Christ did not go around proclaiming "no war" that is a lie...He actually said there would be wars and rumours of war until His coming. He said "I have not come to bring peace but a sword"

So you are a liar

You are a liar also when you say that you were saved and can't tell the difference between JWs and born again Christians...

You saw everybody else's hypocrisy just like shackles, your mess smells so much sweeter, after all you are perfect aren't you.

You are a liar also when you claim JWs are more godly...I have met too many of them who are engaged in secret sins...boy do they work hard to keep it covered up.

There was no police force in Paul's time just the soldiery, the military. They kept the civil and the international law.

Just the work of the Red Cross and the Salvation Army alone are good enough to brag on but they are just a small part of all the blessings the church has brought

Hospitals, schools, orpanages, provision for the poor, the list is endless

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The world has had wars going on for thousands of years. (At least six to ten thousand years.) And, as Totton says, they will continue. It's part of our sinful worldly system.


Well-known member
Reasons for pacifists:

1) Religious fanaticism?
2) Cowardice? (Yellow streak up the back?)
3) Unpatriotic?
4) Mental illness?
5) Immature logic/reason?
6) The desire to have our country overthrown?
7) Ex-Flower child syndrome?
8) Peace at all costs?
9) Death wish?

Can anyone think of any other possible reasons? Please be rational if at all possible?

10) Reading someone else's mail.

Lazy afternoon

This will certainly be evidenced at the final war to end all wars -Armageddon- where no Christian and those favoured by God will participate in that warfare.

Rev 19:7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.
Rev 19:8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

Rev 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
Rev 19:12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
Rev 19:13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
Rev 19:14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
Rev 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

Psa 149:6 Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a twoedged sword in their hand;
Psa 149:7 To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people;
Psa 149:8 To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron;
Psa 149:9 To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the LORD.


Lazy afternoon

Jesus Christ did not go around proclaiming "no war" that is a lie...He actually said there would be wars and rumours of war until His coming. He said "I have not come to bring peace but a sword"

So you are a liar

Jesus was speaking of His word (received] causing division among families and friends.

He only spoke of wars and rumors of wars of the carnal kind but did nor endorse them.

You are a liar also when you say that you were saved and can't tell the difference between JWs born again Christians

You saw everybody else's hypocrisy just like shackles, your mess smells so much sweeter, after all you are perfect aren't you, dear.

You seem to have picked up a foul spirit since your conversion.

You are a liar also when you claim JWs are more godly...I have met too many of them who are engaged in secret sins...boy do they work hard to keep it covered up.

Perhaps he was referring to the contrast between the JWs he knows and many of the posters on this board.

Tell us how you know of these secret sins?

There was no police force in Paul's time just the soldiery, the military. They kept the civil and the international law.


You seem ignorant of the civil authorities of the time.


patrick jane

Totton Linnet;4676808 So you are a liar You are a liar also when you say that you were saved and can't tell the difference between JWs born again Christians You saw everybody else's hypocrisy just like shackles said:
your mess smells so much sweeter[/FONT], after all you are perfect aren't you, dear.

You are a liar also when you claim JWs are more godly...I have met too many of them who are engaged in secret sins...boy do they work hard to keep it covered up.

There was no police force in Paul's time just the soldiery, the military. They kept the civil and the international law.




New member
Er, no. Absolutely incorrect. Mormons and JW's both are untenable. They both have that in common. They are both started by cult leaders who have been in trouble with the law. They are both wrong about the identity of the person of Jesus Christ. Both elevate themselves to be 'gods' with every elevated/deified sense of the word. Both are works-based faiths toward salvation. Both are brain-washing. Etc. Etc.

Both are heresies. Both are leeches off the back of Christianity. Whatever you are trying to distance yourself from, isn't important to Christians. We really just think both are damnable heresies. That alone is enough alike to not really be worried about nuances of differences or stark ones after that.

JW had leaders that were in trouble with the law? LOL! What drivel. The reasons for some brothers going to jail are so meager compared to all the law-breaking your blessed popes have done through the centuries!!

Have you read about any of them? Why not start with the Borgias (good ole Rodrigo)???

When you can come back and tell me about Pope Rodrigo Borgia, I will gladly listen.



New member
I have a theory. Could it be possible that the anti-Christ is being held back because of the USA Military might? What else stands in the way of some "world dictatorship?" Perhaps, God is using our country to delay the anti-Christs take over? Which will certainly occur at some point in time? Maybe, after the USA is no longer a threat to tyranny?

The Bible says that all of the nations are under the power of the wicked one...including this one. (I John 5:19)

It also says that all the kings (heads of state) and their armies will be annihilated by Christ. Looks like you'll go down with them. (Revelation 19:15-19)


New member
Jesus Christ did not go around proclaiming "no war" that is a lie...He actually said there would be wars and rumours of war until His coming. He said "I have not come to bring peace but a sword"

So you are a liar

You are a liar also when you say that you were saved and can't tell the difference between JWs born again Christians

You saw everybody else's hypocrisy just like shackles, your mess smells so much sweeter, after all you are perfect aren't you, dear.

You are a liar also when you claim JWs are more godly...I have met too many of them who are engaged in secret sins...boy do they work hard to keep it covered up.

There was no police force in Paul's time just the soldiery, the military. They kept the civil and the international law.


You have the sense of a raisin. Jesus didn't advocate the situation of the division that would occur when he came. He didn't come with the purpose of "bringing a sword"! It's just something that would happen, in spite of his teachings of peace. He never advocated war....he said "love your enemies." Yet you say I AM A LIAR?

Aren't there "secret sins" being practiced by EVERY religion's adherents? Why do you home in on JWs? Let me tell you, DEARIE, when JWs who practice secret sins are exposed, they get disciplined for it, unlike other religions that just cover them up and look the other way.

Paul would accept any police force that the state would provide. He would not accept the killing of other people in other cities or countries for the selfish reasons of Caesar.