pacifism for true Jesus' followers.


Well-known member
JW had leaders that were in trouble with the law? LOL! What drivel.
The magic corn is a matter of public record.
The reasons for some brothers going to jail are so meager compared to all the law-breaking your blessed popes have done through the centuries!!
I'm not Catholic but even with my hang-ups with the RC, I'd be Catholic before JW.

Have you read about any of them? Why not start with the Borgias (good ole Rodrigo)???

When you can come back and tell me about Pope Rodrigo Borgia, I will gladly listen.
Sure. I'm not Catholic.

Yeah, I already feel with JW's, the devil is in the details so the icon isn't helping.

We are being asked to quit the rabbit-trail and get back on the pacifist topic...
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The magic corn is a matter of public record.

I'm not Catholic but even with my hang-ups with the RC, I'd be Catholic before JW.

Sure. I'm not Catholic.

Yeah, I already feel with JW's, the devil is in the details so the icon isn't helping.

All your posts have nothing to do with OP.

where is your manner?
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Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
You have the sense of a raisin. Jesus didn't advocate the situation of the division that would occur when he came. He didn't come with the purpose of "bringing a sword"! It's just something that would happen, in spite of his teachings of peace. He never advocated war....he said "love your enemies." Yet you say I AM A LIAR?

Aren't there "secret sins" being practiced by EVERY religion's adherents? Why do you home in on JWs? Let me tell you, DEARIE, when JWs who practice secret sins are exposed, they get disciplined for it, unlike other religions that just cover them up and look the other way.

Paul would accept any police force that the state would provide. He would not accept the killing of other people in other cities or countries for the selfish reasons of Caesar.

Let me tell you why I home in on you and shackles dearie

Because you are snakes, the clue is in the title Jehovah's witnesses, Jesus said "ye shall be witnesses unto Me"

But if you claimed to be Jesu's witnesses people would believe you were Christians and that is the LAST thing you want to be identified as.

I never met a JW that did not hate Christians, you are brainwashed to hate Christians, but you come acreeping, pretending to be friendly. You believe that every trinity believing Christian is an idolator because we worship Christ as God. You believe we are Babylon who God will destroy and against who God has the greatest fury.

When I said shackles was a murderer people were shocked

Over the top Tots they said...mean and nasty

But that is EXACTLY what the word of God calls you, you trace your lineage all the way back to Cain who slew his brother. You are the people who followed Christ around, picking up stones to stone Him with because He being a man made Himself to be God.


Then [because God will always back up His word] shackles proclaimed to all TOL her murderous heart when jerzy posted that God was raising up Isis to punish the Trins

All the beheadings, even little children, the rapings the driving of tens of thousands into the mountains, this was God punishing the Trins. So said jerzy and got banned forever more. But shackles was right there with him "Amen brother" she said "thank you for this thread brother" she said.

She supports Isis killing Christians and claims [as do you] to be pacifists, the ultimate hypocrisy

And YOU are the same.

Lazy afternoon

Let me tell you why I home in on you and shackles dearie

Because you are snakes, the clue is in the title Jehovah's witnesses, Jesus said "ye shall be witnesses unto Me"

But if you claimed to be Jesu's witnesses people would believe you were Christians and that is the LAST thing you want to be identified as.

I never met a JW that did not hate Christians, you are brainwashed to hate Christians, but you come acreeping, pretending to be friendly. You believe that every trinity believing Christian is an idolator because we worship Christ as God. You believe we are Babylon who God will destroy and against who God has the greatest fury.

When I said shackles was a murderer people were shocked

Over the top Tots they said...mean and nasty

But that is EXACTLY what the word of God calls you, you trace your lineage all the way back to Cain who slew his brother. You are the people who followed Christ around, picking up stones to stone Him with because He being a man made Himself to be God.


Then [because God will always back up His word] shackles proclaimed to all TOL her murderous heart when jerzy posted that God was raising up Isis to punish the Trins

All the beheadings, even little children, the rapings the driving of tens of thousands into the mountains, this was God punishing the Trins. So said jerzy and got banned forever more. But shackles was right there with him "Amen brother" she said "thank you for this thread brother" she said.

She supports Isis killing Christians and claims [as do you] to be pacifists, the ultimate hypocrisy

And YOU are the same.

You have the nasty spirit of John W.

Most of what you have said is a distortion.



TL's nasty spirit is obvious but most approve of her nastiness in this site.

And she is approved to be true and saved Christian by them.

This is the reality of this site.

You are the only one who is pointing out this, LA.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
TL's nasty spirit is obvious but most approve of her nastiness in this site.

And she is approved to be true and saved Christian by them.

This is the reality of this site.

You are the only one who is pointing out this, LA.

Both you and LA have a magnificent bond of ignorance. Don't ever change that. It's refreshing to observe.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Jesus was speaking of His word (received] causing division among families and friends.

He only spoke of wars and rumors of wars of the carnal kind but did nor endorse them.

You seem to have picked up a foul spirit since your conversion.

Perhaps he was referring to the contrast between the JWs he knows and many of the posters on this board.

Tell us how you know of these secret sins?

You seem ignorant of the civil authorities of the time.


And, you seem ignorant about EVERYTHING else.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
You have the nasty spirit of John W.

Most of what you have said is a distortion.


You are another one aren't you. you also believe we are idolators because we worship Christ the Lord, you also believe we are Babylon who God is going to destroy with violence

And you think I am nasty

I at least speak with open face as does john of the w [though he is of course more humble than me] you on the other hand with shackles and KR and others come in among us craftily.

It never occurs to you that just maybe it is God who is against think the hate for the church comes from Him but it is in your own hearts...just like Cain

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
TL's nasty spirit is obvious but most approve of her nastiness in this site.

And she is approved to be true and saved Christian by them.

This is the reality of this site.

You are the only one who is pointing out this, LA.

Yes you do not consider it to be nasty to believe that God is going to destroy the church with are warped


New member
To the raisin-sensibility person's post #507:

I'm not even reading your crap. When I figure out how to block you I will, and I have never blocked ANYONE. You take the cake, HONEY.


Let me tell you why I home in on you and shackles dearie

Because you are snakes, the clue is in the title Jehovah's witnesses, Jesus said "ye shall be witnesses unto Me"

But if you claimed to be Jesu's witnesses people would believe you were Christians and that is the LAST thing you want to be identified as.

I never met a JW that did not hate Christians, you are brainwashed to hate Christians, but you come acreeping, pretending to be friendly. You believe that every trinity believing Christian is an idolator because we worship Christ as God. You believe we are Babylon who God will destroy and against who God has the greatest fury.

When I said shackles was a murderer people were shocked

Over the top Tots they said...mean and nasty

But that is EXACTLY what the word of God calls you, you trace your lineage all the way back to Cain who slew his brother. You are the people who followed Christ around, picking up stones to stone Him with because He being a man made Himself to be God.


Then [because God will always back up His word] shackles proclaimed to all TOL her murderous heart when jerzy posted that God was raising up Isis to punish the Trins

All the beheadings, even little children, the rapings the driving of tens of thousands into the mountains, this was God punishing the Trins. So said jerzy and got banned forever more. But shackles was right there with him "Amen brother" she said "thank you for this thread brother" she said.

She supports Isis killing Christians and claims [as do you] to be pacifists, the ultimate hypocrisy

And YOU are the same.
This is Totten Linen's comment.

Wow, how can anyone with such hateful attitude and claiming to be true and saved Christian.

That is what happens when you disregard Jesus' teachings and claim to be His follower.
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Eric h

Well-known member
Very sadly, the sword that Jesus was bringing would be the sword that turns one Christian against another.

You have to look no further than this thread to see the total disunity that the word of Christ has brought about. I get the feeling that if all of us were in the same room with swords, and having this argument, there would be blood.

I sincerely believe we should look for the good in all people, and love one another as Christ loves us, so that all men will recognise that we are all disciples of Christ.




Very sadly, the sword that Jesus was bringing would be the sword that turns one Christian against another.

You have to look no further than this thread to see the total disunity that the word of Christ has brought about. I get the feeling that if all of us were in the same room with swords, and having this argument, there would be blood.

I sincerely believe we should look for the good in all people, and love one another as Christ loves us, so that all men will recognise that we are all disciples of Christ.



Thank you brother. You have been a great contribution to this thread. You are greatly blessed knowing Jesus' whole truth gospel.

You were subject to the abuse but that's what happens to true Jesus' followers.

Jesus has been misrepresented to the world in overall as violent Savior. We are working against God and Jesus with current situation. We should be speaking against such sinful situation.

I hope you read my new thread "the whole truth Gospel", and I am preparing part two now.

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patrick jane

Let me tell you why I home in on you and shackles dearie

Because you are snakes, the clue is in the title Jehovah's witnesses, Jesus said "ye shall be witnesses unto Me"

But shackles was right there with him "Amen brother" she said "thank you for this thread brother" she said.

She supports Isis killing Christians and claims [as do you] to be pacifists, the ultimate hypocrisy

And YOU are the same.

Terrible shakles

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
churches deary, not the Church.

It is not that God will destroy the churches but that the churches are going where God can not protect them from their own due.

You speak like a dragon.


Would you list which churches God is going to destroy

Babylon which is what you call us does not get destroyed by default but is destroyed by God in a violent overthrow....

God will destroy Babylon

But the desire YOU have to see the church destroyed is your own evil is Cain

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Very sadly, the sword that Jesus was bringing would be the sword that turns one Christian against another.

You have to look no further than this thread to see the total disunity that the word of Christ has brought about. I get the feeling that if all of us were in the same room with swords, and having this argument, there would be blood.

I sincerely believe we should look for the good in all people, and love one another as Christ loves us, so that all men will recognise that we are all disciples of Christ.



Jesus never embraced the children of the devil, we are not encouraged to do so either but to expose them for what they are.

They haven't changed

They are the same as they are in the bible, they act the same, they say the same things, they fight against the same doctrines, they preach the same message.

They creep in among us pretending to be sheep