pacifism for true Jesus' followers.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I called you a murderer on the authority of God's word just as I did shackles...BEFORE she PROVED to all TOLers that God's word is true. And God's word will find YOU out too....God will always back up His word.

The word is that you hate His church, the brethren. That is murder, the spirit of Cain who slew his brother.

I don't suppose Judas or Caiphas or Annas ever physically killed anyone but they did kill the Christ.

Britain had a pacifist Prime Minister in the years before the war as did France, when Hitler invaded Chekozlovakia and the Sudentan land they did nothing, in fact they negotiated those nations rights away in return for a pledge form Hitler that he would not invade any other nation. "Peace in our time" Chamberlain said waving the pact for everyone to see. The Germans were already brutalising the Chekz.

Then Hitler invaded Poland.

If Britain and France had acted responsibly and upheld INTERNATIONAL LAW millions of lives would have been saved, there would have been no world war.

....and you talk about ignorance

Good post


New member
Exodus 15:3 KJV The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is his name.

No, the lowly Galilean fisherman, being the alleged "pacifist," "sweet baby lying in a manger," harmless, would not....

John 2:15 KJV and when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables;.....

....would, He?

Good day to you, sir.

This is the only example in the bible that shows when Jesus got mad and lost his temper and everyone uses it. Here are like over 10 scriptures on being non-violent, no temper, turn the other cheek and yet everyone jumps to the ONE scripture where he gets mad. I find it funny what people choose to believe even though there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary.


This is the only example in the bible that shows when Jesus got mad and lost his temper and everyone uses it. Here are like over 10 scriptures on being non-violent, no temper, turn the other cheek and yet everyone jumps to the ONE scripture where he gets mad. I find it funny what people choose to believe even though there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary.


It proves how desperate they are to seek the loopholes to justify their violent faith at Jesus' expense.

He did not even harm anyone even in this account.

You are so blessed, my friend, knowing Jesus' perfect loving messages.


New member
And what more shall I say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak and Samson and Jephthah, also of David and Samuel and the prophets who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, became valiant in battle, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. (Hebrews 11:32-34)​


And what more shall I say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak and Samson and Jephthah, also of David and Samuel and the prophets who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, became valiant in battle, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. (Hebrews 11:32-34)​

This does not prove anything against Jesus' pacifism.

You need to read the Scripture to harmonize with Jesus' fundamental and basic character of pacifism.

You are twisting around it to suit your desire and your violent faith.

patrick jane

I bet messhak tells people that she teaches on TOL and how it takes up most of her time. Her ministry to spread Jesus' teachings. Yes folks, she tells strangers and those outside TOL that she teaches here. :rotfl:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I bet messhak tells people that she teaches on TOL and how it takes up most of her time. Her ministry to spread Jesus' teachings. Yes folks, she tells strangers and those outside TOL that she teaches here. :rotfl:

Well, I'll not be giving teacher Meshak any apples, that's for certain.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
This does not prove anything against Jesus' pacifism.

You need to read the Scripture to harmonize with Jesus' fundamental and basic character of pacifism.

You are twisting around it to suit your desire and your violent faith.

Those glasses you're wearing will not help you with your Spiritual blindness.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

It proves how desperate they are to seek the loopholes to justify their violent faith at Jesus' expense.

He did not even harm anyone even in this account.

You are so blessed, my friend, knowing Jesus' perfect loving messages.

You're in no position to judge. You said: "I don't know if I'm saved?" So, how would you know if someone else was dear?


New member
This is ridiculous :doh:

God is our protector, who would never ask for us- the men- to be slaughtered so that our wives and children die.

That is the problem with you God foraken pacifists..
I mean really, what in the Hell is the matter with yall :plain:

Those who believe in Christ follow his teachings and his example and trust God, even if it costs us our lives.

Those who don't believe, but choose to live in fear like this person, will never understand that.

patrick jane

Revelation 19:11-12 KJV - Revelation 19:13-14 KJV -

Revelation 19:15 KJV -

Revelation 19:16-17 KJV - Revelation 19:19 KJV -

Revelation 19:21 KJV - And the remnant were slain with the sword of Him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of His mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.

Matthew 10:34 KJV -

Eric h

Well-known member
Britain had a pacifist Prime Minister in the years before the war as did France, when Hitler invaded Chekozlovakia and the Sudentan land they did nothing, in fact they negotiated those nations rights away in return for a pledge form Hitler that he would not invade any other nation. "Peace in our time" Chamberlain said waving the pact for everyone to see. The Germans were already brutalising the Chekz.

Then Hitler invaded Poland.

Now America has taken on the role of who to invade and bomb.

If Britain and France had acted responsibly and upheld INTERNATIONAL LAW millions of lives would have been saved, there would have been no world war.

America has been responsible for the deaths of between 20 - 30 million since WW2, last year they dropped around 23,000 bombs. I doubt if many lives have been saved.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Now America has taken on the role of who to invade and bomb.

America has been responsible for the deaths of between 20 - 30 million since WW2, last year they dropped around 23,000 bombs. I doubt if many lives have been saved.

If you're so anti-America why not move to another country? We won't miss ya, right?

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Now America has taken on the role of who to invade and bomb.

America has been responsible for the deaths of between 20 - 30 million since WW2, last year they dropped around 23,000 bombs. I doubt if many lives have been saved.

It is important to note that neither Britain or France or Germany or America is the church, they are nations in which the church is tolerated and by her presence there has brought remarkable change and blessing to the people [which of course the politicians take credit for] As Christians we are commanded to obey the government and to pray for the government.

The government including the military and civil military the police force are ordained by God they are His institutions Paul says to reward the good and to punish the wrongdoer.

My argument against jerzy, kingdom rose and shackles is that they go around on this mission of condemning the sins in high places to deflect attention away from the corruption in their own hearts which they refuse to come to God and be saved from, to be radically changed themselves by the new birth.

shackles particularly own back yard is a mess which she won't clean up.....she will go to the public park and clean up the litter and condemns Christians for not joining her but she will not address her own wrongdoing. Nothing could be a clearer picture.

And although I don't [yet] know about KR I guarantee it will be the same, I know some things which she has shared like she was brought up in a Christian home but never got saved from which I can understand how she joined the JWs out of spite for the church.
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Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Those who believe in Christ follow his teachings and his example and trust God, even if it costs us our lives.

Those who don't believe, but choose to live in fear like this person, will never understand that.

Do you believe that Paul is God's spokesman to the non Jew? that we are to follow him and be obedient to his gospel?


Now America has taken on the role of who to invade and bomb.

America has been responsible for the deaths of between 20 - 30 million since WW2, last year they dropped around 23,000 bombs. I doubt if many lives have been saved.

It is just too bad that so called "Christians" need to be given this kind of information, yet they still refuse to acknowledge their wrong pro-military position.

There are many pacifist Christians don't have this kind of information yet they acknowledge Jesus' simple and clear messages of pacifist loving teachings.

You are powerful witness for Jesus' loving teachings, friend.

It is not easy to go against majority accepted and politically correct practice or teachings.

patrick jane

It is just too bad that so called "Christians" need to be given this kind of information, yet they still refuse to acknowledge their wrong pro-military position.

There are many pacifist Christians don't have this kind of information yet they acknowledge Jesus' simple and clear messages of pacifist loving teachings.

You are powerful witness for Jesus' loving teachings, friend.

It is not easy to go against majority accepted and politically correct practice or teachings.
Should we have no military meshak ? Should we strip the military and get rid of it ? Foolish errand

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It is just too bad that so called "Christians" need to be given this kind of information, yet they still refuse to acknowledge their wrong pro-military position.

There are many pacifist Christians don't have this kind of information yet they acknowledge Jesus' simple and clear messages of pacifist loving teachings.

You are powerful witness for Jesus' loving teachings, friend.

It is not easy to go against majority accepted and politically correct practice or teachings.

Would you prefer we disband our military and let the Communists walk on in and take over? Most likely they would place you and your family in some kind of concentration camp or decide to just shoot you and get it over with?