ECT Our triune God

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New member
He could. John only surmised (or was reflecting over the need of man without Christ, which was/is our death and defeat) that none could. One of the Elders corrected him:
Rev 5:5 And one of the elders said to me, "Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals."

Let me rephrase: Why couldn't the God of the Lion of the tribe of Judah or, for that matter, the Holy Spirit, have opened it? What were the [apparent] qualifications?

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New member
God the Father let men fill up their iniquity, What made the pre flood prophets as well as Noah different?

Why was Noah able to walk with God and not the rest?

Right. God let them fill up so He coudd get discusted with them just so He could bring the 'hammer' down on them. Re your Noah question: If you are one those who believe man never had a freewill, you are snookered for your answer.


Literal lunatic
Let me rephrase: Why couldn't the God of the Lion of the tribe of Judah or, for that matter, the Holy Spirit, have opened it? What were the [apparent] qualifications?

His prevailing.

Now that he has prevailed the Father has given him all that he has.

Just like with the Holy Spirit, God is not an Indian giver.


Literal lunatic
Right. God let them fill up so He coudd get discusted with them just so He could bring the 'hammer' down on them.


Seems to me he said they grieved him at his heart.

Genesis 6:6
And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

Re your Noah question: If you are one those who believe man never had a freewill, you are snookered for your answer.

And if this is the case what works are those guys gonna do to be saved, now that Jesus went and preached to them?


Well-known member
And last time we both looked, He was a Glorified man. What caused you believe for something other than that?

Revelation 5:5
I have no idea why you are thinking Jesus was naught but a glorified man. It is stuff like this that had you on ignore in the first place. In what sense are you triune?

Lazy afternoon

Revelation 5:5
I have no idea why you are thinking Jesus was naught but a glorified man. It is stuff like this that had you on ignore in the first place. In what sense are you triune?

Jesus had to be a man in order to be tempted and to die.

Jesus was made a man like us.


Cross Reference

New member
Revelation 5:5
I have no idea why you are thinking Jesus was naught but a glorified man. It is stuff like this that had you on ignore in the first place. In what sense are you triune?

Was He not a Glorified man? When do you believe He became more than that, at what point in time? For that matter, when did he become Glorified and why did His Father Glorify Him at all? Why did He need to be Glorified, for what reason? Please answer those questions in your reply.

"Was naught but a Glorified man"?? Jesus learned obedience. What is your definition of "Glorification" if not "God completely fulfilled in human flesh"? Where do you place that in your theology? I purposely use the word "fullfilled" because that is what His mission was about up until His transfiruration on the Mt, i.e., revealing god in human flesh. Didn't Jesus say to Phillip: "If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father"? Is there another definition you wish to remind me of I am overlooking?

When you run out of answers and ideas, I go on ignore. That's interesting and quite revealing.
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TOL Subscriber
God didn't create sin and disobedience,


it happened as a natural progression of creation

So now sin is "natural" as the progression of a creation that was originally "tov" (good)? Creation just arbitrarily brought forth sin all by it's wittle bitty self.

Wow. You have no clue. Tell us all exactly what it means that God created evil in Isaiah 45:7. (Hint: the Calvinists don't understand Theodicy either.)


TOL Subscriber
Was He not a Glorified man? When do you believe He became more than that, at what point in time? For that matter, when did he become Glorified and why did His Father Glorify Him at all? Why did He need to be Glorified, for what reason? Please answer those questions in your reply.

"Was naught but a Glorified man"?? Jesus learned obedience. What is your definition of "Glorification" if not "God completely fulfilled in human flesh"? Where do you place that in your theology? I purposely use the word "fullfilled" because that is what His mission was about up until His transfiruration on the Mt, i.e., revealing god in human flesh. Didn't Jesus say to Phillip: "If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father"? Is there another definition you wish to remind me of I am overlooking?

When you run out of answers and ideas, I go on ignore. That's interesting and quite revealing.

So are you more Unitarian (Jesus as a man "created"/born from Mary's womb) or Arian (Jesus as a created celestial being who then "became" a man in the womb of Mary) or an Adoptionist (Arian or Unitarian, but with the man becoming divine or glorified in some manner during life, at death, or at/after resurrection/Ascension)?