ECT Our triune God

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New member
It only seems that way because your only lookin' at it from one side.

Half brained so to speak.
Well, I am not expecting you to follow his lead. How 'bout some answers, some replies re who was Jesus and why it was that God couldn't read the scroll? Do you and Lon want everyone here know that you don't know?

patrick jane

I could do so nearly as infinitude, but you wouldn't listen because you think you already know. Why would I engage in such futility?

You didn't address what it means when Isaiah indicates God creates evil (ra'a). What is ra'a, especially relative to tov ("good")?

No I don't think i already know, that's why I asked you to explain.


TOL Subscriber
No I don't think i already know, that's why I asked you to explain.

In the most over-arching sense, tov ("good") means functional. And ra'a is negation or privation as dys-/mal-/non-function.

Ra'a is the latent quality within functionality that can be brought forth by addition as subtraction. Functionality, by it's very condition must have potentiality for negation of degrees of functionality. It's a qualitative consideration (anarthrous) rather than quantitative.

In one were to picture a mechanism with intricate functionality, such as gears and other moving parts; if one were to add a wrench (or whatever object) to the mechanism, it would subtract functionality.

A car being totally functional would have a change in that condition if sugar were added to the fuel tank (and thus introduced to the internal combustion process of the engine). This addition subtracts from function.

The serpent added to God's words, negating them in a pattern that induced deception. Eve, rather than refusing to listen and adhering to God's words, communicated with the serpent and heard another word. This horizontal external communication abrogated vertical internal constant communion of spiritual life (zoe) with/from God, and thus was the spiritual death (thanatos - cessation of communion with environment of origin) that resulted in the condition of sin (as a noun), the wages of which would be physical death (again, thanatos as cessation of communion for the body and its environment of origin - this cosmos).

Ra'a indirectly comes from tov if tov is added to for subtraction. God creates ra'a in that He created the functionality that gets un-ed or non-ed by adding for negation.

There's much more, but that's a brief summary.
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Literal lunatic
In the most over-arching sense, tov ("good") means functional. And ra'a is negation or privation as dys-/man-/non-function.

Ra'a is the latent quality within functionality that can be brought forth by addition as subtraction. Functionality, by it's very condition must have potentiality for negation of degrees of functionality. It's a qualitative consideration (anarthrous) rather than quantitative.

In one were to picture a mechanism with intricate functionality, such as gears and other moving parts; if one were to add a wrench (or whatever object) to the mechanism, it would subtract functionality.

A car being totally functional would have a change in that condition if sugar were added to the fuel tank (and thus introduced to the internal combustion process of the engine). This addition subtracts from function.

The serpent added to God's words, negating them in a pattern that induced deception. Eve, rather than refusing to listen and adhering to God's words, communicated with the serpent and heard another word. This horizontal external communication abrogated vertical internal constant communion of spiritual life (zoe) with/from God, and thus was the spiritual death (thanatos - cessation of communion with environment of origin) that resulted in the condition of sin (as a noun), the wages of which would be physical death (again, thanatos as cessation of communion for the body and its environment of origin - this cosmos).

Ra'a indirectly comes from tov if tov is added to for subtraction. God creates ra'a in that He created the functionality that gets un-ed or non-ed by adding for negation.

There's much more, but that's a brief summary.

Adam and Eve did not change, the environment changed.

Satan also was created, so who threw the wrench into his cogs?


Literal lunatic
I'd tell you, but you can't possibly comprehend what I'd say because of your presuppositional disposition of heart. :(

Hard to say.

I'm not into the accepted theological definitions of hypostasis or hypostatic union.

The way Christ has manifested himself to me defies putting a name on it.

Lazy afternoon

You preach a false gospel

Only a fully righteous man like Adam born from Mary could atone for the sins of the world.

Otherwise it was unlawful.

Rom 5:14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.
Rom 5:15 But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.

Cross Reference

New member
Only a fully righteous man like Adam born from Mary could atone for the sins of the world.

Otherwise it was unlawful.

Rom 5:14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.
Rom 5:15 But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.

I believe that as well.

Cross Reference

New member
Adam and Eve did not change, the environment changed.

I believe that as well. What I beleve happened was when God subjected them both to the law of the flesh [to prove them] otherwise known as futile living/thinking, vainness as in vanity, He did so with hope spoken of by Paul (Rom 8:20), that they would have sought God for the victory. They didn't. The consequence was that their failure sealed themselves and all of their progeny to forever having to deal with the issue all their lives . . . and the beat goes on, even on Christian forums.

"To whom you obey, his servant you are". Rom 6:16 KJV. In this does serving our flesh yeild the same consequence.

Lazy afternoon

Only a fully righteous man like Adam born from Mary could atone for the sins of the world.

Otherwise it was unlawful.

Rom 5:14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.
Rom 5:15 But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.

I believe that as well.

Yes and it takes nothing away from His Divinity.

by His right of being Gods son, filled with Gods word, anointed by God , and His resurrection and raising to Gods Throne.


Believing in Jesus the preexistent God, does not give access to Gods Grace.


Cross Reference

New member
Yes and it takes nothing away from His Divinity.

by His right of being Gods son, filled with Gods word, anointed by God , and His resurrection and raising to Gods Throne.


Believing in Jesus the preexistent God, does not give access to Gods Grace.


PS. Leave it alone. It is of no "consequence" whether or not that is true. It is a "so what?"

OMT: Jesus is not yet sitting on His Father's Throne. More things are yet to be accomplished by Him, a one thousand year reign on Earth being one of them which will sound the death knell to sin, death and the law of the flesh.