On Rape


New member
if i go to a gay bar wearing chaps and drink until i pass out, i bear absolutely no responsibility for what happens next?
According to aCW you wouldn't even need to go to a gay bar. A previously straight guy may decide to become gay at the sight of you in your chaps while in a compromised situation.
Of course what this guy decided to do to you would have been all your fault and any unpleasant diseases acquired by either party in the process. :rolleyes:


New member
I am interested in reading your reasoning. I am not going to make any emotional responses.

I do have my own theories as to how a rape culture was created. The woman individually may not be responsible, but the cancer of feminism and political correctness feeds into it. It has created an atmosphere of resentment and misogyny.

I am a veteran and manage many military themed boards. Feminists tend to try and strip away from these old salts many of their traditional practices because 'they are not politically correct'. They get very resentful. I have seen many fights break out on these boards. I ban the PC feminists to keep things running smoothly.

Also a part of this culture of rape and misogyny is the proliferation of men making themselves into 'mock women'--replacing women with themselves.
Isn't your theory also an excuse?

Our fallen human nature has always been full of resentment, anger and violence.

Each generation brings it's own twist to this.
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New member
Well, I know you may not like this, but I can think of some instances where rape is the woman's fault. I know....women are supposed to have the right to strip naked and do a pole dance at a frat party with a bunch of drunk college men and not get raped, but the fact remains....it would be her fault if she ended up getting raped.
Congrats...I came back to a thread that I'd permanently declined, for this post.

This is exactly what the sociologically profound OP wants you to say.

Come on, glorydaz, what are you thinking with this?
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New member
problem is, wiz, as the rules stand right now, you could be in the middle of a consensual act and if she changes her mind and says "no" and you continue, that's rape

and i'm struggling with how to deal with these instances of behavior that no Christian should engage in - pole dancing, strip clubs, prostitutes, wild parties fueled by alcohol and drugs - while they're certainly a part of our diseased culture, i find it difficult not to just dismiss the whole mess and turn my back on it

unfortunately, it comes to my central point, which is that the cesspool of a culture that exists has been allowed to develop with the complacence of those who should know better, who should be leaders in setting societal norms - Christians, especially Christian woman

for every Christian woman who has allowed herself to be swayed by the arguments of those who claim that "freedom for all means we must allow freedom for the perverse", whether those perversities be abortion, pornography, divorce, adultery, homosexuality or a culture absolutely saturated in sex (see miley cyrus), i lay blame

What's the struggle? Do not go to such places of perversion.
Turn off the TV if necessary. Write to sponsors and list your disapproval.
Consider how many Christian men were swayed by that abomination Hugh Heffner and his playboy ethic?
Freedom means that I can say yea or nay to activities in my surroundings.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Well, I know you may not like this, but I can think of some instances where rape is the woman's fault. I know....women are supposed to have the right to strip naked and do a pole dance at a frat party with a bunch of drunk college men and not get raped, but the fact remains....it would be her fault if she ended up getting raped.

well uh

somebody had to say that
I am happy it wasn't me

you go girl

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
By that logic, I should be pardoned in court when I beat the crap out of you and take your wallet. Simply doesn't work that way.

no, you should be held responsible for your behavior

just as i should be held responsible for my behavior if i wave my wallet in front of you chanting "nyah, nyah, nyah - I have five hundred dollars and you don't" right before i pass out

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
watching this at the moment - we saw it in class and i have to write a paper on it

Katz argues that men need to take more responsibility for allowing the culture of disrespect toward women:



Well-known member
So, only women are responsible for their behavior? A man is allowed to engage in reprehensible behavior if he is tempted?

Don't go near the deep end if you're' going to dive in like that. :nono:

I didn't even come close to saying anything even close to that, Bybee. The righteous indignation is misplaced.

It is very foolish to engage in behavior which might leave one vulnerable to attack of any sort, yet, the victim is not the perpetrator.

I never claimed the victim was the perpetrator, but she most certainly can be at fault. Nothing in that takes away the guilt of the other party, so that dog don't fly. It's silly to say fools have no responsibility for the consequences of their actions. Just because we're talking about rape does not mean we have to over react and lose all our common sense. The very idea of reaping what we sow addresses that.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Don't go near the deep end if you're' going to dive in like that. :nono:

I didn't even come close to saying anything even close to that, Bybee. The righteous indignation is misplaced.

I never claimed the victim was the perpetrator, but she most certainly can be at fault. Nothing in that takes away the guilt of the other party, so that dog don't fly. It's silly to say fools have no responsibility for the consequences of their actions. Just because we're talking about rape does not mean we have to over react and lose all our common sense. The very idea of reaping what we sow addresses that.

you go girl

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You can't even make sense of your own argument.

i don't see a problem with it


oh, i think i see

apparently you thought that "rape is a choice that women make" meant "women bear sole responsibility for being raped"

i can understand how you'd be confused on that, seeing as they look so much alike :dizzy:


Well-known member
if i went down to the ferguson protests wearing klan robes carrying a sign that said "Michael Brown Deserved To Be Shot", would I bear any responsibility for the inevitable beating I would get? Of course

how about this one? Is this woman responsible for the "rape" that she endured?

Yep, you would deserve the beating.

No, that is not a legitimate case of rape. Throw it out of court.


New member
Don't go near the deep end if you're' going to dive in like that. :nono:

I didn't even come close to saying anything even close to that, Bybee. The righteous indignation is misplaced.

I never claimed the victim was the perpetrator, but she most certainly can be at fault. Nothing in that takes away the guilt of the other party, so that dog don't fly. It's silly to say fools have no responsibility for the consequences of their actions. Just because we're talking about rape does not mean we have to over react and lose all our common sense. The very idea of reaping what we sow addresses that.

Do not tell me what to do.