New look days of Noah and the sons of God


Well-known member
Okay, you suggest that but ...

I just don't think that matches our conversation. God created mankind as sexual beings and assigned them a task [a commandment], "Multiply and reproduce." It was a command to cleave and produce other flesh.

Yes, that is how Satan grows his kingdom and becomes a father. He lies and trick people. He did that to Woman and Adam. He became their lord and they became members of his fallen heavenly hordes. Not by cleaving and reproducing.

Oh, lots. Humanity was also cast away and confined to the ground, but Satan was powerful enough to be able to offer Christ the kingdoms of this earthly world if he would just submit to him. He was saying - you don't have to die to have these. I can give them to you now, but Christ resisted.
Wondering if people ever think about how Jesus told Peter, "Get behind me Satan," referred to Christ's experience with Satan on the high mountain. Peter thought surely Jesus would not have to die. Satan had insinuated that Jesus would not have to die to inherit the kingdoms of this world.

I have to wonder, "Just how did Satan think this offer was going to save him from his fate?" Oh well.

I had written:
You are correct there are no female angels mentioned in the OT. And none mentioned regarding mankind in the Garden either. We only get a glimpse of the one Son, but that does leave open the possibility of more sons.
And Derf asked:

I've been writing that I believe that Adam and Woman had, at least, one male child while in the Garden. I believe Adam developed the language for that event as he watched it take place. Why? There was a flurry of words that suddenly appear. Man, Woman, husband, wife, mother, Father.
Then there was a concept introduce: This is why a man [son] will cleave to his wife and they shall become one. Of course, like to write: And they shall become another one.

The one Son I mentioned above was a reference to that one. Not sure I meant to capitalize the "S" in son in that sentence.

I concluded: If they had delivered one son then there was/is the potential that they had more than one. This is why I suggest that there were sons in the Garden who were children of God just like their parents ... but since they were boys they could be called human sons of God ... versus angelic sons of God.

You are correct this concept ["Adam was alive at the time, but Eve wasn't his mother,"] is wrong.
Woman was not Adam's mother ... she WAS the mother of the new living one she had just bore.
I guess what you are suggesting is that Adam was "dead", so it excludes him already. I don't think Adam was dead yet. In terms of physical death, he's not dead. In terms if separation from God, he hadn't left the garden yet, God was right there.
BTW, Adam did not give Woman a new name until they were about to leave the Garden. Just before they left Adam proclaimed the truth. I will call her Eve --- because she WAS THE MOTHER of all the living. Past tense.

BTW there were several names given to the female mentioned in Genesis 1. Each had something to do with what had happened in her life.

Female had to do with her being an individual with a purpose and filled with potential.
Woman had to do with her being taken out of Adam in order to become his help meet to reproduce.
Wife Mother had to do with the manifestation of her purposes.
Eve had to do with what she had become: She was the mother of all the living.

It was no surprise when Even had other sons on earth - I think they would correctly be called sons of man by that time.
I just don't see why they would be called sons of God if Adam was their father.


Well-known member
Yes. Moses, the author of Genesis, lived long after Adam and Eve.

It makes sense for him to have used past tense when referring to Eve.
Adam was charged by God with creating language ... naming things. He did quite a bit of that in the beginning.
Moses was telling us what Adam said the name Eve meant.

Adam changed Woman's name to Eve and he is the one who stated: She WAS the mother of all the living.

She actually had not had any daughters nor Cain Abel or Seth. She was to be that after they left the Garden.

Actually when one thinks about it ... she and Adam were man wife Father Mother and they were also to be the Father and mother of all humanoids in the future.

Their first child in the Garden was a SON, who was destined to leave his Father and Mother and cleave unto HIS wife.

That is what it seems to me he did when he left and went unto the daughters finally born to Adam and Eve on earth ... together they bore MEN of renown.


Well-known member
I guess what you are suggesting is that Adam was "dead", so it excludes him already. I don't think Adam was dead yet. In terms of physical death, he's not dead. In terms if separation from God, he hadn't left the garden yet, God was right there.

I just don't see why they would be called sons of God if Adam was their father.
Derf, you had suggested this in your post: Lack of reproduction by no means eliminates the possibility of a being being a sexual being (no typo there).

I assumed the beings mentioned were angels who were not able to reproduce. Right? Well, I haven't studied that issue. Is there scripture I could check out?
Just on the face of the comment ... there are lots of human beings who have sex but they can't reproduce. Just saying.

Yes, Adam lived for a long... time. Even after being sent down to earth. I've never ruled him out.

In fact, I have read and heard people discuss charts that show Noah knew people who had known Adam personally when he was still alive. Adam died not too long before Noah was born and everyone before Noah were still living for so long. Over-lapping going on. There must have been lots of pretty current information about history still around even in Noah's day. And boy, everyone was doing lots of reproducing.

Derf queried: I just don't see why they would be called sons of God if Adam was their father.

It goes back to my understanding of what was going on in Psalm 82. When I grasped the dialogue it open the door to a number of truths. I guess I can share this here since it has been brought up and hinges on how I perceive Genesis 6 and sons of God.

Read Ps. 82 like a scene in a play where two people are taking to each other.
There is one being standing before the Most High God, who is his judge, presenting his own defense and a plea for fairness.

The one pleading his case begins his list of questions and accusations with this comment: How long will YE [God] judge unjustly?
After accusing God of being an unfair judge this being begins to throw the blame on others. Read it and you will notice who it is he is accusing, because PERSONS are mentioned and because of THEM the whole world/earth is out of course.

You probably already know who caused that. So, who is known is man's great accuser?

Well, during this trial involving this accuser of mankind and whether they are the ones God needs to be judging God says this:
Verse 6 I have said ye are gods [that would be the angels]; and ALL OF YOU are children of the most High.

Since I've concluded that Satan is the one on trial and as the accuser of mankind he has brought up man's role in making the world cursed... then I think I'm correct to say God's created children were/are men and angels.

Therefore "sons of God" can refer to angels and men ... men, at least, before the Fall.

Now, we become children of God [sons and daughters] by making our Lord our Savior.