LOL. Yes ... but I still hold to that idea. Just laughing at myself due to how strongly I feel about my interpretations.This is what we are debating Ps82! Right now!![]()
And you have already agreed that "sons of God" refers to angels, in Job and in the NT!
I've said I believe that sons of God refers to both humans and angels ... according to Psalm 82 God has called ALL of YOU [both men and angels] the children of the Most High. You see, I believe that statement made in Ps 82 makes it the truth. Adam, Eve, and any sons born to them in the Garden were direct children/sons of God.
Those son/sons born in the Garden would have been the sons of God who came naturally unto their female/wives on earth and had children who became grown men of renown.
Now, there is a caveat to identifying "the sons of God," for the New Testament. I also accept that all of humanity, after The Fall, are now like orphans, afflicted, needy, clueless and so forth. In Ps 82 Satan described us that way as he complained to God his judge. I think there is evidence in our everyday lives which bears out that this is the truth about us. But, I suggest before The Fall they were his direct children - not his orphans.
I also suggest that if we are 'saved souls filled with the Holy Spirit,' we could even now be called sons and daughters of God.
Humanity is clueless to all truth and I guess that is why you, I, and others are seeking it. That's a good thing, because God wants us to seek Him. He promises if we seek Him we will find Him.
Evidence or the suggestions/interpretations of commentators?That's evidence spanning 1000's of years, of people understanding "sons of God" to mean "angels". And then in the NT Jesus says sons of the resurrection are also "sons of God"
Well, that many years and more were between Adam and the priests of Jesus's day. Look at what Jesus said about the ignorance of so called experts.
READ John 5:37-40, 45-47 for yourself, but I will paraphrase what I see for brevity.
37 The Father has sent me and borne witness of me. You have neither beheld his voice or his shape.
38 You don't have His WORD abiding in you ... for whom he [the Father] sent, [ME Jesus] him [ME] you don't believe either.
39-40 This is The Father's will - that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing ... but should raise it up again at the last day .. including believers.
45 The prophets foretold: "And they [the seekers] shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard and learned of the Father, cometh unto me [The Messiah].
46 Not that just any person has seen the Father, except for him [a specific person] which is of God. That person has seen the Father.
47 Verily, verily, I [Jesus] say unto you [teachers of the law], He that believeth on ME hath everlasting life.
Remember, VladtheDestroyer, there were Sadducees among the Sanhedrin who didn't even believe in the truth of resurrection by the days of Jesus. These teachers of the law were suppose to be experts ... and they got it wrong. I trust the Holy Spirit to teach me. I know that sounds prideful ... but scripture tells me he will; so, I seek.
I set out to write a book about seeking the Father ... as I studied I kept finding the promised Christ. Then as I wrote I discovered I was not a good author ... and believe me LIFE got in the way. So, my book exists of only 5 chapters so far.
But when it's used in Genesis 6, you want it to mean something else. You want it to mean "Sons of Adam who were born before him and Eve got kicked out of Eden" Right?
Yes ... that is because these particular "sons of God" came to earth from somewhere else ... they were not the typical sons born unto Adam on earth after the Fall.
- I just can't deny that Adam formed language to describe the birth of a son in Genesis. If there was one, then there was the potential of more sons after that. No one knows how long Adam and Woman existed before the Fall.
- Also, Adam gave Woman a new name - Eve. He then told us plainly what his new word meant: She WAS THE MOTHER OF ALL THE LIVING ... not she shall become the mother of living children ...
- Also it was only after The Fall that it was mentioned that Adam and Eve had any daughters.
Where else were the sons of God going to find their predestined females so they could leave their father and mother in order to cleave and have other ones like themselves?
Gen. 6 says they became the men of renown in their days. Whether they were the giants of those days or not ... ??? I'm suspecting yes, but they were still MEN not angelic mutates.
You see, I think I do have evidence. Adam's words. God's Word in Ps82 ... and the recount told by Moses in Gen. 6. He NEVER used the words angel in the entire account of the days which preceded the Flood. I'll keep my eye open for other evidence.But your meaning is nowhere close to being implicitly stated anywhere in the Bible. So it seems the only hope you have of being right is if "sons of God" is just too archaic of term for anyone today to fully understand what it means.
Show me more of your scripture which proves there is no possibility for my interpretations.
Love discussing this.