Mulla Sadra
Allah worships, praises and glorifies like his creatures do since he prays like them! In fact, Allah even recites chapters from the Quran like Muslims do in their prayers!
I didn't find in any book, what says Allah worships, exalted is he from that.
Praises : is "compliments" in the Arabic books, looks like you just have the favor to change its translation to "praise", to make it vague.
The word used in arabic is "Thana'" which is used to approve an achievement and commend a person, in Arabic.
And is NEVER used from a human to a God, because God is not "commended" by anyone, he commends people.
So, when the verb in Arabic ONLY mean this, it can be translated to English as "praise" "commend" "approve their asking to say a favorable judgement about the prophet to angels".
You can go back to,, Collins Dictionary , (which shows explicitly that the verb is not only for worshiping purposes, and can be used to dogs to wig their tails), Macmillan Dictionary, The Free Dictionary .....etc
Tafsir Ibnu-Katheer got the arabic word "Thana'" (The Bukhari Hadeeth you translated specifically).
[which I translated as (praise) already in the last posts, and I didn't, or any muslim, mean the second meaning, but actually the same meaning you do when you massage your dog's head - if you have a dog -, and this act is not allowed from worshipers to the worshiped, as sane specify, because God commend humans, but humans are in no position to commend God.]
Which makes me wonder, do Christians commend YHWH ?! or do the show favorable evaluation of Christ ?! and go like "The cross needs more Gold, I will give it 9/10" ? [maybe you are not bright enough to catch that, the "commend" is the alternate of "criticize", as muslims, God commend and criticize humans, because his is in the position to, but as I see, Your [Theory Of] God can be criticized as much as it can be "praised as in commended"]
This is something new I happily know of now.
So, Christian's Biblical GOD "YHWH" , needs his worshipers to tell him "nice God" and commend him as such.
I am obliged to ask you, does God need your commending ? does your [theory of] God need your "worthiness evaluation" of him ? (meaning of commend), does your [theory of] God need you to say "such a brave God
But it is a theory full of trinity lies anyways, a theory that God is exalted of.
(I linked many dictionary links, because I am seriously scared of you not knowing that the word "praise" got two meanings, didn't they teach you that in your Sunday school ?)