He didn't have internet, which makes him exceptional. the ex-buddhist is exaggeration BTW
Yes we have a different view of the same person.
Like I said, whoever wants to see the differerences can. God obligates no one to see them. Neither do I have the power to do so NOR do I want that power. Freedom is something I value dearly.
my words not cut : Thirdly, I still firmly say, that you if not already stopped talking, is stopping to talk, that's only if you accept all what I said in the last comment, and think that woman have a hand in the procedure of Divorce in Islam, that Pope Urban II was imperialist***, that Islam doesn't order to kill infidels only if they stage war against Islam and that you are wrong about the "strike necks" verse and it is not about what you said, which then make me tell you (also firmly), do you have any other thing to say about Islam ?
meaning, if you accept these things ask me about another, if you do. the IF is there, go check.
No, I have not accepted that a woman does not have the right to decide for herself if she wants or do not want a divorce. I do not know if Pope Urban II was imperialist as I have not studied that in depth. I do believe that Islam does order infidels to be killed NOT only in war, etc., etc. When something else comes to mind I'll definitely ask. Thank you.
What can I do if you don't know something as simple as (We means Allah)?
Absolutely nothing.
No it is relevant, because we are talking about a historical standing where Jews/Muslims were against Christians, and as it is Jewish land (as you suppose and I don't admit) then the imperial Pope Urban II was trying to conquer a land he had no right in, for imperial purposes, and then there's no meaning of you defending the crusades.
I do not defend the crusades. I said that they got tired of all the things the Muslims were causing to them and their iconography, pilgrims, churches, etc.
But giving it another thought, if someone is coming into what is mine I will defend it. So, I guess that’s what they were doing. That I agree with it or not is irrelevant.
No, there's, just like there's a Jewish German and a Christian German, go read Sociology. And thankfully in the sixties the Arabs, Christians and Muslims, stood against the ATHEIST Zionists, and was known the great singer Fairouz (Link), who was an embodiment of the great Arab fight against Zionists.
There is no such a thing as a Jewish German or a Christian German, Sociology, notwithstanding. There are Germans who are Jewish; there are Germans who are Christians; there are Germans who are atheists; there are Arabs who are Muslims; there are Arabs who are Christians, there are Muslims who are atheists, etc.
Jews because of Kind David (which we say it is HIS kingdom, and God gave HIM the land as a great righteous man, but with him ends the right), and because Jesus died in Jerusalem, and I ask you, do Jews (as in Jews, not Jewish Christians) accept that a prophet called Jesus dying in Jerusalem?
No. However, the Covenant is God’s and it does not depend on the Jews’ belief. God said that the land belongs to them. God will keep His Covenant made to His people.
God did not say to Abraham, if you BELIEVE, I’ll give. No, God said,
"On the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying: 'To your descendants I have given this land..."' (Genesis 15:18).
Interesting to note how the verb natati is in the past tense, implying that God had ALREADY given the land to the Jews at some earlier time, although this is the first time that such a promise has been recorded.
I believe that God had set aside the land of Israel for His people already at the time of Creation. Can I prove what I believe at this time? No, so you do not have to ask for any proof of my belief. That’s what I believe though.
In other words, the Jewish rights to the land were always part of the very fabric of Creation. They are eternal and unconditional. God promised Abraham, "I will give to you, and to your descendants after you, the land of your sojourning, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession."
God also covenanted with Ishmael, regarded as the father of the Arab people. However, that promise was for nationhood, not land. But the land of Israel was not just a Divine promise. It was also the home of our forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and their wives, Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel and Leah.
if you say they accept, then why are they still Jews ? and if you say they don't accept, then I say that we say Muhammad was sent to heaven from Jerusalem, and it is our second Qibla, which gives us the same (if not better, because we believe in Jesus) right as Jews. You either give right to Jews and us, or just give the right to yourself, which you choose ?
The Jesus (Esa/Isa) of the Qur'an is not the Jesus of the Bible. My Bible does talk about another gospel, another Jesus, another spirit though.
Praise be to God of All, who said (O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.) a none racial God.
Praise be to Jehovah God who said, “Let us (plural) make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth” (Gen. 1:26).
Racial issues are man-made, not God's.