ECT Nang's Boastful Lie


Our Apostle Paul wrote thirteen epistles, the whole rest of the Bible is fifty-three books. 53-to-13 reduces to just about 4-to-1.

In the New Testament the ratio between Paul and everybody else is just about 1-to-1 -- almost 50% of the NT is Paul.

So that should make Paul over Jesus.

what a concept. so typical.

You don't even know that man canonized the Bible.


TOL Subscriber
This is the neg rep I get from Doom on my User Profile Page, for trying to defend myself from his distortions:

Nang's Boastful Lie December 27th, 2014 08:15 PM Doom You are a bold faced liar, and have no integrity.

What an empty crock this guy proves to be . . .


Our Apostle Paul wrote thirteen epistles, the whole rest of the Bible is fifty-three books. 53-to-13 reduces to just about 4-to-1.

In the New Testament the ratio between Paul and everybody else is just about 1-to-1 -- almost 50% of the NT is Paul.

Why do you claim to be a Christian if your Lord is not Jesus? Your Lord is apparently Paul.

Christians' Lord is Jesus the Christ.


New member
It IS the same thing, and you are the one being disingenuous. You know, as does anyone else who can read and reason that these two sentences are saying the same thing...

You said:

"If one professes to be in Christ, but does not act holy as Christ is holy, that evidences what that professor is NOT."

That is the same thing as saying:

If one professes to be in Christ, but does not act as holy as Christ is holy, that evidences what that professor is NOT.

In both cases the message is stating that someone who professes to be in Christ and does not act holy as Christ is not in Christ.

It is not the same thing, and I never said what you claim I said, for I do not believe what you say.
It's your quote. YOU said it. If you didn't/don't believe it, then you should admit that you were wrong for saying it, because you DID say it.

Christians are to be holy as Christ . . . but no creature can ever be AS holy as Christ the Creator.
WHAT??? You just said the same thing again. To be holy as Christ, is the SAME THING as to be as holy as Christ. It's no different than to say "be perfect as Christ" or to say "be as perfect as Christ". It's the SAME THING!!!

Holy is holy. You can no more less than holy than you can be less than perfect or less than pregnant. You either are or you are not holy. This is why your whole belief system is a mess.

But you have wrongly taken my words, added to them, and made me out as believing creatures can become as holy as God.
"Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy."

I have PMed Knight and Delmar to help me with this very, very wicked misrepresentation of my beliefs, and asked for their help . . .
I'm fairly certain they will see it my way.

No one person, should have the ability to change another member's posted words, just to make wrongful accusation. I only hope Knight and the Mods will see the danger of what you have done to me, and correct and stop you.
Who is going to stop you from constantly comparing your behavior against the behavior of others to be right with God?

You are in the wrong here, and hopefully you will be corrected.
Not wrong, so correction on this is impossible.


New member
Would someone whom Nang respects please inform her that saying

"If one professes to be in Christ, but does not act holy as Christ is holy, that evidences what that professor is NOT."

is clearly claiming that those in Christ will act as (equal to) Christ is holy?

She may not comprehend it, but she is equating the holy act of a saved person to be the same as how holy Christ is.


TOL Subscriber
It IS the same thing, and you are the one being disingenuous. You know, as does anyone else who can read and reason that these two sentences are saying the same thing...

You said:

"If one professes to be in Christ, but does not act holy as Christ is holy, that evidences what that professor is NOT."

That is the same thing as saying:

If one professes to be in Christ, but does not act as holy as Christ is holy, that evidences what that professor is NOT.

In both cases the message is stating that someone who professes to be in Christ and does not act holy as Christ is not in Christ.

It's your quote. YOU said it. If you didn't/don't believe it, then you should admit that you were wrong for saying it, because you DID say it.

WHAT??? You just said the same thing again. To be holy as Christ, is the SAME THING as to be as holy as Christ. It's no different than to say "be perfect as Christ" or to say "be as perfect as Christ". It's the SAME THING!!!

Holy is holy. You can no more less than holy than you can be less than perfect or less than pregnant. You either are or you are not holy. This is why your whole belief system is a mess.

"Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy."

I'm fairly certain they will see it my way.

Who is going to stop you from constantly comparing your behavior against the behavior of others to be right with God?

Not wrong, so correction on this is impossible.

Creatures can be holy as Christ, IN Christ, but creatures can never be AS holy AS their Creator.

What is the matter with you?

Righteousness is imputed to the Christian; not inherent. Christians are gifted with the "alien" righteousness of Jesus Christ; not ever merited for any of their own, for even Christians have sin remaining in their members.

There are several theological layers of truth involved in my making this important distinction, and you in your theological ignorance, are denying what you do not know.

I absolutely refuse to let you get away with your malicious objective behind this sorry thread. You are very wrong. And you posted wrongly against me personally, which you will regret, for you do not argue scripturally at all, and will in the end, make a total fool of yourself.


New member
Creatures can be holy as Christ, IN Christ, but creatures can never be AS holy AS their Creator.
You just said that the evidence of someone being saved is that they ARE to act holy as Christ is holy. YOU, not me, made the qualifier of holiness to be equal. It is in your quote, whether you acknowledge it or not.

What is the matter with you?
Not a thing, but thank you for asking.

There are several theological layers of truth involved in my making this important distinction, and you in your theological ignorance, are denying what you do not know.
I know what YOU said, and that you still are in denial of saying it. You said that a saved person will act holy as Christ is holy. It's the same level of holy, based on your quote. Really, it is.

You are very wrong.
And you posted wrongly against me personally, which you will regret, for do not argue scripturally at all, and will in the end, make a total fool of yourself.
The fool ship has already sailed and only you are on board.


He is doomed.

They try to indict men/women with a word.

now are you siding with Nang?

Do you know she has been trying very hard to ostracize non-trins as non-believers and cult?

She is one of very vicious posters here.

why are you siding with her?


TOL Subscriber
You just said that the evidence of someone being saved is that they ARE to act holy as Christ is holy. YOU, not me, made the qualifier of holiness to be equal.

I never said the Christian's life of holiness would be equal with the holiness of God . . . did I?

Creature does not equal Creator, dude.

It is in your quote, whether you acknowledge it or not.

I do not acknowledge what you added to my quoted words, and never will.

You should show some shame for changing my words to fit your desire to oppose and harm my Christian testimony.

But you don't and neither does the devil for ever twisting the very Words of his Creator. Just the nature of the BEAST . . .

I know what YOU said, and that you still are in denial of saying it. You said that a saved person will act holy as Christ is holy.

I never posted those words.

It's the same level of holy, based on your quote. Really, it is.

No it is not. I do not believe what you say is so. You are forcing your own mistaken concepts of holiness onto this site, and trying to make it supposedly come from me. I will not permit you to do this, for this is not my belief.

Lazy afternoon

now are you siding with Nang?

Do you know she has been trying very hard to ostracize non-trins as non-believers and cult?

She is one of very vicious posters here.

why are you siding with her?

I am not like you.

I side with truth,

you side with yourself.



New member
I never said the Christian's life of holiness would be equal with the holiness of God . . . did I?
Yes, you did. You said:

If one professes to be in Christ, but does not act holy as Christ is holy, that evidences what that professor is NOT.

Do you know what it means when you use the same word twice in a sentence and suggest that someone act "as"?

Creature does not equal Creator, dude.
I know, which is why your quote is so wrong.

I do not acknowledge what you added to my quoted words, and never will.
I don't care. Your quote is in this post, with the link to the original for all to see.

You should show some shame for changing my words to fit your desire to oppose and harm my Christian testimony.
I only exposed the harm you do to the gospel.

I never posted those words.
Denial at this point is plain silly. The quote is in this post and the link.

I will not permit you to do this, for this is not my belief.
It is, we have your very own words. However, you can put an end to all of this by admitting that you misspoke and that you do not believe that the evidence that someone is saved is if they "act holy as Christ is holy".

I'm betting your pride will never allow that.


TOL Subscriber
Do you know what it means when you use the same word twice in a sentence and suggest that someone act "as"?

I know, which is why your quote is so wrong.

But I didn't use any words twice in my post you quoted. You added words to my quote that I (carefully) did NOT use.

You altered my post and my words, and I have PMed Knight and Delmar to express my concern that this be accepted behavior on TOL.


New member
But I didn't use any words twice in my post you quoted. You added words to my quote that I (carefully) did NOT use.
I did no such thing. That is a blatant lie. Anyone (including the mods, or someone who claims to be your friend) can link to your original post and see that you are lying.
If one professes to be in Christ, but does not act holy as Christ is holy, that evidences what that professor is NOT.

You altered my post and my words, and I have PMed Knight and Delmar to express my concern that this be accepted behavior on TOL.
I did not alter your post or your words. That is not possible. You know it, the mods know it, and everyone else knows it. You should be banned for suggesting it.


TOL Subscriber
What Doom is really arguing against is the Scripture that says "Be holy FOR I am holy." I Peter 1:16; Leviticus 11:44, 45; 19:2; 20:7

Nang did not invent this spiritual principle, but Doom thinks he can argue against God's word, by targeting Nang as a substitute.

He kicks against the prick . . .


TOL Subscriber
I did no such thing. That is a blatant lie. Anyone (including the mods, or someone who claims to be your friend) can link to your original post and see that you are lying.

I did not alter your post or your words. That is not possible. You know it, the mods know it, and everyone else knows it. You should be banned for suggesting it.

Your altered my post by later misquoting and adding to it.