ECT Nang's Boastful Lie


TOL Subscriber
What? They are YOUR posts. I did not alter or change them in any fashion. I just quoted them and reposted what YOU said. They are YOUR comments. Are you insane?

I posted that Christians are exhorted to be holy as God is holy.

You posted what I posted, but then accused me of saying that I believe that I think I am AS holy as God is holy.

You added a word to what I actually posted, to make me out a liar.


Apology is in order, fella.


TOL Subscriber
You're confusing us with someone else. I speak only for myself and the few I know for a fact who do NOT do that and have rebuked those who do.

Several of your TOL MAD peers have accused me of being devoid of salvific faith. One in just a few posts ahead that I'll get to..

So, no; I'm not confusing anyone with someone else. And in addition to posts on threads, I've had a number of VMs, PMs, and neg reps with the same accusation.

You have rebuked none of them, nor have any of them rebuked each other.

We make that judgment (which is really Scripture's judgment) ONLY when we know someone rejects the Gospel of the grace of God and instead embraces a false one.

That gets a bit dicey, and we're to judge nothing before the time. I hven't ever seen it done in love or the character of God, but according to individuals' own standards. That's sin.

Just because it's not salvific, it certainly isn't according to the imputed righteousness of God through faith by grace. That then causes others to return the favor because righteous judgment wasn't judged.

I know of no MAD who judges as unsaved on the basis of conduct...

You're probably blind to it, because it's happened consistently and repeatedly (with one such allegation awaiting my response right now, because I've been judged as accursed for the definition of righteousness).

could consistent, unrepentant sinning give room to wonder and doubt?

Since sin is a self-determined standard of conduct, that could easily apply to many MADs in bringing such doubt according to what you've just said.

But none of you allow that while persisting. I've observed this consistently, and without bias.

Maybe. But we realize that because of the example of the Corinthians, it's absolutely not a sure indicator.

Right. So all should desist, including MADs.


New member
Our Apostle Paul never made a mistake, in what he taught.
1Co 1:10 Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.
1Co 1:11 For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you.
1Co 1:12 Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ.
1Co 1:13 Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?
That's some of our Apostle Paul's mistake-free teaching, right there. :thumb:


TOL Subscriber
Several of your TOL MAD peers have accused me of being devoid of salvific faith. One in just a few posts ahead that I'll get to..

So, no; I'm not confusing anyone with someone else. And in addition to posts on threads, I've had a number of VMs, PMs, and neg reps with the same accusation.

You have rebuked none of them, nor have any of them rebuked each other.

That gets a bit dicey, and we're to judge nothing before the time. I hven't ever seen it done in love or the character of God, but according to individuals' own standards. That's sin.

Just because it's not salvific, it certainly isn't according to the imputed righteousness of God through faith by grace. That then causes others to return the favor because righteous judgment wasn't judged.

You're probably blind to it, because it's happened consistently and repeatedly (with one such allegation awaiting my response right now, because I've been judged as accursed for the definition of righteousness).

Since sin is a self-determined standard of conduct, that could easily apply to many MADs in bringing such doubt according to what you've just said.

But none of you allow that while persisting. I've observed this consistently, and without bias.

Right. So all should desist, including MADs.

All Christians should watch the MADists like hawks . . . they are devious with words, and will not hesitate for a nano-second to destroy the witness of the Redeemed sons of God.



New member
I posted that Christians are exhorted to be holy as God is holy.

You posted what I posted, but then accused me of saying that I believe that I think I am AS holy as God is holy.

You added a word to what I actually posted, to call me a liar.


Apology is in order, fella.
On the contrary, you are a liar, and I couldn't care less if you apologize. I'm glad you "reported" it, because whoever pays attention to those reports will simply laugh at your obvious stupidity and error.

You claim that only those who act as holy as Jesus are saved. Either you believe that you act as holy as Jesus, or you believe that you are not saved. There is no other option. You have been caught in a lie, and now you are caught acting like an idiot.


TOL Subscriber
On the contrary, you are a liar, and I couldn't care less if you apologize. I'm glad you "reported" it, because whoever pays attention to those reports will simply laugh at your obvious stupidity and error.

You claim that only those who act as holy as Jesus are saved. Either you believe that you act as holy as Jesus, or you believe that you are not saved. There is no other option. You have been caught in a lie, and now you are caught acting like an idiot.

You lie.

I never posted such words, and have never believed what you accuse me of.


New member
That is absolutely false.

I never posted such words, and have never believed what you accuse me of.
You absolutely did. The evidence is in your own words in your own posts that I could not alter if I wanted to. I quoted your posts, and anyone can clearly see that they are your own words. How can you possibly think that you can sit there and boldly lie about what you plainly did and think that no one will see it? And then you have the audacity to slander me for what YOU did. I'm surprised that you have the courage to actually keep posting and embarrassing yourself like this.


TOL Subscriber
That is absolutely false.

You absolutely did. The evidence is in your own words in your own posts that I could not alter if I wanted to. I quoted your posts, and anyone can clearly see that they are your own words. How can you possibly think that you can sit there and boldly lie about what you plainly did and think that no one will see it? And then you have the audacity to slander me for what YOU did. I'm surprised that you have the courage to actually keep posting and embarrassing yourself like this.

My words you quoted, do not say what you accuse me of!!!

Are you blind?


New member
My words you quoted, do not say what you accuse me of!!!
They ABSOLUTELY do, and I will post them again and again until you acknowledge your error, and admit that you claim that no one is saved unless they "act" as holy as Jesus.

Are you blind?
Nope, and neither is anyone else who sees that you are in denial.

If one professes to be in Christ, but does not act holy as Christ is holy, that evidences what that professor is NOT.