ECT Nang's Boastful Lie


TOL Subscriber
I posted:

" . . only those who act holy as Jesus are saved."

Doom accuses me by posting:

" you believe that you act as holy as Jesus"

The word "as" was added to my words in order to bring an accusation against me.


Who is the liar?

Who is the false ACCUSER?


I make issue with Calvin. He teach wrong. Fake, if you will.
I can do both, rather well actually.

If you make an issue with Calvin, why do you defend Nang who is follower of Calvin.

All her faith is based on what Calvin taught.

She is Calvinist. Why don't you make issue of it?

You are a fake.

Lazy afternoon

They ABSOLUTELY do, and I will post them again and again until you acknowledge your error, and admit that you claim that no one is saved unless they "act" as holy as Jesus.

Nope, and neither is anyone else who sees that you are in denial.


Heb 12:14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:



New member
fake Christian.
Okay, we hear you. Everyone else in the world is a "fake Christian", but you. We believe you, and we applaud you for being such a perfect follower of Jesus. Now, would you and your Jesus just go find a quiet place on the other end of the universe and shut the hell up?


TOL Subscriber
They ABSOLUTELY do, and I will post them again and again until you acknowledge your error, and admit that you claim that no one is saved unless they "act" as holy as Jesus.

Nope, and neither is anyone else who sees that you are in denial.

From your OP, you quoted me as posting:

"If one professes to be in Christ, but does not act holy as Christ is holy, that evidences what that professor is NOT."

Now, you persist in claiming I posted:

"You claim that only those who act as holy as Jesus are saved."

You have added an extra "AS" to my testimony and posts, in order to accused me wrongly and harass me and bear false witness against me.

You are a liar . . . and should receive infractions from the mods for so doing.

Lazy afternoon

Okay, we hear you. Everyone else in the world is a "fake Christian", but you. We believe you, and we applaud you for being such a perfect follower of Jesus. Now, would you and your Jesus just go find a quiet place on the other end of the universe and shut the hell up?

Joh 16:29 His disciples said unto him, Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb.


New member
From your OP, you quoted me as posting:

"If one professes to be in Christ, but does not act holy as Christ is holy, that evidences what that professor is NOT."

Now, you persist in claiming I posted:

"You claim that only those who act as holy as Jesus are saved."

You have added an extra "AS" to my testimony and posts, in order to accused me wrongly and harass me and bear false witness against me.

You are a liar . . . and should receive infractions from the mods for so doing.
What's the difference? It is still saying the same thing.

Saying that the evidence of someone being a Christian is that they act holy as Jesus is the same as saying they act as holy as Jesus, only grammatically more accurate. It still conveys EXACTLY the same message. :doh:

You still claim that the evidence that someone is saved is if they act holy as Christ is holy.


You are straining at a gnat. You'd be doing the same thing if I used the word Jesus instead of Christ.


Originally Posted by Doom View Post
Okay, we hear you. Everyone else in the world is a "fake Christian", but you. We believe you, and we applaud you for being such a perfect follower of Jesus. Now, would you and your Jesus just go find a quiet place on the other end of the universe and shut the hell up?

Fake Christians don't know Jesus and His teachings. So they heavily rely on Paul's teachings, disregarding His word, and claim to be true and saved Christians.

You can run but you cannot hide.

Your name should be doomed instead of just doom.


TOL Subscriber
What's the difference? It is still saying the same thing.


Saying that the evidence of someone being a Christian is that they act holy as Jesus is the same as saying they act as holy as Jesus, only grammatically more accurate. It still conveys EXACTLY the same message. :doh:

You still claim that the evidence that someone is saved is if they act holy as Christ is holy.


It is not the same thing, and I never said what you claim I said, for I do not believe what you say.

Christians are to be holy as Christ . . . but no creature can ever be AS holy as Christ the Creator.

Christianity is being gifted with imputed righteousness, not elevating themselves to a Godly level of existence. That is just nuts.

But you have wrongly taken my words, added to them, and made me out as believing creatures can become as holy as God. How horrible of you . . . and even though I correct you and report your error, you persist.

I have PMed Knight and Delmar to help me with this very, very wicked misrepresentation of my beliefs, and asked for their help . . . otherwise you not only harm me, but harm all members reading, who might believe I think or believe this blasphemy.

No one person, should have the ability to change another member's posted words, just to make wrongful accusation. I only hope Knight and the Mods will see the danger of what you have done to me, and correct and stop you.

You are straining at a gnat. You'd be doing the same thing if I used the word Jesus instead of Christ.

I think not . . .

You are in the wrong here, and hopefully you will be corrected. Not just for me, but for the sake of all posters. None of us deserve someone distorting our posts, our words, or our Christian witness like you have done to me.


New member
Fake Christians don't know Jesus and His teachings. So they heavily rely on Paul's teachings, disregarding His word, and claim to be true and saved Christians.

You can run but you cannot hide.

Your name should be doomed instead of just doom.
Our Apostle Paul wrote thirteen epistles, the whole rest of the Bible is fifty-three books. 53-to-13 reduces to just about 4-to-1.

In the New Testament the ratio between Paul and everybody else is just about 1-to-1 -- almost 50% of the NT is Paul.