ECT Nang's Boastful Lie


Hey LA,

You are flirting with trin believers but they don't care what you say.

You are trying to hold onto the straw and it looks pathetic.

You need dignity in your faith.


New member
What Doom is really arguing against is the Scripture that says "Be holy FOR I am holy." I Peter 1:16; Leviticus 11:44, 45; 19:2; 20:7
Is lying and deception all you do? I am not arguing against that verse, but FOR it. You are the one that claims that a saved person must "act holy as Christ is holy" or they are not saved.

Do you act holy as Christ is holy?

Nang did not invent this spiritual principle, but Doom thinks he can argue against God's word, by targeting Nang as a substitute.
You are only embarrasing yourself the more you keep posting. I fully agree with everything in the Bible, and you just feel trapped by your own words and want to project the attention off of your obvious error...

If one professes to be in Christ, but does not act holy as Christ is holy, that evidences what that professor is NOT.


TOL Subscriber
Is lying and deception all you do? I am not arguing against that verse, but FOR it. You are the one that claims that a saved person must "act holy as Christ is holy" or they are not saved.

Do you act holy as Christ is holy?

I cannot live and act AS holy as Christ is holy, as you have falsely claimed I advocate, but I am sanctified by His indwelling Holy Spirit, in order to live and act apart from the world and despite my flesh tendencies.

Do you find fault with this confession?


New member
I cannot live and act AS holy as Christ is holy, as you have falsely claimed I advocate
I asked you the following:

Do you act holy as Christ is holy?
Based on YOUR statement:

If one professes to be in Christ, but does not act holy as Christ is holy, that evidences what that professor is NOT.

According to you, if one does not "act holy as Christ is holy", they are not saved.


TOL Subscriber
I asked you the following:

Based on YOUR statement:

According to you, if one does not "act holy as Christ is holy", they are not saved.

I do not believe persons can claim to be saved without exhibiting holy (sanctified) behavior, love for God and the brethren, and an obedient lifestyle.

Was this not the example Christ lived in the flesh? Should we not strive to live as He?

However, He was without sin, which His creatures can never match because of their nature, so none can live AS holy as He.

Do you disagree with this confession?


New member
I do not believe persons can claim to be saved without exhibiting holy (sanctified) behavior, love for God and the brethren, and an obedient lifestyle.
You're still avoiding the question. Can a person claim to be saved and not "act holy as Christ is holy"?

Do you not understand the question? You should, you are the one who made that claim...

If one professes to be in Christ, but does not act holy as Christ is holy, that evidences what that professor is NOT.


TOL Subscriber
You're still avoiding the question. Can a person claim to be saved and not "act holy as Christ is holy"?

Do you not understand the question? You should, you are the one who made that claim...


Read the first paragraph of my post preceding this . .


New member
I'm off to bed. You can sleep on it and answer tomorrow if you like.

I'm in no hurry to hear you admit you misspoke. I've surrendered to the idea that it may be a long time before you do that.


New member

Read the first paragraph of my post preceding this . .
I did. In fact, I quoted it, because it is evidence that you still can't comprehend what you initially stated

If one professes to be in Christ, but does not act holy as Christ is holy, that evidences what that professor is NOT.

Try reading it slower.


TOL Subscriber
I did. In fact, I quoted it, because it is evidence that you still can't comprehend what you initially stated

Try reading it slower.

Do not even try to lower me to your "slower" level . . . I will not be dumbed down.

Such tact will work no better than you changing the words of my posts, in the attempt to boost your own errors at my expense.

I am on to you . . .


TOL Subscriber
And btw, Threepio, this is why I even brought it up:

And why would you bring it up to me?

That's Lordship Salvation talking there.

Though I agree the atrocity of Lordship Salvation is a false gospel of works, I'm confident that's not what Nang espouses.

But she's more than capable of speaking without me as her oracle, so I won't speak for her other than saying it's a misunderstanding of semantics from differing perspectives.

It should be vividly clear that I do not adhere to ANY works as valid for salvation. Even believing is not a "work".

Now back to the problem of MADs constantly impugning others' salvation. Your good buddy Nick has said I'm to be accursed for adding to the Gospel, which is a load of hooey.

I guess that puts to rest whether MADs are accusing others of being unsaved and going unrebuked. Maybe you should recalibrate your perceptions.

After my posts on this thread, do you consider me to be devoid of salvific faith and adding to the Gospel to be accursed?

Yes or no would be the scriptural pattern for an answer.

And there remains the issue of what being IN Christ really means; and how that relates to what most presume as faith actually being hope (which saves us) instead.

But that would rock the MAD boat too much. I don't think you guys could handle the truth that what you consider to be faith (pistis) is hope (elpis).

patrick jane

Hey LA,

You are flirting with trin believers but they don't care what you say.

You are trying to hold onto the straw and it looks pathetic.

You need dignity in your faith.

wow. look who's talking. dignity ? like you ? you show indignation. look up that word, luvshak - :shut:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
PPS sounds like his "religious designation" ought to be, "Other" rather
than, Christian! There's something not quite right with this guy? Does
anybody else see a problem with his particular set of beliefs?

Paul's Gospel is readily understood by fellow members of the "Body of Christ"
on this forum! PPS doesn't seem to fit the mold somehow?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Here's the truth about Nang (It cannot be disputed by any logically minded

1) She's a hard nosed Calvinist!
2) She's cranky/grouchy as all, get out!
3) She's stubborn!
4) She constantly complains/belly-aches about everything; including the Mods!
5) She's almost always wrong!
6) She has absolutely NO sense of humor/wit!
7) She's a religious zealot, minus the niceties of her faith!
8) She battles against those who preach/believe Paul's Gospel!

That's, Nang in a Nangshell! I mean; That's, Nang in a nutshell!


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
I do not believe persons can claim to be saved without exhibiting holy (sanctified) behavior, love for God and the brethren, and an obedient lifestyle.

Was this not the example Christ lived in the flesh? Should we not strive to live as He?

However, He was without sin, which His creatures can never match because of their nature, so none can live AS holy as He.

Do you disagree with this confession?

WE should indeed' but when I fall short I have to rely on the promise that “My grace is sufficient". I am confident that you will agree with this confession.