ECT Nang's Boastful Lie

Totton Linnet

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That's right. And to become elect in Christ, one must first be saved. For us today, there is no election apart from Him, and being found in Him.

Crooked, "we were chosen in Him before the foundation of the world."

Where were you at the foundation of the world? except in God's mind...why that is not the most GLORIOUS truth in the bible apart from salvation itself escapes me.

ME, God thought about ME before ever He started to create. Everything is created FOR me, and I am created for God. What glory.

This is where the doctrine of eternal assurance comes from. works salvation and losing salvation came after men started to throw these precious truths out.


You're still avoiding the question. Can a person claim to be saved and not "act holy as Christ is holy"?

Do you not understand the question? You should, you are the one who made that claim...

The elects are not actors.

The elect do the Holy.

Not act them as semi pelagians do.

One don't save themselves by acting.


New member
Crooked, "we were chosen in Him before the foundation of the world."

Let's be honest here...

Eph 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:

Eph 1:4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

Eph 1:5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will

Before the foundation of the world, God chose that that all those who are "in Him" would be "holy and without blame". He predestined "us" (all those who are in Christ; and in this context specifically Gentiles) "unto the adoption of children".

There is nothing in these verses speaking of individuals being chosen or predestined unto salvation and others being excluded. These verses are confirming that all those who believe the Gospel and are in Christ will be included in those things that God had purposed according to His will.


New member
The elects are not actors.

The elect do the Holy.

Not act them as semi pelagians do.

One don't save themselves by acting.
No kidding, and try to keep up with the conversation. The reason that question is in quotes, is BECAUSE that is the claim of Nang, not me. Since she carelessly made the statement
If one professes to be in Christ, but does not act holy as Christ is holy, that evidences what that professor is NOT.
I asked her that question. Understand?


Well-known member

If God selected a relative few lost individual robots for salvation "in eternity past" and left the rest to burn, then He is a respecter of persons, which the Bible says He is not.

Calvinism - even your very mild strain - is far more dishonoring to God than is universalism. Do you know why? Because universalism's greatest sin is neutralizing His justice in an effort to emphasize His love. And that is wicked enough.

Calvinism, though, denies God's justice, righteousness, truthfulness, holiness and denies everything the Bible says God is. And what it denies about God, it also denies about Christ because He was in on it, too.



If God selected a relative few lost individual robots for salvation "in eternity past" and left the rest to burn, then He is a respecter of persons, which the Bible says He is not.

Calvinism - even your very mild strain - is far more dishonoring to God than is universalism. Do you know why? Because universalism's greatest sin is neutralizing His justice in an effort to emphasize His love. And that is wicked enough.

Calvinism, though, denies God's justice, righteousness, truthfulness, holiness and denies everything the Bible says God is. And what it denies about God, it also denies about Christ because He was in on it, too.

All mankind are dishonest to God and universalism was invented by those similar to semi pelagians and Arminianism, a man made theology. And musterion is just as lost as the rest of them. You don't even know what you're boasting about. You're a copycat following your false denomination.

It is man who:

- is deceitful and desperately sick (Jer. 17:9).
- is full of evil (Mark 7:21-23).
- loves darkness rather than light (John 3:19).
- is unrighteous, does not understand, does not seek for God (Rom. 3:10-12).
- is helpless and ungodly (Rom. 5:6).
- is dead in his trespasses and sins (Eph. 2:1).
- is by nature a child of wrath (Eph. 2:3).
- cannot understand spiritual things (1 Cor. 2:14).
- is a slave of sin (Rom. 6:16-20).


No kidding, and try to keep up with the conversation. The reason that question is in quotes, is BECAUSE that is the claim of Nang, not me. Since she carelessly made the statement I asked her that question. Understand?

I think ,"If one professes to be in Christ, but does not act holy as Christ is holy, that evidences what that professor is NOT" means you're not.

I can see you're not in every post you make.


New member
It is man who:

- is deceitful and desperately sick (Jer. 17:9).
- is full of evil (Mark 7:21-23).
- loves darkness rather than light (John 3:19).
- is unrighteous, does not understand, does not seek for God (Rom. 3:10-12).
- is helpless and ungodly (Rom. 5:6).
- is dead in his trespasses and sins (Eph. 2:1).
- is by nature a child of wrath (Eph. 2:3).
- cannot understand spiritual things (1 Cor. 2:14).
- is a slave of sin (Rom. 6:16-20).

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith."

"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."


New member

I think ,"If one professes to be in Christ, but does not act holy as Christ is holy, that evidences what that professor is NOT" means you're not.

I can see you're not in every post you make.
What are you 12?

It is your claim then that you act holy as Christ is holy?

The self-righteous (YOU) insist that they are right because the ACT right and others don't. YOU are the Pharisee in the temple, boasting of your behavior, and calling the blood of Jesus irrelevant to save anyone.

You make the gospel as much of a joke as you are.


"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith."

"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

That's what the bible said but you created faith and pretended to regenerated after your imagination.

The bible teaches regeneration precedes faith.

You must be born from above, first. You claim man must create an imagined faith to be born again. Nang right, you're a NOT. You're doomed


TOL Subscriber
Here's a straight-forward question that Musty and Nick have so far avoided.

Am I saved or unsaved according to the Gospel (of Paul)?!

I've included several long posts in this thread CLEARLY indicating ONE thing. One is saved through faith by grace, and works has absolutely no bearing upon whether one is saved. There is NO single or multiple work/s that can one could ever do to initiate, effect, or accomplish salvation.

By that faith we have access into the grace wherein we stand (Rom 5:2). We are made righteous (justified) by that faith (Rom 5:1). So we have imputed righteousness, which could never be earned or deserved or worked for.

We are saved by grace through faith, not of works. Period. Even the one work of believing (John 6:29) is not a "work". There is not one work involved in us receving the salvation that is by grace through faith. Not one work. Only the finished work of Christ on Calvary.

The disconnect for everyone is that the very word righteousness, also translated justice, means "standard of conduct". So not only are we imputed the character of God's standard without our works, but we're also empowered by that imputation of character for conduct. Righteousness includes conduct, because the very word means recognizing God's claim upon our lives for conduct from character.

The righteousness doesn't come by works. But the righteousness will inherently include works because righteousness is both character and conduct. We could have neither if we didn't have salvation. The conduct can only be accomplished because the character was imputed and will result in conduct.

This in no way refers to individual acts, or that those individual acts could save anyone or leave anyone lost again after salvation. There isn't any one sin or group of sins as actions that could ever void one's salvation.

But in the same way Lordship Salvation is an abomination to the Gospel of Paul, excluding the empowerment of God's standard of conduct from imputed righteous by faith and grace alone is to be in the opposite ditch of the Lordship Salvation ditch.

This is what the MADs refuse to understand; and when their shocking behavior is mentioned, they hide behind an imputed righteousness that is supposed to include conduct FROM that character. And then accusations are made toward non-MADs about their doctrine and behavior because non-MADs don't understand the simple word righteousness.

Like grace and mercy, faith and hope, and other paired things in scripture, the righteousness we are imputed by grace and faith is both to have the character of God's standards and the empowerment to fulfill those standards in conduct. Being made righteous is being made to walk as Jesus walked because we have both His character and conduct imputed to us. It's a package, and it's the inherent definition of the word righteousness. This is not an opinion, it's a linguistic fact.

So presenting shock-value, in-your-face, over-the-top, nasty attitudes and behaviors while lambasting others non-stop and calling it "a war" or "a battle for souls" is absurd. Others are simply looking for the demonstration of the imputed righteousness of character being exhibited as conduct.

That doesn't make them "sons of Cain" or all the other epithets that they're scolded with and judged for. It simply means they have some sense of knowing that imputed righteousness includes conduct with the character, and it's all to be God's standard rather than our own.

And in the end, most MADs and non-MADs alike are mistaking elpis (hope/trust) for pistis (faith) anyway. Hope, which saves us (Rom 8:24-25), is where the Church-at-large is "stuck", thinking it's faith. But that's a whole 'nother related topic.

This argument is one that has divided Believers for centuries, and especially in our lifetimes. It's not a conflict over whether works is salvific. They aren't. PERIOD. Salavation is by grace through faith, and we're imputed the righteousness of God IN CHRIST JESUS.

The problem is in understanding the definition of the righteousness that is imputed to us. Those who DO understand that imputed righteousness includes empowerment for conduct along with the imputed character, will consider others Semi-Pelagian or Antinomian or whatever, and may accuse them of being lost and preaching another Gospel.

Those who DON'T understand that imputed righteousness includes empowerment for conduct along with the imputed character, will consider others as promoting works-salvation or Lordship Salvation or whatever, and may accuse them of being lost and preaching another Gospel.

And this is all clouded by those, like many/most Catholics and other individuals, who ARE depending upon a works-based salvation by their own efforts according to the law or whatever other standard they've set for themselves, which is the very definiton of sin. And we're certainly not saved by sin as works.

This SHOULD clear up the topic, but it won't. Others will proceed on whatever course they're on, for the most part. But behavior IS an inherent part of faith-imputed righteousness. That's not an opinion among other opinions, it's a direct linguistic fact.

Why not just have and be and do according to the complete righteousness of God's standard in everything in our lives? Resting in Christ and having ceased from our own works. All the bullying and silliness just denies the very righteousness we were imputed AS conduct with character.


What are you 12?

It is your claim then that you act holy as Christ is holy?

The self-righteous (YOU) insist that they are right because the ACT right and others don't. YOU are the Pharisee in the temple, boasting of your behavior, and calling the blood of Jesus irrelevant to save anyone.

You make the gospel as much of a joke as you are.

I'm -12 where God knew me before I was born.

God knew me cause He thought of me as children of His kingdom.

Elects are create before birth.

God found me, not me found God.

You found nothing.

Would you like for me not to reply to you?


Well-known member
This is what the MADs refuse to understand; and when their shocking behavior is mentioned, they hide behind an imputed righteousness that is supposed to include conduct FROM that character.
You're free to point out whatever you like but be your time here, even from the start but particularly lately, have you really conducted yourself any differently?


New member
PPS, I will start responding to your posts.

I would like to ask you first, why do you reverse what Paul said here:

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God"

I believe: Righteousness is through faith by grace (Rom 5:2, Eph 2:8).


TOL Subscriber
You're free to point out whatever you like but be your time here, even from the start but particularly lately, have you really conducted yourself any differently?

Why would you, of all people, ever point to conduct? It shouldn't even be a blip on your radar, right?

You also don't seem to be able to tell the difference from subject-matter issues and personal issues.

But yes, I've been tempered by this entire thing, and have found my own behavior very wanting according to my imputed righteousness. That's what has brought about my change of "tone" in this thread. I realized I too often allow the wretchedness of my crucified, dead, and buried old man to still dictate too much behavior for the new creature I am in Christ.


TOL Subscriber
PPS, I will start responding to your posts.

I would like to ask you first, why do you reverse what Paul said here:

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God"

Because many mistakenly presume Eph 2:8 (which I referenced along with Rom 5:2) indicates the "order" of faith and grace because of a simple gloss misunderstanding.

Rom 4:16 indicates that salvation is of faith that it might be by grace.

Rom 5:2 indicates we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand.

So Eph 2:8 should be understood appropriately rather than sloppily considering it an "order" of grace before faith.

We are saved by grace THROUGH faith (not of works). Faith, which cometh by hearing the Rhema, is the "through" that it may be "by" grace.

Just another thing most miss in their glosses of scripture. And it removes the hyper-grace message that is devoid of faith.

But all the more reason to know the difference between hope and faith, which virtually nobody does.


New member
Because many mistakenly presume Eph 2:8 (which I referenced along with Rom 5:2) indicates the "order" of faith and grace because of a simple gloss misunderstanding.

Rom 4:16 indicates that salvation is of faith that it might be by grace.

Rom 5:2 indicates we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand.

So Eph 2:8 should be understood appropriately rather than sloppily considering it an "order" of grace before faith.

We are saved by grace THROUGH faith (not of works). Faith, which cometh by hearing the Rhema, is the "through" that it may be "by" grace.

Just another thing most miss in their glosses of scripture. And it removes the hyper-grace message that is devoid of faith.

But all the more reason to know the difference between hope and faith, which virtually nobody does.
Thanks. I'll respond to this later (family Christmas today), before I address anything else.