Is that your opinion of me?
everytime i look, i see people arguing with you. what about ? why ? ill choose sides
Why are you rubbing "BS" under our noses and in the mods faces?
We were never promised anything in the OT. Get saved and get it straight. Epehsians 2:11-12 KJV
Nang rejects the due time message and the due time testifier.
Acts 20:24 KJV, 1 Timothy 2:4-6 KJV
So you choose against me?
Just because I am suffering persecution for my beliefs?
Why were you pretending that you thought Nagina was a dirty word instead of the name of a snake as I told you? You knew very well I did not call you a "female body part". I am so sick of your hypocritical bull manure.....grow up and get a life, ding dong. :sozo2:
Get saved and I'll tell you!Well, who is "we" who were never promised anything?
nang, i asked what the argument is, then i might choose a side
Audiences can differ, but there is only one Truth.
I absolutely did NOT!
There is something seriously wrong with you . . .:shocked:
So you choose against me?
Just because I am suffering persecution for my beliefs?
Because I stand for the full revelation of God's truth:
There is only one gospel and one name by which men can be saved, and that is the Gospel and Name of Jesus Christ.
Paul never saved anybody . . .
The argument is, I believe there is only one Truth and Gospel proclaimed throughout Scripture and history of the created world, but the MADists think there have been many gospels besides the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
What do you believe?
Heir thinks that Paul revealed a secret grace that never saved the O.T. Jews, or anyone else, until Paul came along.
It is called the worship of Paul; "Paulinianism."
I think the problem here is that these people literally do not understand imputed righteousness. If you say "God's standard is that you have to be as good as God in order to get to heaven" their response should be "but we can't be that good, Nang", to which you'd explain imputed righteousness from Jesus Christ that is totally alien to us. You'd then explain that the product of this imputed righteousness is a changed life that, while not perfect, is nonetheless glorifying to God, because when God looks at you, he sees the perfect righteousness of Jesus rather than our flawed behavior.
But they won't do that. These people are literally so ignorant of theology that they will respond to your statement with "you're saying we have to have perfect works. Works salvation!"
I just wish these clueless people wouldn't be so arrogant while being so clueless. Maybe then we could help them.
Indeed. I fail to understand the utter blindness that is by so many. This happens to me in real life to. When I'm the only one who thinks X, and all the other professing believers (some of whom may well be saved) think Y, I'm looked at as crazy and stubborn, even though I know X is right.
Its hard not to laugh, mock, and get cynical, because sometimes, that's really what I want to spend life doing.
Same old STRAW-MAN, tiring.....
Where has heir ever said that Paul saves anyone?
Nowhere! Nang makes things up on the fly.
I just wish these clueless people wouldn't be so arrogant while being so clueless. Maybe then we could help them.
What is not realized, is that whenever any opposer of the Truth of God, calls us names, argues with us, demeans us, or calls us liars . . . they are really calling Jesus Christ names, arguing with Jesus Christ, demeaning Jesus Christ, or calling Jesus Christ a liar . . . for we witness in His name, and confess to being born spiritually of His BEING.
So be it.
Curse me . . . you curse God . . .all of you who love darkness rather than Him and His Everlasting Gospel of Grace.
Okay sonny, you and Nang help us. :wave2:
What oh what would we do without your wisdom and her holiness? :baby:each: