ECT Nang's Boastful Lie


New member
Are you saying (trying to to say) her avatar mimics an old timey floozie? Cuz it looks classy to me.

Is that like a typical guy thing to say or what??
Can the world turn around you guys any more tightly than it already does?

No Heir's avatar is not of a floozie.

I did not want to hurt her but you guys are like - so - oh I don't even want to say. :bang:

To me: It is of a life that has no life.
See the face? Perfect, yet blank lacking everything of value.
See the action - sitting back taking leisure - or worse - observing the world turning around it uncaringly - yet totally unknowing of any bad coming toward it.
See the clothing? Indicative of riches and vanity so perfect for something dead like a manikin.


TOL Subscriber
Is that like a typical guy thing to say or what?

No Heir's avatar is not of a floozie.

I did not want to hurt her but you guys are like - so - oh I don't even want to say. :bang:

To me: It is of a life that has no life.
See the face? Perfect, yet blank lacking everything of value.
See the action - sitting back taking leisure - or worse - observing the world turning around it.
See the clothing? Indicative of riches and vanity so perfect for something dead like a manikin.
You obsess about everything. Addict yourself to the ministry, like these (1 Corinthians 16:15 KJV), instead.


New member
For me? I can't say I don't want to say something awful like it is reminiscent of a type of life and attitude before something terrible .
If she really wanted to frighten you, she would change her avatar to a tuna fishing boat.


New member
You obsess about everything. Addict yourself to the ministry, like these (1 Corinthians 16:15 KJV), instead.

Well as long as you are not hurt by my explanation, it is ok to call me obsessive. I would never hurt your taste in art or expression or lovely fashion. It was just something about the combination of that particular capture of it... I loved the hat btw. Are you never going to tell about the pic? Maybe I should put up some kind of avatar...


New member
Doom do not show me an avatar of animals near death please.
No problem!


New member
I hope y'all's theology is not at the same level as your sense of humor. Though it must be nice to be so easily amused...I guess I am jealous.


New member
I hope y'all's theology is not at the same level as your sense of humor. Though it must be nice to be so easily amused...I guess I am jealous.
Some things, in the midst of important things, help us to not take too serious the unimportant things.



New member
I understand now, your avatar is actually lunch. :chew:

Uh - no I think I can understand a little prophecy that's all.
Anyway notice how The Lord puts a smile on the face of my mammal up there? I like that. Scripture says.. oh oops. Sorry I 'm sure you know the Scripture you are not thinking of.


New member
I'm leaving but - you know - go ahead and embrace images of death like your avatar is so doing. After all whether you break one verse or twelve - do you really care? Then neither do i.


New member
Voila, everything is ok. Ignore gets rid of soulless avatars.
Life is good. But I do have to go cook ..sigh