ECT Nang's Boastful Lie


TOL Subscriber
Thank God I believed the gospel of Christ that is the power of God to save me rather than your bad news that there are sins that Christ didn't die for that are in need of confessing. You spit on His finished work every time you start blabbing about sins still being an issue.

Never said Christ did not die to pay the guilt and punishment for all my sins, did I?

And why is Jesus Christ sitting at the right hand of God as High Priest to hear confession of sins, if all sin is eliminated? And if all sin is eliminated, and no confessions are necessary, then what are you talking about?


Right Divider

Body part
So thou fabricate . . . accuser that you be.
No, Nang. You made a false claim and refuse to confess it.

What was/is the first commandment given by God . . To Adam, to Moses, to Christians?

It was/is to love God only. Love for fellow man follows.

Affections reside in the "heart" so if any of us do not possess the love of God, we cannot possibly live. We will only die.

I think it is vital to be given the ability to obey and fulfill the first Law and command of God, and that is what we are actually discussing.
Defend this statement or withdraw it, spin doctor.


TOL Subscriber
Given to Adam and recorded in SCRIPTURE?

What is the first commandment of God, always?

Written in stone by the finger of God, and reiterated by Jesus Christ.

If you don't want to talk about Adam, what about everybody else. What is the first commandment of God to all men?


New member
Hey, that is MY question . . . what reconciled world?

If you say "only the elect", then you are wrong for confessing what God does no longer take into account.

Since it is speaking of the whole world, then God no longer takes their sin into account.

What He does do is offer the free gift of life to anyone who will accept His once for all sacrifice for sin.


New member
What is irrelevant about what you first stated and claimed as being Truth?

(I would guess you are a lousy player of chess.)
I'm an excellent chess player, and I know that you define the "reconciled world" differently than the Bible does.


TOL Subscriber
Can't believe I received an infraction for referencing Brittney Spears.

Sure glad I didn't use JB

Talk about lying . . .

You are fortunate Delmar was so nice to you, and did not ban you, for you taunted me and provoked me to report you for posting a deliberate profanity.

Do you think Del did not review or not see your actual post?


New member
Talk about lying . . .

You are fortunate Delmar was so nice to you, and did not ban you, for you taunted me and provoked me to report you for posting a deliberate profanity.

Do you think Del did not review or not see your actual post?
I didn't post a profanity, I just posted what I knew you would perceive as a profanity.


TOL Subscriber
Never said Christ did not die to pay the guilt and punishment for all my sins, did I?
You don't believe Christ paid the debt or you wouldn't think you need to "confess" your sins to be "cleansed of all unrighteousness".

And why is Jesus Christ sitting at the right hand of God as High Priest to hear confession of sins, if all sin is eliminated? And if all sin is eliminated, and no confessions are necessary, then what are you talking about?
Is that what your church has convinced you of with their hijacking of 1 John 1:9? That's a future passage to Israel as in Zechariah 13:1 KJV consistent with Acts 3:19-21 KJV and even confirmed by Paul in Romans 11:26-27 KJV.

It's all about the second coming for them for their salvation to be complete (1 Peter 1:9-10 KJV) whereas we in the BoC have now received the atonement Romans 5:11 KJV!


TOL Subscriber
You don't believe Christ paid the debt or you wouldn't think you need to "confess" your sins to be "cleansed of all unrighteousness".

Is that what your church has convinced you of with their hijacking of 1 John 1:9? That's a future passage to Israel as in Zechariah 13:1 KJV consistent with Acts 3:19-21 KJV and even confirmed by Paul in Romans 11:26-27 KJV.

It's all about the second coming for them for their salvation to be complete (1 Peter 1:9-10 KJV) whereas we in the BoC have now received the atonement Romans 5:11 KJV!

I John 1:9 is not future.

It is an ongoing promise made by Jesus Christ to His church on earth through out history, who must endure temptations and remaining sins and failures of the flesh, despite being justified and forgiven of all guilt before God.

This wonderful access to the throne of continual forgiveness and cleansing of our sins, is because of Christ's suffering in time.
You rob Him of the efficacy and worth of His blood, with which He cut and ratified the New Covenant with His spiritual children, when you deny the sons of God can continually approach Him in His glory, to stay cleansed from sin.

That is exactly what His cross work work was all about, and exactly what He achieved for His own.

It is not a future for ethnic Jews, but is the present blessing for the church of Christ that consists of a remnant chosen to be redeemed in Christ's blood, both Jew and Gentiles out of all the nations.

He continually worked forgiveness to all His elect who believe the promises of the Savior, prior to the cross, by His grace, and He does the same for all His elect who believe by faith in the fulfillment of the promises by the Savior in time, after the cross, that preceded their lifetime.

This is too serious for you Dispies to be so WRONG!