ECT Nang's Boastful Lie

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Nick M says the Book of Hebrews is not salvational, so why is Johnny quoting it?

If supposedly it cannot save, how can it be the word of God? And what good does it do for Johnny to post it?

Highlighted or not?

"Johnny," you say, trashy witch? How is that silly boy, your husband, who you call Willy boy(my/your emphasis)?

So there.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
God does NOT post on TOL, but He IS recording every post in a book that He will open up on the last Day.

And you already know that you will be sent packing to hell, on this "the last Day" you cite, as you admit that you are not one of "the elect," as your life style tells you so, as you've not "repented of all of your sins," and "continually practice sin."

You taught us that, you satanic Calvinist drone.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I figure you must know "trashy" first-hand, to have the word in your vocabulary.

No, your Willy boy husband consider you trashy, and a nag, the same consensus of TOL, you wicked poser-ette.

Like "Bah," that witches use, Endora?


TOL Subscriber
No, your Willy boy husband consider you trashy, and a nag, the same consensus of TOL, you wicked poser-ette.

Like "Bah," that witches use, Endora?

How would you know if witches say "Bah?"

You shouldn't claim that my husband considers me trashy. That gets you reported.


TOL Subscriber
No, not that you would believe . . :(
Thank God I believed the gospel of Christ that is the power of God to save me rather than your bad news that there are sins that Christ didn't die for that are in need of confessing. You spit on His finished work every time you start blabbing about sins still being an issue.