ECT Nang's Boastful Lie


Well-known member
It's okay. You're free to scoff at God's hypostasis, the hypostasis of faith, and your own untranslated hypostasis.

It's your privilege to laugh at whatever you wish, even if it's in utter ignorance of truth.

Whoa, do you really think so highly of yourself that you dare to say you are God's anything? It's you I'm scoffing at. And, you truly deserve to be scoffed at. I laugh at you and your arrogance. I laugh at you and your pharisee act. I laugh at you and your utter ignorance about the simplicity that is Christ.


TOL Subscriber
You said faith is a substance. That's what metaphysical cults teach about "faith" in order to harness "faith" as an actual, literal source of power that can by itself make stuff happen. I do not think (or don't want to think) you're even in that ballpark but yours is pretty similar reasoning to theirs.

Theirs in an agenda of Theurgy. Summoning, incantating the power or presence of a god or gods.

Faith isn't power that can be harnessed.

I cited the five examples of the word from the Bible. None of them are used the way you claim in the Bible. If this is where we part company, then you've chosen the wrong hill to die on because you are wrong.

It's about parting company on doctrine, not parting company with you or any other individual. And the only hill I've died on (past tense) is Calvary, my outer man (prosopon) crucified with Christ and my inner man (hypostasis) resurrected into the prosopon of Christ.

You are a hypostasis. That's your inner man. Your underlying reality of substantial objective existence. Your outer man is your prosopon.

It takes faith to translate your hypostasis into the prosopon of Christ to be partaker of God's divine nature.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Guess not . . . sinless persons, like you, have no need of an eternal High Priest, do you?

So why did Jesus die, if not, as High Priest, to offer the blood sacrifice of His own Person, for your sins?

Do you think His office as High Priest was a temp job?

Slower, wicked one:
Sinners need a Saviour, a High Priest, not an advocate. The High Priest was for the lost. The Lord Jesus Christ is only an advocate for God the Father's children.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
oh please, johnny, help us - teach us. show us how to study and see all the details like you. you are a sage, a guru, a svengali, a mystic, a genius, a wise man, a master, a scholar, historian, teacher, sensai, a monk and a monkey. survey the book for us. argue with yourself about the contradictions YOU find in The Bible. i feel sorry for folks that get trapped within layers of misinterprentaions, focusing on percieved "problems" with scripture. your mind must be tormented :juggle:

Johnny? Who are you, punk-ette? Impressive. Feel like a tough girl, now, do you , Bel?


TOL Subscriber
Whoa, do you really think so highly of yourself that you dare to say you are God's anything?

I wasn't referring to me. You're scoffing at God in that regard, not me.

It's you I'm scoffing at.

No. You're scoffing at the content of what I've said.

You're also scoffing at me personally, but it's because of what I've said.

And, you truly deserve to be scoffed at.

Yes, the self-righteous scoffed at Jesus. It puts me in good company, so scoff away.

I laugh at you and your arrogance.

It's your puffed-up gnosis knowledge laughing at epignosis knowledge which abounds from love.

Feel free to laugh all you want. I'm just trying to deflate you and others who mistake hope for faith.

I laugh at you and your pharisee act.

And yet MAD is the Pharisee act, since all you have is a status label plastered on you that says "righteous" as a mere declaration instead of being made righteous.

I laugh at you and your utter ignorance about the simplicity that is Christ.

First of all, the simplicity (hapiotes) that is in Christ (2Cor 11:3), by definition, is non-duplicity, sincerity, and faithfulness and helpfulness in giving assistance to others.

Simplicity is not what your initial English conceptualization demands from the patterning of your heart and mind by language.

For one who to be hapious (simple), it doesn't involve stupidity on the part of the Christian, but rather prudence (phronesis), knowing how to deal with others and the circumstances in life.

The simplicity (hapiotes) is the singular manner in which one deals with others and life in general, which is according to imputed righteousness rather than inherent sin.

Even simple doesn't mean what you think simple means. So it's sincer and non-duplicitous and faithful to help others when someone uses the correct definitions of words instead of their own lack of hapiotes by substituting another definition for every word used in all their doctrinal concepts.

MADs proclaim simplicity from a shallow English presupposition of meaning, and then proceed to be duplicitous and insincere with every word they use by presuming its definition from their own mind rather than scripture.

There is no greater irony in the entire cosmos than that. None.


TOL Subscriber
I believe that at least from my part that is how most believe MAD's to be Hypernomianists/antinomianist's...which seems to be the favorite dart to throw, and also could not be further from the truth. Given that the moral standard cannot be upheld by any human other than Christ himself, why do professing Christians say that they can uphold a moral standard that no other human has been able to uphold? We stand upon His righteousness not upon our own and that is what most are saying here, and have been trying to point out for some time. Do you believe that now that you are "In Christ" you have arrived? That you now are able to uphold the righteous standard without fail?

No. There is no sin imputed to my hypostasis because it's been translated in to the prosopon of Christ. The law ceased in Christ, so there's no law to impute sin to my hypostasis.

Sin is in my members. My old prosopon. Reckoned dead by faith. I'm a new creature awaiting redemption of the purchased possession, to whit my mortal body.

Thankfully, we stand before God as righteous because of what He has done other than what we have done, or are doing presently.

Is your flesh righteous? Is your old man righteous? Does that righteous label as your status include your old man?

No. That's the reason for salavtion.