ECT Nang's Boastful Lie


TOL Subscriber

Eternal life was promised by God (the Father) before the world began. We weren't there. So Who was it promised to?

Just like almost every other word you use, you don't know the meaning of "promise". It's not the diluted, casual English meaning at all.

Titus 1:2 In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;

I believe that Christ was delivered for our offences and was raised again for our justification because He had faith in the Father, hope of eternal life which God promised before the world began!

No. You hope (trust). It's not faith.


TOL Subscriber
Of course not, because YOU said so.

No. Because you deny the very definition of faith and scoff at it.

I said nothing other than to define the words, as always.

You don't and can't know the effect on your mind of the low-context English language.


TOL Subscriber
Threepio, is there a reason you've never told us exactly what denomination you'd fall under, or close to under?

I have. You must have missed it.

I'm a member of a local non-denominational (I hate that term, but denominationalism is no better) Church.

Grace Church of Christ (and no, not the Campbell-Miller Restoriationist or the United Church of Christ).