ECT Nang's Boastful Lie


New member
Please stick to the point of YOUR ORIGINAL POST and justify it WITH SCRIPTURE!

Use SCRIPTURE to show that this is TRUE!

If you cannot (which you've refused to do so far), then you are just making false and speculative statements that show you are just a vain babbler.
you don't read a word................ demon


TOL Subscriber
You're going to need to explain that, lest you be seen as going even deeper into the metaphysical weeds.

It's scripture.

Hebrews 11:1. Now faith is the substance (hypostasis) of things hoped for (elpis)...

Hypo- is "under" and -stasis is "to stand".

Faith is the foundational underlying substantial objective reality of existence (hypostasis) of things hoped for, and it's now. Faith stands under hope, giving it reality of existence.

So the everlasting life we hope for is given reality of existence NOW by faith, which underlies it and gives it substantiality.

Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Rhema.

It is the hypostasis of faith that translates (moves to another location) our hypostasis (inner man) by hearing God's Rhema, which is His hypostasis.

He HATH translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son. In Him we live and move and have our being.

Our new nature isn't another put inside of us. It's us translated into Him to have His. All of this occurs while we yet physically live, but the substance of faith underlies our hope (trust) and gives it true substantial reality of existence when we reckon our old man (prosopon) crucified as dead and buried.

Our hypostasis is resurrected into the prosopon of Christ. We put on His robe of flesh just as He took our filthy rags on Calvary. It's the Robe Exchange foreshadowed in 1Sam 18:1-4.

IN Christ. Hope isn't being IN Christ. It's the trust of potentiality that we will be at physical death. Hope (elpis) saves us. But faith is the underlying reality of existence for the things hoped for (everlasting life). NOW.

Then and only then do we live by the faith of the Son of God.

It's ontological, because faith is ontological. Faith is the underlying substantial reality of our existence IN Christ.

Elpis (hope/trust) is not pistis (faith).


TOL Subscriber
Please stick to the point of YOUR ORIGINAL POST and justify it WITH SCRIPTURE!

Use SCRIPTURE to show that this is TRUE!

If you cannot (which you've refused to do so far), then you are just making false and speculative statements that show that you are just a vain babbler.

Stop shouting at me ... it is against TOL rules of conduct!

It is obvious you have received no education in Covenant Theology and have never been taught about the Covenant of Works (aka, the "Old Covenant").

God created Adam under this covenant and being made in God's image, Adam possessed secondary agency to cause and affect his surroundings.

Included in this blessing, was the warning from God to use this moral agency by submitting it to His own Sovereign and holy instructions.

Adam failed to do so; broke covenant with God, and used his moral agency to oppose Gods commands ("Law/Word").

It is all there in the scripture I gave you, which if you were truly interested, it should jump-start you into looking further to find the significance and spiritual ramifications of that event.

But you won't because I think you are intellectually lazy and have little interest in studying the entire bible to find Truth. That is why you erase so much scripture from your attention and consideration.

It is easier and much more fun to call me a liar and just stick with a few chapters out of the whole word of God, as suggested to you by MADists, than it is to dig deep.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I appreciate the posiition MADs are taking in one sense. But it's the ditch on the other side of the road from Hypernomianism (Hyper-law).

I believe that at least from my part that is how most believe MAD's to be Hypernomianists/antinomianist's...which seems to be the favorite dart to throw, and also could not be further from the truth. Given that the moral standard cannot be upheld by any human other than Christ himself, why do professing Christians say that they can uphold a moral standard that no other human has been able to uphold? We stand upon His righteousness not upon our own and that is what most are saying here, and have been trying to point out for some time. Do you believe that now that you are "In Christ" you have arrived? That you now are able to uphold the righteous standard without fail? Thankfully, we stand before God as righteous because of what He has done other than what we have done, or are doing presently.


Well-known member
But faith is a substance

Hupostasis is used 5 times in the N.T. It is used once (Heb 1:3) to picture Christ's physical expression of the reality of the Father Who is spirit. The other four times it is used to note the confidence and assurance of, or based upon, something else (4x). It is a noun grammatically, but it is not a literal thing. It is not used in the N.T. as an actual substance in itself - it is always referring to something else.