ECT Nang's Boastful Lie


New member
You have adopted the error of Antinomianism . . . which is Lawlessness.
Antinomianism: is derived from the Greek terms "anti" ἀντί and "law" νόμος which simple stated is "anti law".

The term was coined by Martin Luther in his opposition to a commentary on the Gospel of Luke by Johannes Agricola during the reformation. It is not a term that can be or should be used in discussions of theology. It is not only not Biblical, but merely a strawman argument, designed to place those who have been set free from the law, sin, wrath, darkness, and death back into bondage.

If someone knows anything about God, or His message concerning Christ, it is rather obvious that God is FOR Law to bring us to Christ (Gal 3:24; Rom 7), and He is "anti" (against) Law for righteousness (Rom 10:4; Gal 3:12). Nang accuses God of being "antinomian".

You have no idea what they are talking about.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
My statements are scriptural, but you resist any notion of righteous works in a believer's life, for you have adopted the error of Antinomianism.

As proof of salvation.

And, you cannot tell me how many righteous works you need to prove you are not a reprobate, and that you have a saving faith.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
As proof of salvation.

And, you cannot tell me how many righteous works you need to prove you are not a reprobate, and that you have a saving faith.

She is "4 and out," brother, every time you try to "pin her down," re. her subjective "good news"(loosely/sarcastically employed here). Again, I asked her pal, Timmy, who gave us the old "license to sin" stumper.......

"That is, break it down for us, quanitify for all of us alleged "license to sin"ners, just what the h___ this " continually practices sin without any remorse or evidence of repentance" is. Unpack it for us. Do be a dear, and lay out:

-What is "continually?" 22% of the time? 34.87% of the time? 10% of the time?

-How much "remorse?" Who sets the standard for judging "remorse?" You? Members of the boc? A vote? And just how would you do that? My brother is a doctor. Is there a medical instrument, that he would know, that measures "remorse?"

-How much evidence of repentance? Specifics, please.

-How much "hate their sins? Specfics. How do you measure this "level" of "hating their sins?"

A Muslim, Jew, a Roman Catholic, some deluded Hare Krishna monk, on the streets of Tibet, can demonstrate "remorse or evidence of repentance," "hate of their sins." And?"

Not a peep.

"It's not that complicated."-STP

"Any person who lives his life wrongly and does not repent of his sins, will be held responsible and judged for breaking God's laws and are justly consigned to death and hell. Sinners only receive what they have earned. Men reap what they sow….Souls can be assured they are in the body of Christ, when the Holy Spirit causes them to hate their sins and to repent of them.Any soul who professes faith in Christ, who continually practices sin without any remorse or evidence of repentance, produces a erroneous witness to the saving grace of God."-nasty Naggie

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
She is "4 and out," brother, every time you try to "pin her down," re. her subjective "good news"(loosely/sarcastically) employed here). Again, I asked her pal, Timmy, who gave us the old "license to sin" stumper.......

"That is, break it down for us, quanitify for all of us alleged "license to sin"ners, just what the h___ this " continually practices sin without any remorse or evidence of repentance" is. Unpack it for us. Do be a dear, and lay out:

-What is "continually?" 22% of the time? 34.87% of the time? 10% of the time?

-How much "remorse?" Who sets the standard for judging "remorse?" You? Members of the boc? A vote? And just how would you do that? My brother is a doctor. Is there a medical instrument, that he would know, that measures "remorse?"

-How much evidence of repentance? Specifics, please.

-How much "hate their sins? Specfics. How do you measure this "level" of "hating their sins?"

A Muslim, Jew, a Roman Catholic, some deluded Hare Krishna monk, on the streets of Tibet, can demonstrate "remorse or evidence of repentance," "hate of their sins." And?"

Not a peep.

If what she says is true, saint john, these are important questions for everyone regarding our salvation. She is doing a great disservice by not breaking it down for us.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
As proof of salvation.

And, you cannot tell me how many righteous works you need to prove you are not a reprobate, and that you have a saving faith.

Allow me.

If you think that we are justified positionally while our life is godless, demonic, and no different than that of evil unbelievers, you are fooling yourself. You have been given verses that show that the Spirit transforms us into the image and character of Christ, not in theory, but in reality. He does not just save us from the penalty of sin. He also transforms us from glory to glory. You must be blind to all of the Pauline passages that show salvation is more than initial justification. We are actually changed, new creatures, not just on paper, but in reality.

I hold that loving obedience to the law AFTER salvation by grace through faith is consistent with how Jesus and Paul lived.

Romans 4:7 is talking about initial justification, not subsequent lapses. Our past sins are not counted against us. This does not mean that God is blind to our future sins and winks at them as we fall into them again. It should not be extrapolated as unconditional forgiveness while persisting in sin in the future. There is provision for future sin, but the forgiveness of non-existent sins does not make sense (you are an Open Theist who should know a specific sin may or may not come to pass).


I wonder what hole he is hiding in. Not subsequent lapses. You can for get about those things. Like if you accidentally rob a 7-11, but don't do it over and over in sheer rebellion, then you are ok.


New member
Say a person gets 70 years, how many works would be needed to show that their faith is alive?
None are needed, for we can know Whom we have believed, even if our flesh does not behave any differently than an atheist's flesh. Flesh is flesh.

And we can help others to perceive our faith, and we can likewise strengthen our own faith, by acting in faith, walking by faith, walking in the Spirit, and/or living according to the Spirit.


New member
I disagree with this. As has been said elsewhere, if there was ever an individual in all of Paul's writings whose conduct could conceivably disqualify him from being saved, it was the man in Corinth unrepentantly having sex with his own mother. He got into that church somehow, and had evidently been there for some time. But Paul did not pronounce him to be unsaved; rather he proceeded on the assumption that he IS saved and ordered he be dealt with as such...severely, but still as saved. Room to doubt? Yes, possibly, but not to judge. Only Christ knows those who are truly His.
I agree but I caution you with the thought that, Would Paul have treated a person who he somehow knew was not saved, any differently? and I don't know what your answer would be, and my answer is no; I think Paul would treat a known unbeliever the same way that he treated the fornicator (KJV) above. Our Lord once said, about a similar person, "Let him be to you like a heathen."

There's nothing there about it meaning that the person is actually a heathen, just that we should treat them like one. It's not a judgment of their soul, only of their (flesh's) conduct.


Well-known member
Depends on how much time God gives us.

Is there some reason you are so adverse to living a righteous life?

Uh oh, Nang is accusing someone of being adverse to living a righteous life. This is the problem with people like Nang. They are hypocrites who love to point fingers. She doesn't even see her own pride for what it sure isn't "living a righteous life". :nono:


Well-known member
So you think believers are filthy people hidden in God.

The righteousness of man is as filthy rags. Compared to God? Yep, pretty much.

I never had any righteousness which is of the law.

but I do have the righteousness which is of God by faith.

and I do not have to pretend either, and that is why I am persecuted by people who do pretend.

cant do anything about that. That's just the ways it is for now.

I complained to the Lord about it but He said it has to be, and to just accept it.




Well-known member
For Christians are to live holy, for God is holy. Otherwise, what separates our witness from the ungodly and the unholy world of unrepentant sinners, if not our conduct?

Our belief and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. I don't tell my unsaved neighbor I'm better than he is. I tell him that all men come short of the glory of God. He can see that for's why the world hates those "holier than thou" people who claim to be better than they are. You, for one, Nang.


New member
Hi Doom,
I don't know why you keep making threads about Nang - because I can't read past Heir's recent avatar.

No I am not kidding. It's making me quite distraught.
I can't breath - or it feels like I can't after seeing it.

Sound strange? Really?? So what?!!!!!
I don't have a freaky avatar that ruins other peoples view of society or reality or whatever that avatar is about - Life maybe.
Please Help.
Then I will help you understand Nang.

ps it's creepy to me, I'm sorry

It's nazi germany it's paris france it's aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh don't know what


Well-known member
I agree but I caution you with the thought that, Would Paul have treated a person who he somehow knew was not saved, any differently?

I think he absolutely would have. If nothing else, Paul surely would have told the elders to share the Gospel with the offender -- such was the chief ambassador's heart for the lost. That's why I refuse the common interpretation that the guy fornicating his mother was unsaved, as many legalists assume he just HAD to have been.

However, do I think Paul wondered if that guy (and possibly others) was a believer? Yes, I do. Such is the nature of salvation by grace through faith without works as definite proof we're saved, or lack of works as definite proof we're not (again, legalist interpretations notwithstanding).

So had Paul KNOWN he was lost, imo there is NO WAY he would have prescribed the severe remedy he did, in the hopes of restoring the man. You can't restore someone who is lost. They need saved first. Paul would not have ordered a man he somehow KNEW was unsaved back out into the world, where he's not going to hear the very Gospel that Paul was entrusted with. I cannot bring myself to believe that.

It's not a judgment of their soul, only of their (flesh's) conduct.
I wouldn't disagree with that. I'm just talking room to doubt, which I don't know if any of us can avoid doing in such a situation.

Still, our response is to be the same no matter what: no fellowship as long as the behavior continues.


TOL Subscriber
Hi Doom,
I don't know why you keep making threads about Nang - because I can't read past Heir's recent avatar.

No I am not kidding. It's making me quite distraught.
I can't breath - or it feels like I can't after seeing it.

Sound strange? Really?? So what?!!!!!
I don't have a freaky avatar that ruins other peoples view of society or reality or whatever that avatar is about - Life maybe.
Please Help.
Then I will help you understand Nang.

ps it's creepy to me, I'm sorry

It's nazi germany it's paris france it's aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh don't know what
You need a doctor.