ECT Nang's Boastful Lie

john w

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Because you're a self-righteous idiot, obviously suffering from dementia.

"does not act holy as Christ is holy, that evidences what that professor is NOT."-Naggie

=I'm saved, one of "the elect," cuz my lifestyle/"fruit" tells me so, as I examine my "perseverance"(TULIP), as "evidence" that I am one those "roll the dice" "elect."

Naggie's/Calvinism's wicked perversion of the gospel of Christ, a subtil form of works based "salvation," as rat poison is 99.99% cornmeal-it's that .01% that "gets the rat."

Lazy afternoon

No, you're not. If you were as perfect as Christ then you wouldn't need to hide IN HIM. Believers are IN the beloved. The Lord Jesus Christ is the BELOVED. Believers are hid with Christ in God. His righteousness is counted as ours. It is not ours. Christ gets ALL THE GLORY because NO MAN was found worthy. That's the part that you like to ignore, isn't it?

So you think believers are filthy people hidden in God.

Philippians 3:9 And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:​

I never had any righteousness which is of the law.

but I do have the righteousness which is of God by faith.

and I do not have to pretend either, and that is why I am persecuted by people who do pretend.

cant do anything about that. That's just the ways it is for now.

I complained to the Lord about it but He said it has to be, and to just accept it.


Lazy afternoon

Yep, can you? Read that with this in mind.

Romans 4:1 What shall we say then that Abraham our father, as pertaining to the flesh, hath found?

Romans 4:2 For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God.

I showed you that Abraham was justified by his works of faith and that the works of the law or of the flesh are not the works mentioned in the verses.

Jas 2:21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar?
Jas 2:22 Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect?

A bit hard for your one track mind to understand isn't it.


Lazy afternoon

You hypocritical scum. You have the audacity to accuse me of adding a word to your post (which I NEVER did) and then you make-up an entire sentence that I NEVER said, nor will you EVER find a quote where I said any such thing.

You are beyond unbelievable, and this site, it's "mods", or the owner, will never hold you accountable, because they lack as much integrity as you do. Shame on you and shame on them for allowing a worthless miserable old hell-bound witch like you to infect this place.

are you and Nick M friends and go to the same church?



You hypocritical scum. You have the audacity to accuse me of adding a word to your post (which I NEVER did) and then you make-up an entire sentence that I NEVER said, nor will you EVER find a quote where I said any such thing.

You are beyond unbelievable, and this site, it's "mods", or the owner, will never hold you accountable, because they lack as much integrity as you do. Shame on you and shame on them for allowing a worthless miserable old hell-bound witch like you to infect this place.
:mock: Prig

Lazy afternoon

Liar. In fact, you believe that you "act holy as Christ is holy". You said so.

Any true believer filled with the Holy Spirit acts often in Christ's stead in the same Spirit Christ has dwelling in Him.

So it is foolish to think the true saints can not be as Holy as Christ.

though usually not for long, but is sometimes.

and in the case of some "believers", never.



New member
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This is the most excellent and pertinent question yet asked on this thread. . .

"Infused righteousness" is the superstitious and mystical belief of the RCC as taught in their catechism, which claims when a sinner is saved, they are "infused" with the ontological righteousness of Jesus Christ, and thereby become "little christs."

So far, as I can determine, Doom and many of his ilk are thinking this is truth.
No, I don't read Doom that way. I think the only one who would come close to that is PPS but he also refused the term. But he seems closer in that he thinks there is a literal transfer of our spirits into Christ which does begin to effect our conduct.

"Imputed Righteousness" rather, is a biblical and LEGAL rendering by God, pardoning and declaring criminals (sinners) forgiven, according to an outside righteousness . . . that of a Savior and Substitute . . . who exchanged His righteousness to save His guilty children. He willingly and actually paid their death sentence, in order to trade His goodness for their sinfulness, in the court of God (on the cross).

This is the saving grace of God.

Despite all the slander that has been poured forth upon me in these threads put up by Doom, I do not believe any criminal, such as you and I, can ever achieve the holy righteousness of our Savior. God alone is good. His creatures, by nature, are not good.

But Jesus Christ saw it to be fit to pay the price for their failures, by sinlessly and perfectly keeping all the moral Law, even unto death, to vicariously supply them with His righteousness, through LEGAL Justification, before God the Judge; obtaining their Pardon and forgiveness by His blood (life) offering, which alone could remit their sins.
Why would God settle for a legal rendering of righteousness that has no effect beyond 'paper', so to speak? If God can save man such that they are really and truly changed, wouldn't that be better? Wouldn't God want real righteousness in us rather than simply calling us so when He leaves the reality so much different, us being lost in sin? :idunno:

IOW's, no creature is sinless and as righteous as Christ, but all redeemed by His blood are exhorted to live and live "Holy, for He is holy." I Peter 1:16

I have no idea why I am being so persecuted for believing and teaching this basic truth of the Gospel of Grace in Jesus Christ.

What Christian witness does any man have before the ungodly world, unless it proves to be a holy witness? What good is the Christian "salt of the world" if it loses its savor?
I agree with this part.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
You hypocritical scum. You have the audacity to accuse me of adding a word to your post (which I NEVER did) and then you make-up an entire sentence that I NEVER said, nor will you EVER find a quote where I said any such thing.

You are beyond unbelievable, and this site, it's "mods", or the owner, will never hold you accountable, because they lack as much integrity as you do. Shame on you and shame on them for allowing a worthless miserable old hell-bound witch like you to infect this place.

Have a nice day! You know I love you.


Well-known member
I tend to agree. It seems like the alternative is that we are basically just as lost in sin as before but God accounts to us a righteousness that isn't ours. It's just a type of bookkeeping with no real effect on us. :idunno:

That's a pretty good way to put it. All of Paul's exhortations and encouragement to walk by the Spirit, make no provision for the flesh, count ourselves as dead, etc, are pretty meaningless, practically speaking, if we have not been given power to do so (which we didn't have before) and are expected to do something with it.


TOL Subscriber
That's a pretty good way to put it. All of Paul's exhortations and encouragement to walk by the Spirit, make no provision for the flesh, count ourselves as dead, etc, are pretty meaningless, practically speaking, if we have not been given power to do so (which we didn't have before) and are expected to do something with it.

We are given power to do so.

Legally justified souls are sealed and indwelt by the Holy Spirit; anointed by Him to live righteously. I John 1:1-20

Christians are forensically pardoned and imputed with Christ's righteousness, and then sanctified and equipped to present a holy witness of Him in this world.

This justification AND sanctification truly converts the person from death to life, from darkness to light, and from bondage to sin to serving righteousness.

All I have said, that angers a few around here, is that if these changes are not evident or practiced by those who confess faith in Jesus Christ, then their faith proves to be invalid ("dead").

For Christians are to live holy, for God is holy. Otherwise, what separates our witness from the ungodly and the unholy world of unrepentant sinners, if not our conduct?

Grosnick Marowbe

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Any true believer filled with the Holy Spirit acts often in Christ's stead in the same Spirit Christ has dwelling in Him.

So it is foolish to think the true saints can not be as Holy as Christ.

though usually not for long, but is sometimes.

and in the case of some "believers", never.


You're so confused!


Well-known member
For Christians are to live holy, for God is holy. Otherwise, what separates our witness from the ungodly and the unholy world of unrepentant sinners, if not our conduct?

I believe Romans 16:17, 2 Thess 3:6, 2 Thess 3:14, Titus 2:8, and others, would support that. Will any believer be perfectly holy in walk? No. Not in this flesh. Hence all of Paul's admonitions.

But I must again point out to you, Nang, that your god still lies for condemning the unbelief he chose to occur. That is not hyperbole nor exaggeration. Please consider it seriously.


TOL Subscriber
I believe Romans 16:17, 2 Thess 3:6, 2 Thess 3:14, Titus 2:8, and others, would support that. Will any believer be perfectly holy in walk? No. Not in this flesh. Hence all of Paul's admonitions.


But I must again point out to you, Nang, that your god still lies for condemning the unbelief he chose to occur. That is not hyperbole nor exaggeration. Please consider it seriously.

God chose to create man.
Man chose to oppose God. Romans 5:12


New member
We are given power to do so.
Then the "power" is inept, otherwise everyone who had the "power" would never fall short.

Christians are forensically pardoned and imputed with Christ's righteousness, and then sanctified and equipped to present a holy witness of Him in this world.
Completely false.

All I have said, that angers a few around here, is that if these changes are not evident or practiced by those who confess faith in Jesus Christ, then their faith proves to be invalid ("dead").
That's not "all" you said. We know what you said, because we have your unaltered quote. Nevertheless, what you just said still disqualifies you and every other descendant of Adam (other than Christ) from being saved. When behavior is set up as the standard for who is and who is not saved as evidence (which is what you just said), then anyone who is not in Christ and whose behavior exceeds yours, can judge you as unsaved, and themselves as saved. Paul makes this absolutely clear in Romans 2:17-29 READ IT.

For Christians are to live holy, for God is holy.
You don't understand the meaning of that word.
Otherwise, what separates our witness from the ungodly and the unholy world of unrepentant sinners, if not our conduct?
Our faith. THAT, is our testimony. Why, because ALL men are equally found falling short of the glory of God. No man is any greater or any less than any other man, and our "witness" is to point to the ONLY One who can save ANY MAN. It is what we BELIEVE about Jesus that is our testimony, not our behavior.

Until you understand this, you are no different than the Pharisees who put all the emphasis on their behavior and obedience to the Law to be right with God. The Law proves all men completely undone.

Cross Reference

New member
Grace and faith are not a license to sin (sin being a self-determined standard of conduct rather than God's conduct). We're dead to sin. We're a new creation IN Christ. There's no sin imputed where there is no law, and the law ceased in Christ.

Jesus came to fulfill the law, i.e., that to which the written law pointed to. In fulfilling it He did not do cancel it out but simply summed it up in Himself. Having said that to be a truth, does not obedience remain a factor and with His indwelling me, is not my disobedience a heavier violation of the law?


TOL Subscriber
Faith without works is dead.

Unholy conduct marks the hypocrite.

God is not mocked.

Be holy, for God is holy.

Read I John and be blessed.


TOL Subscriber
Jesus came to fulfill the law, i.e., that to which the written law pointed to. In fulfilling it He did not do cancel it out but simply summed it up in Himself. Having said that to be a truth, does not obedience remain a factor and with His indwelling me is not my disobedience a heavier violation of the law?

God's law is now written on our hearts. We obey it because now we love God's holy standards.

When a Christian disobeys what they are now enabled to love, it causes great tension and grief in the soul, until one repents, confesses, and finds grace and cleansing in Christ.

Romans 7:14-8:1; I John 1:8-2:6


New member
God's law is now written on our hearts. We obey it because now we love God's holy standards.
I should have just waited to quote this post, because it is the quintessential evidence that you have never believed the gospel.