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Genuine sons of God must oppose and reveal counterfeits.

You are a fake Meshak. God commands you repent and believe in the God of the Scriptures.

You don't know the truth.

God does not reveal the truth to violent people and claim to be true and elect Christians.


TOL Subscriber
I can't love or relate to anti-Christs until or unless they repent of their opposition to the Truth.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If one leaves Paul's message out, it removes a GIANT piece of
the puzzle, out of the salvation message! Especially, where
it pertains to the gentiles!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Your indignation is understood, but is the alternative any better?
Depends on how you view alternatives. Mine would be a civil disagreement within the Body that isn't framed by people trying cast one another off and out like some sad, theological version of king of the hill...and I'm not so much indignant as saddened by the waste of it.

Is it right or faithful to the gospel of Jesus Christ, for any to give universal assurance, that all is well, and offer spiritual peace where there is no peace, to unrepentant souls who need to hear the command to repent of sins and false beliefs?
I think it's right and faithful to speak the truth that we find, understanding God is the final arbiter and to speak what we know in love, not just in the name of love.

IOW's isn't it God's wisdom to commission His own, to separate truth from error, and who will they prove to be, but those who testify to the saving grace of God?
Who says who God commissions and by what litmus? This is why I mostly confine my public confession to the things that speak to the salvific and leave off arguing over matters that simply don't touch that. I'm not suggesting that doctrinal matters outside of the salvific aren't important and helpful, only that fighting over them isn't.

Somebody must discern and preach the truths of God . . .
I think the truth, the foundational and saving truth of Christ isn't particularly complicated. It wasn't for the thief hanging next to Jesus.

Why not the saved, faithful, confessional, and educated sons of God?
I don't think non Christians are likely to spread the gospel. Else, fisherman of physician, we're all called to bear witness.


Well-known member
but this is clearly not the case.... this whole trinity thing.. there are many scriptures to support both sides.. none to support a rock...

Jesus said Father..


you dont see how it could be hard to not see her view but still love the same God you do?

Possible? Perhaps, but only insofar as one hasn't read the rest of their Bible.

Triune isn't mob mentality, we all use the same scriptures that show we are convinced of this truth.

Not only that, we aren't on one of their unitarian boards. "THEY" are making it a salvation issue by bring up the contention and purposefully fighting with us. What does scripture say for one who would come to a board only to fight with every other member?

See where we are coming from Joe?


New member
Possible? Perhaps, but only insofar as one hasn't read the rest of their Bible.

Triune isn't mob mentality, we all use the same scriptures that show we are convinced of this truth.

Not only that, we aren't on one of their unitarian boards. "THEY" are making it a salvation issue by bring up the contention and purposefully fighting with us. What does scripture say for one who would come to a board only to fight with every other member?

See where we are coming from Joe?

The define where I am,,speak for the owner of what defines a Christian on this web site please.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Meshak is so filled with hatred towards the military, main stream churches, and
people who believe in the Trinity that, she's become totally, intellectually
when it comes to truth! She's focused on her hatred and can't
see the Forrest for the trees!


Well-known member
I can't love or relate to anti-Christs until or unless they repent of their opposition to the Truth.

I don't think of love as an emotion, though. We are called to love our enemies, so it is an action. If by this you mean not on TOL because such is difficult to convey, I understand, we are somewhat limited when words are how we know one another.

In Him,


New member
Hall of Fame
What is your motivation behind your question?

Everyone know what I think of Paul. It is no secret.

My Lord is Jesus, not Paul.

Paul isnt his Lord either, but he is a prophet of the Lord, taught directly by the Lord, your cult leader Charles T. Russel was a scam artist who was busted under oath and was forced to admit he did not know biblical languages greek and hebrew like he claimed in addition to other frauds.

I pray you wake up.