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Simply giving Him lip service by calling Him "Lord, Lord" does not excuse her denying Him His Godhood.

You simply call Jesus God and don't honor Him as your Lord.

this is obvious lip serving. that's what Jesus is warning about, ma'am.


New member
By simply denying Christ is equal to the Father in His Person.

Despite his powers exhibited, anti-Christs claim Jesus was only a created mortal and subservient to God.

No mere mortal can go to Hell and preach the Gospel and return to the Father. I agree.


Well-known member
You can be anti military all day long as that is a personal conviction, but to teach that someone who isnt - isnt saved and that Jesus has something against soldiers, is a total lie.

She's a troll stalking every thread, and should be banned if she can't shut her mouth.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Meshak is "extremely" limited in her knowledge of Spiritual matters! She
only concentrates on the four Gospels, and seems to dismiss the rest! I
doubt she's ever read the entire Bible?


By simply denying Christ is equal to the Father in His Person.

Despite his powers exhibited, anti-Christs claim Jesus was only a created mortal and subservient to God.

You are exhibiting clearly that you have anti-Christ spirit with action.

You have violent faith.


Trinitarians have been showing violent faith from the beginning of RCC. Protestant are no different.

Like mother, like daughter. RCC is mother of harlot and protestants are her daughters.


Well-known member
Well... the thing is.. I feel to protect her but your points are right,,she attacks viciously..I dont know what to do or say about it.
Good man. I will not fault you for that.

I think for many of them, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. They start the fight and then think that such counts them worthy for persecution, always missing that Peter says if you start it, and your hurts are deserved for that, then it is not for righteousness sake. They 'fight' thinking that Jesus is pleased with the contention. I tell JW's who come to my door that I simply disagree with them and have the education to know what I'm talking about. They generally do not try and fight from that time and I'm glad. We are to be proclaimers, not fighters. Meshak should have shaken dust from her sandles long long long ago. She likes to fight as do other unitarians on this board :(

It is the fighting and mean spirit of them coming on this board that makes me wonder about them most of all. They come to rock the boat. I think it would be evil of me to do much more than post a few scriptures on a JW site and tell them in a post or 2 why I believe they are wrong, if I felt called to it. Fighting with them each and every day and making them hate or despise me? Not a good reflection on my Savior. Say it and shake dust, don't be mean-spirited and contentious. That reflects poorly on your beliefs when you are in an enemy camp. Don't you agree, Joseph?


Well-known member
Trinitarians have been showing violent faith from the beginning of RCC. Protestant are no different.

Like mother, like daughter. RCC is mother of harlot and protestants are her daughters.
Why do you hate us so much, Meshak? Why do you tell us you hate us every day you are here? Is this the ministry Jesus has called you to do?


TOL Subscriber
Google "Arianism."

Such includes JW's but is much more . . . It is an ancient heresy, that is rampant in this postmodern age.

All Christians should educate themselves against this spiritual plague, and arm themselves in order to recognize it when it raises it's ugly head amongst the saints!! Ephesians 6:10-18


New member
Hall of Fame
Trinitarians have been showing violent faith from the beginning of RCC. Protestant are no different.

Like mother, like daughter. RCC is mother of harlot and protestants are her daughters.

And the JW cult is a false teaching, false bible writing, false witnessing, false prophesying ungodly lie that calls itself christian that was founded by a scam artist who had to finally admit on a courtroom witness stand while divorcing his wife, that he lied about knowing biblical languages under threat of perjury.

Wake up. You have a computer, put it to some good use and actually study what you claim you believe.


New member
Good man. I will not fault you for that.

I think for many of them, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. They start the fight and then think that such counts them worthy for persecution, always missing that Peter says if you start it, and your hurts are deserved for that, then it is not for righteousness sake. They 'fight' thinking that Jesus is pleased with the contention. I tell JW's who come to my door that I simply disagree with them and have the education to know what I'm talking about. They generally do not try and fight from that time and I'm glad. We are to be proclaimers, not fighters. Meshak should have shaken dust from her sandles long long long ago. She likes to fight as do other unitarians on this board :(

It is the fighting and mean spirit of them coming on this board that makes me wonder about them most of all. They come to rock the boat. I think it would be evil of me to do much more than post a few scriptures on a JW site and tell them in a post or 2 why I believe they are wrong, if I felt called to it. Fighting with them each and every day and making them hate or despise me? Not a good reflection on my Savior. Say it and shake dust, don't be mean-spirited and contentious. That reflects poorly on your beliefs when you are in an enemy camp. Don't you agree, Joseph?

I do agree..I cant in any account be so closed minded about any such subject as God has not givin me direct answers.

So I give everyone the benefit of the doubt they may have anointing..God forbid I declare someone anointed and I call them a liar, then what is my judgment?


Meshak,,is the Lord Christ the Arch Angel Micheal?

I don't know. Does it matter if it is Jesus or not?

I am not into guessing game that most organized churches play.

there is no way to know who is right or wrong. Jesus does not judge us by knowing all prophesy.

Jesus just commands us to be faithful to Him. so simple.