Do you believe all sins of all people were forgiven on the cross?
Unsaved man will be judged by their works, not their sins. Read the end of the book of Revelation and find out what I'm talking about. Why do you think that is?
Do you believe all sins of all people were forgiven on the cross?
Yep! :up: Our salvation is based on God's foreknowledge! Romans 8:29-30 KJV, Ephesians 1:4 KJV.I must have been identified with him as I was crucified with him, buried with him, and risen with him.
[Cc: @heir @john w @glorydaz Of which sin do you believe God is unaware? 2 Chron 16:9, 1 Pe 3:12, Mt 7:21-23] Of which sin do you believe God did not die for?...
Unsaved man will be judged by their works, not their sins. Read the end of the book of Revelation and find out what I'm talking about. Why do you think that is?
So, do you believe all sins of all people were forgiven on the cross? Please answer directly.Unsaved man will be judged by their works, not their sins. Read the end of the book of Revelation and find out what I'm talking about. Why do you think that is?
God knew about them all and died for them all 2000 years before we were ever born! Try and think!:yawn: strawman
SD is having trouble making any sense?
My sins, and all of those of the Body of Christ, were forgiven before the LORD could be raised from the dead. Why on earth should I confess them now?
:yawn: Obviously you've got a sin that God ain't gettin'. :BillyBob: Ro 8:13
"Not all of the bible is written to us but all of the bible is written for us." ~ J. Vernon McGeeoly:
God knew about them all and died for them all 2000 years before we were ever born! Try and think!
So you believe all sins of all people were forgiven on the cross?
So SD if on your last day you have sinned, just a little one, and just before you confess you are in a car accident and die will you be in hell?
So by saying "He paid the price for ALL of humanities sins", do you believe all sins of all people were forgiven on the cross? Please answer directly. I don't think it is that difficult to answer with a simple Yes or No, is it, brother? Actually "Yes" is my position.Eternal life is possible for everyone who ever existed. Christ made that possible because He paid the price for ALL of humanities sins. However, one must place their faith in Christ as their Savior in order to reap the benefits. The rest will stand before God at the judgment throne and be judged by their works and cast into the Lake of Fire.
[Cc: @heir @john w @glorydaz Of which sin do you believe God is unaware? 2 Chron 16:9, 1 Pe 3:12, Mt 7:21-23] Of which sin do you believe God did not die for?...] God knew about them all...
When will sd preach the right gospel?:yawn: Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).
:yawn: You have no life pal (Acts 11:18, Ro 6:18-22, Eph 2:5). :freak:[Clinging to sin 1 Jn 1:8] I had to report you for your nasty remark. You have NO class pal.
So by saying "He paid the price for ALL of humanities sins", do you believe all sins of all people were forgiven on the cross? Please answer directly. I don't think it is that difficult to answer with a simple Yes or No, is it, brother? Actually "Yes" is my position.
When will sd preach the right gospel?