Mr. Religion and His Calvinistic Nonsense

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Eagles Wings

New member
Yes, when we don't want him around he is always here sticking his nose into everything. But when you want him to defend his teaching he cannot be found!
Not that you give a hoot, but I've lost respect for you with this post.

Since you've been here a while, you well know AMR's position on Reformed Theology.

This is just a typical garbage call out thread.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
This is just a typical garbage call out thread.
I agree with this sentiment in a sense.
Not that I think Jerry's doctrinal view is garbage, but I know that just because someone doesn't show up in a thread that calls their name doesn't mean they are not able to present an opposing argument.

To put it bluntly ...... if AMR does not show up in this thread, it is NOT evidence that he has no answer to any and all questions.
He might have answers and he might not, but not showing up in this thread is NOT proof that he does not.

Eagles Wings

New member
I agree with this sentiment in a sense.
Not that I think Jerry's doctrinal view is garbage, but I know that just because someone doesn't show up in a thread that calls their name doesn't mean they are not able to present an opposing argument.

To put it bluntly ...... if AMR does not show up in this thread, it is NOT evidence that he has no answer to any and all questions.
He might have answers and he might not, but not showing up in this thread is NOT proof that he does not.
To coin one of your responses, "yeppers".;)


Nope-you and pappa teach that the church is some alleged infallible ecclesiastical hierarchy of clowns, in clown hats, clown outfits.
Infallible when the popes teach from the chair, ex cathedra, and when all the bishops teach what they all agree on, along with the popes' agreement, when he teaches officially; then and only then is it infallible and is the charism employed which preserves the pope from teaching error, in matters of faith, doctrine and morals.

Bishops oversee the Church. Their primary duty is teaching. The office of bishop is Apostolic, in that the Apostles prescribed the office for the Church, and also the Apostles were bishops, though of course they were, among the otherwise equal bishops, first among equals. And this idea survives to this day in the Apostle Peter's successors the popes.



I am a drifting member of the body. I have no denominational affiliation. I refuse to bash any assembly of Christ's followers. I am adamant that Protestants putting down Catholics is wrong, and Catholics putting down Protestants is wrong. Much of Protestantism unknowingly draws a ton of its core doctrine from the Catechism.

I do my best to be neutral, but the more I learn about Calvinism, the more poorly I speak towards it.

I hope this serves as a suitable reply. : )

# Over 35,000 flavors of Jesus Doctrine and growing....

# Still, only 1 Jesus

# Unless you're in Mexico... Lots of Jesus's there...
Thank you. I like your post. :)


Here's a rundown of Tulip I put together so that the matter can actually be discussed instead of people throwing tantrums about it :)

Total Depravity- Human nature is corrupted and cannot function as it did prior to the Fall without the assistance of grace. It is a more thorough rejection of the Pelagian heresy.

Unconditional Election- Before the foundation of the world, God predetermined how He would conduct His will which ultimately predestines His Elect to salvation through no condition wrought from other forces.

Limited Atonement- Also 'Particular Redemption', states that while Christ is sufficient to absolve the world, it is God's intent only to save the Elect.

Irresistible Grace- The Elect cannot ultimately resist the grace applied to them.

Perseverance of the Saints- A corollary of 'OSAS'. Salvation cannot be dismissed once given; if a person dies in apostasy, they were never thoroughly imbued with the knowledge of God in the first place.
This is the foundation of Imputed Righteousness in Calvinist belief, and the rejection of Infusion within Catholic ranks which dismisses salvation on account of mortal sin and renewal after penance.


Here's a rundown of Tulip I put together so that the matter can actually be discussed instead of people throwing tantrums about it :)

Total Depravity- Human nature is corrupted and cannot function as it did prior to the Fall without the assistance of grace. It is a more thorough rejection of the Pelagian heresy.

Unconditional Election- Before the foundation of the world, God predetermined how He would conduct His will which ultimately predestines His Elect to salvation through no condition wrought from other forces.

Limited Atonement- Also 'Particular Redemption', states that while Christ is sufficient to absolve the world, it is God's intent only to save the Elect.

Irresistible Grace- The Elect cannot ultimately resist the grace applied to them.

Perseverance of the Saints- A corollary of 'OSAS'. Salvation cannot be dismissed once given; if a person dies in apostasy, they were never thoroughly imbued with the knowledge of God in the first place.
This is the foundation of Imputed Righteousness in Calvinist belief, and the rejection of Infusion within Catholic ranks which dismisses salvation on account of mortal sin and renewal after penance.

I think the part that tends to warp the witness is in the combined application of the T and the L to essentially bash anyone that is a misfit or disagrees with Calvinism in general at any point of the high Calvinist doctrine.

# Being part of a denomination doesn't mean a person has to become closed minded.

# L and T combined can make a lot of people jerks that are supposed to be Loving and inclusive

# Limited Atonement is essentially a polite way of saying God doesn't Love all of His Kids.

# There's a reason that people joke that Calvinism hands out the word reprobate liberally

# Rotfl.... Calvinists are Liberal

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Infallible when the popes teach from the chair, ex cathedra, and when all the bishops teach what they all agree on, along with the popes' agreement, when he teaches officially; then and only then is it infallible and is the charism employed which preserves the pope from teaching error, in matters of faith, doctrine and morals.

Bishops oversee the Church. Their primary duty is teaching. The office of bishop is Apostolic, in that the Apostles prescribed the office for the Church, and also the Apostles were bishops, though of course they were, among the otherwise equal bishops, first among equals. And this idea survives to this day in the Apostle Peter's successors the popes.
Most all know, and understand, the above, Roman shill, i.e., we understand what your fake church teaches. And? It is unscriptural. And I know better than you, what the RCO(as in "Organization," as it is certainly not a church, or the body of Christ)teaches, having studied it carefully, for years, as I am a former Roman.

Slower: The church, in this dispensation, is comprised of respective, fallible members of the boc-you made up the above jazz, and the assertion that the church is some alleged infallible ecclesiastical hierarchy of clowns, in clown hats, clown outfits.

"Infallible when the popes teach from the chair, ex cathedra, and when all the bishops teach what they all agree on, along with the popes' agreement, when he teaches officially; then and only then is it infallible and is the charism employed which preserves the pope from teaching error, in matters of faith, doctrine and morals."-just made up by the religious prostitute, AKA, the Roman Catholic Organization-no scriptural backing-NADA.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Perseverance of the Saints- A corollary of 'OSAS'. Salvation cannot be dismissed once given; if a person dies in apostasy, they were never thoroughly imbued with the knowledge of God in the first place.
This is the foundation of Imputed Righteousness in Calvinist belief, and the rejection of Infusion within Catholic ranks which dismisses salvation on account of mortal sin and renewal after penance.

Perseverance: Translated? I know that I am saved, because my lifestyle tells me so=a subtil form of Roman Catholicism=works based "salvation."


Perseverance: Translated? I know that I am saved, because my lifestyle tells me so=a subtil form of Roman Catholicism=works based "salvation."

That's your errant translation.

A saint is someone who seeks God, and with that comes wisdom and perseverance through that wisdom. Quite frankly, if you are so paranoid about anything that looks like a work, then what exactly do you seek other than your own vain fulfillment? What do you persevere in other than being like the atheist down the street from you :rolleyes:

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Not that you give a hoot, but I've lost respect for you with this post.

Since you've been here a while, you well know AMR's position on Reformed Theology.

This is just a typical garbage call out thread.

I am only following Paul when he tells us to do this:

"Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables" (2 Tim.4:2-4).​

What Mr. religion says here perverts the teachings in regard to the gospel:

Faith is evidence you are saved, it is not the cause of your salvation, for God alone is the cause.

This is garbage and Mr. Religion needs to be called out.

You call this thread a typical garbage call out thread. I gave Mr. Religion more than one chance to defend that teaching on another thread but he refused to even attempt to defend what he said. With Paul's instruction at 2 Peter 4:1-2 in view I feel that I am obligated to call him out.

Or should I be politically correct and just ignore what he said even though there may be some reading his words on this forum who will actually believe them?


Calvinism is the gospel behind the gospel- it explains the gospel.

Just about every verse stated on here can be countered with another verse. If you bring up Paul's faith alone, another can bring up James' faith and works. If you bring up free will, another can bring up predestination.

This is the pitfall of proof texting, as all it amounts to is who can make a better fiction than the other :rolleyes:

Calvinism is not a rejection of free will, it is an emphasis on predestination. It is not 'works based salvation', it upholds works as an evidence of a living faith. James says that faith without works is a dead faith- you can't just cancel that out and pretend it's not there in scripture :chuckle:

It seems to me like the anti-Calvinists on here have to resort to making Calvinism out to be something it is not because facing it directly is something you either can't or are unwilling to do.


Most all know, and understand, the above, Roman shill, i.e., we understand what your fake church teaches. And? It is unscriptural. And I know better than you, what the RCO(as in "Organization," as it is certainly not a church, or the body of Christ)teaches, having studied it carefully, for years, as I am a former Roman.

Slower: The church, in this dispensation, is comprised of respective, fallible members of the boc-you made up the above jazz, and the assertion that the church is some alleged infallible ecclesiastical hierarchy of clowns, in clown hats, clown outfits.

"Infallible when the popes teach from the chair, ex cathedra, and when all the bishops teach what they all agree on, along with the popes' agreement, when he teaches officially; then and only then is it infallible and is the charism employed which preserves the pope from teaching error, in matters of faith, doctrine and morals."-just made up by the religious prostitute, AKA, the Roman Catholic Organization-no scriptural backing-NADA.
Bishops, John. Bishops.

Clavinists, Dispies, Roman shills and Scripture. Two of these have bishops, and two of them don't.



I am only following Paul when he tells us to do this:
"Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables" (2 Tim.4:2-4).
Paul told a bishop to do that, not "us."

God's Truth

New member
Paul told a bishop to do that, not "us."

Jude 3 Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.

We are to contend for the faith. Do you understand what contend means?
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