Mass shooting in Orlando, Florida USA 20 dead


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Saying 'there isn't an easy answer' is not an answer. It sounds like you are avoiding the issue. It won't go away. It will come to your own doorstep.

Waiting around for a solution that will appease everyones' sensitivities isn't working out at all.


New member
Hall of Fame
He was a wife-beater.

But there also were early signs of emotional trouble and a volatile temper, according to a woman who was briefly married to Mateen. The woman, who spoke on the condition on anonymity, citing fears for her safety, described Mateen as an abusive husband who beat her repeatedly while they were married.

“He was not a stable person,” the ex-wife told The Washington Post. “He beat me. He would just come home and start beating me up because the laundry wasn’t finished or something like that.”


like marbles on glass

BTW, I didn't know of this old poll until you posted it. Ask me how I voted. Go on, ask, since you can't quit me.

Get over yourself already.

I don't care if you knew about the poll or not. The fact remains that the poll result from your coreligionists exists.


Well-known member
Get over yourself already.

You get over me. Quit replying all the time to someone you "hate."

I don't care if you knew about the poll or not. The fact remains that the poll result from your coreligionists exists.

We (believers, not you) will each stand before and answer to our Master, on our own. Not based on what others thought or voted.


Well-known member
By the way, I voted no. Surprised? Yeah, you're surprised. Now you're conflicted. You still despise me but now find yourself strangely attracted (more than before) that you can't pigeonhole me with that poll. Hmm...complex. Intriguing. You want to figure out what makes me tick. Maybe, you wonder, do I want to know what makes you tick? No, I'm such a bad boy, you just can't let yourself care again, be hurt again. can be the one to "fix" me? Dare you try? Yeah, Ann, I know exactly what you're thinking:

Prove me wrong. Ignore me forever. I can't give you what you want.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You do realize that the blood of these people are on your hands because you not only defend the decriminalization of homosexuality, but defend Islam as well?

My conscience is clean, i.e. I don't need a bottle of booze to drown a guilty conscience every night.

Uh huh. So nutballs like you and serpent:duh: are just veritable bastions of love while condemning the victims of such a massacre based solely on where they happened to be at the time.

Oh, and quit projecting onto me as well if it's all the same...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Hah, what am I saying. Artie will gladly convert when it's knife to neck, and probably volunteer catamite services to his freely elected sultan.

I'd just as much 'convert' to Islam as I would your gormless brand of whacko fundamentalism tripe Musty. You have no idea whatsoever if you think anything resembling the paranoid delusions you labour under have any place in reality where I'm at.

Go back to your "chav" crap ya big crank.



Well-known member
There are two ways of looking at the situation with firearms as exemplified by the Orlando shooting.

A. It's an acceptable risk. In the grand scheme of things, you're more likely to be killed by lightening than by a terrorist. (More general gun violence is different of course) This is probably what will be "determined" if nothing else by political paralysis.

B. The risk is unacceptable and we should do *something*. Of course we've already seen a number of posters go the us vs. them route. We already know this won't work as most of the assailants in previous mass shooting have been white males.

- The other choices are:
1. Ban guns entirely and get as many off the street as possible with buyback programs (not likely to happen and likely less effective )
2. Come up with some other kind of regulations. I would recommend restricting weapons with the capacity to be used to kill a lot of people in a short period of time with no breaks for reloading.
3. More guns. This is the NRA answer (which enhances their bottom line since they are in bed with the gun manufacturers.

Two major problems with this "solution":
a. It's based on the idea that a minimally trained civilian can take down an armed assailant with his sidearm. In the current case there were 11 trained police officers firing at this guy. It wasn't as if one police officer could walk up and pick him off with a shot or two. Why does anyone think they'll do better in the same situation.
b. Not everyone wants to or can carry a firearm. Gun ownership has been going down, not up. You can't force people to carry firearms unless you want to turn the country into a police state.

I predict nothing will come of this unless the house of representatives flips in the next election. If the deaths of 20 little kids couldn't spur people into action, a massacre at a nightclub won't do it. It's a sad reflection of the state of our country and most importantly the Republican party.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You get over me. Quit replying all the time to someone you "hate."

We (believers, not you) will each stand before and answer to our Master, on our own. Not based on what others thought or voted.

anna's pointing out the fact that many of your far right brethren support killing homosexuals. Most people of the sane variety would regard that as extreme, somewhat verging on the psychotic even. No bloody wonder you wanna prance away from the fact.
