Mass shooting in Orlando, Florida USA 20 dead


You don't know who they were or anything about them but in typical pompous blowhard fashion you appoint yourself judge and jury anyway. I don't acknowledge mindless fundie garbage thanks aCW. Go take it elsewhere.

You do realize that the blood of these people are on your hands because you not only defend the decriminalization of homosexuality, but defend Islam as well?

My conscience is clean, i.e. I don't need a bottle of booze to drown a guilty conscience every night.


New member
Apologies, as I'm in the middle of a few projects...

Me and nearly 200 other folks are getting together tonight (most individual group leaders via skype) to pray for the families, friends and anyone else effected by the terrorist attack. You don't have to reply here or anything, just asking any and all to join their prayers with ours, whenever tonight works for you.

We will ask primarily that He not only comfort but to call them to him.

Thanks in advance!

Desert Reign

I see that you want to use laws to keep Muslims out of our country but not to recriminalize homosexuality DR. Why is that?
I don't. I'm only suggesting you tackle certain questions. If I wanted to make a comment about recriminalising homosexuality I would have made it on the appropriate thread.

You misunderstand me DR. There's nothing wrong with talking about how to address the issues you've raised when its done in a respectful fashion such as you're doing. Musterion wasn't doing that, he was using this tragedy to make a very cheap and ignorant shot and that shows zero respect to anybody.

I don't think there's any easy answer but the terrorist threat is one that security over here takes very seriously. Then again the UK doesn't have anything resembling the gun shootings that America has.

Saying 'there isn't an easy answer' is not an answer. It sounds like you are avoiding the issue. It won't go away. It will come to your own doorstep.


Well-known member
Saying 'there isn't an easy answer' is not an answer. It sounds like you are avoiding the issue. It won't go away. It will come to your own doorstep.

Taking a big picture view, it's already far worse in you guys' nation that it is in ours. What makes it appear worse here is access to firearms (though Paris proved that can be meaningless...if they want them they can and will get them). Your Muslims can't be as armed as ours are but they do have, and are gaining, much more political clout than the ones here have. Add to that the (often) government-paid breeding that you're subsidizing. That's even more worrisome for you, long term.

Not rubbing your nose in this because I know you know it's true, even though retArdie will deny it even as his head comes off in the street.


Well-known member
Hah, what am I saying. Artie will gladly convert when it's knife to neck, and probably volunteer catamite services to his freely elected sultan.


Well-known member
Saw mentioned elsewhere that the Muslim bought weapons in the last week or two despite being watched by the FBI. Anyone able to confirm or deny this?


New member
Hall of Fame
I wish to note the following:

1. The dude has a brown name.
2. The dude's not white.
3. The dude's a Muslim.

The answer is obvious.

And that's why I'm voting for Trump in 2016.

We need to take back America for white conservatives.

What is the obvious answer?


Leviticus 20:13
If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.


Why are we demonizing Muslims for killing homosexuals again?
Oh yeah, that's right. Because ~reasons~