Mass shooting in Orlando, Florida USA 20 dead

patrick jane

The shooter's wife is going down for some crimes too. She went with him to get ammo and she knew of his plans. He texted her also during the stand-off

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I'm not American. I was only making suggestions.
Don't sell yourself short. You're doing a good bit more than that. You're casting aspersions. That takes you from the role of the interested observer and makes you a proponent of a particular bias, mostly rooted in your response to Islam in your backyard.

I am trying to get people to realise that statements like 'Arabs are no better or worse than others' or 'it would be unconstitutional' or 'Christians historically have nothing to be proud of'. And very many similar statements, actualy do nothing.
What I've actually noted, repeatedly, is that the overwhelming majority of Muslims aren't violent and that most of the victims of fanatical, extremist Islam are Muslims. But any statement that offers context is doing something. The question is then what, if anything, else can be done to minimize the threat from radical Islam without playing into its hands by demonizing and alienating the rest, contributing to the worst's ability to pluck at the margins that conduct could expand.

All they mean is 'I don't want to do anything to stop Muslim terrorism or the encroachment of Sharia law into my country.'
That's a stupid thing to say and you're not a stupid person, which means you have a bias problem in need of examination. Almost everyone is fundamentally concerned with preserving the peace and their own safety. To suggest otherwise is simply not rational and that's what you have to suggest when you suggest people don't care to stop terrorism.

In any event, Sharia law isn't possible within the framework of our laws. So there's no "encroachment" angle here absent the abandonment of judicial principles that would mean we have larger fish to fry than worrying about how Muslims want to judge one another.

And by the way, most Westernized Muslims don't want Sharia except as a limited, civil religious law and then only for and within the Muslim community. Won't happen, but it's worth noting. A lot of informative studies from PEW and the like. Turkey, which has a strong and Western majority, by way of, returned only a 12% favorable among them to the notion to the notion of Sharia. But then, they have a long association with democratic principles. It makes a difference.


like marbles on glass
No, Anna, I know the meanings of words. You are hiding.

I'm not hiding. I'm standing here in plain sight telling you exactly what I think.

Of course some of my suggestions aren't legal. That's the point.

Then our conversation is, and has been, a waste of time.

But America has done lots of things that aren't legal in the past. Why would you raise this now? Is it because you actually love Muslims and want them to come freely to your country and assimilate into your culture? Of course they will do no such thing. You only have to look at England to see this.

I didn't raise it- you did here:

Tell me, was it American to bomb the living daylights out of civilians in Afghanistan when you were aiming for the Taliban, or in Libya? Is torturing people without trial American?

I answered to that statement of yours. Or have you forgotten you raised it?

How ironic that you're the professing Christian and love seems so foreign an idea to you.

Law-abiding Muslims should be free to come here through the immigration system. I happen to live in an area that has one of the higher concentrations of refugees from the Middle East, and just last night when visiting my mom, I could hear the family who lives behind her talking in Arabic (I don't know it they're Chaldean or Muslim) while they were working in their backyard. I was sitting on her couch with my laptop reading TOL-brand xenophobia... it was rather surreal, the mixing of real life and online that way. My friend has an Arabic neighbor and when I visited my friend last week, she shared with me some of the flatbread that her neighbor had made and brought over to her. That's reality. Your idealism doesn't work in my reality.


Active member
What I've actually noted, repeatedly, is that the overwhelming majority of Muslims aren't violent and that most of the victims of fanatical, extremist Islam are Muslims. But any statement that offers context is doing something. The question is then what, if anything, else can be done to minimize the threat from radical Islam without playing into its hands by demonizing and alienating the rest, contributing to the worst's ability to pluck at the margins that conduct could expand.

The vast majority have committed no crimes, so why those who have committed no crimes should suffer and/or be penalized by society for the actions of those that do is immoral at the core, regardless of what supposed effect it such policies might have on radical Islamist group recruitment. It goes against every core principal of justice we hold.

Essentially what a lot of the right wingers here are proposing is the following:

-Make certain thoughts/beliefs a crime (namely, Muslim religious beliefs of any kind whatsoever for now, and who knows what else in the future once the state has that kind of power).

-Implement penalties, up to and including deportation, for holding those thoughts/beliefs

The very essence of a totalitarian state.


like marbles on glass
Baptist pastor on Orlando attack: ‘Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?’
SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- A few hours after 49 people were gunned down at a gay club in Orlando, Fla., Pastor Roger Jimenez delivered his sermon from his Sacramento pulpit.

"Hey, are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today? No ... I think that's great. I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida's a little safer tonight," he said to the crowd of believers in front of him.

A Christian who rejoices in death and suffering, and makes accusations about victims he doesn't even know. And here I thought that only happened on TOL.



SD is a Clinton lover !! Democrat

...And a drunk Eph 5:18



Well-known member
Orlando makes me sick by Jack Perry

there will be calls for “retaliation”. Against whom? ISIS? The government has been allegedly bombing them for well over a year now and they have not lost the ability to inspire the do-it-yourself terrorist attacks over here. Right, retaliation. Then they’ll need to score some payback and the cycle rolls merrily along with the government immune to the very real consequences of their actions. It is time to stop the cycle. It is time to pull out of the Middle East. It is time to remove ourselves from military “obligations” overseas. These are not “obligations”—these are suicide pacts. And we’re seeing that, aren’t we?


Well-known member
How about instead of insisting we are right, we start entertaining the idea that, hey, maybe we’re wrong. How about realizing we have a choice to make here. We can keep perpetuating this violence, or we can walk away from it.


Well-known member
same article

If the government cares so much, then let us see them risk their own lives in it. Let us see them walk around without Secret Service details and limousines armored better than Bradley Fighting Vehicles. Because that’s where the rest of us are: Sitting out here with our keesters swinging in the wind with targets painted on our back. Sitting ducks. And for what? A region of the world that is telling us they do not want us there and our government stubbornly refuses to listen.


Well-known member
This government thinks it can go over there and do things like meddle in very complex religious and political issues and there not be any consequences. They like to instigate and encourage violence over there and think it cannot follow them back here. But they sit in their Obamabunkers safe while everyone else gets to pay the price for this foolishness. And what is the government’s answer going to be for this? Right. More violence over there. We kill them, they kill us, we kill more of them to retaliate, they kill us in revenge for that, then we kill more of them to show them killing is wrong, and this cycle goes on and on without end.

The other answer the government will have is taking away what little freedom we have left in order to defend freedom. Here’s a thought. How about pulling out of the Middle East and letting that region decide their own destiny for a change? Oh, right, that’s giving in to terrorism. Yeah, well, the people that say that are not the ones dying because of that stubborn dogma the government clings to. The people that die because of these “foreign policy” decisions are the people that had nothing to do with making them. That’s why the government continues doing this. Because if it was their butts on the line, they’d have pulled out of the Middle East decades ago.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Baptist pastor on Orlando attack: ‘Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?’
SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- A few hours after 49 people were gunned down at a gay club in Orlando, Fla., Pastor Roger Jimenez delivered his sermon from his Sacramento pulpit.

"Hey, are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today? No ... I think that's great. I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida's a little safer tonight," he said to the crowd of believers in front of him.

A Christian who rejoices in death and suffering, and makes accusations about victims he doesn't even know. And here I thought that only happened on TOL.
No, there are nuts everywhere. In my little church our pastor, who is a very interesting, Baylor educated (which among other things means he can distinguish between a pedophile, a homosexual, and Shinola) former Baptist minister, spoke of the pain and sorrow unleashed by a man who must have been in a good deal of pain himself. Then we prayed for the comfort of those in need of it and for our nation.