There are aspects of the human condition that are unresolvable. Like the perpetual contention between personal freedom and social responsibility. Or the fact that it is impossible for us to comprehend "God", and yet it's impossible for us not to want to. And that 'sin' is the result of humankind's unwillingness to accept both of these limitations as a part of the human condition.I'm restudying Revelation in preparation for a Bible Study. This is my least favorite book to study!
I came across this idea of the paradox in which humankind finds itself in that God, because of His infinitude plus man's sinful condition, is unknowable to mankind yet life itself depends on mankind knowing God?
Of course this is the necessity for an intercessor.
But, what I am pondering is when God created Adam he did not have a "sinful" nature inherent in his genetic code? It was through his God given freewill that Adam chose to go against one of God's prohibitions, thereby acquiring a sinful condition which irrevocably altered his nature until the coming of Christ?
I am not a theologian so would very much like to hear the thoughts on this subject by those of you more knowledgeable than I.
God has blessed humanity with the amazing gift of imagination. Yet all we seem to want to do with it is imagine ourselves as gods. Always pretending that we know how everyone SHOULD be living, and always presuming that we know how the world SHOULD be treated, and how it SHOULD treat us. Always imagining that what we believe is the truth MUST be the truth … or else we'll fight every one, and destroy every thing that dares to contradicts us!
One thing that I have learned about life as a human being is that every asset is simultaneously a liability. The better anything is in one way, the worse it is in another. But if you ask me why that is, I can't tell you, because I don't know. We humans have spectacular imaginations, yet with them, comes our spectacular egos. Why this rule of opposing values exists, and why we are caught up in it with our imaginations and our egos, I do not know. Whatever "God" is, I am not it. So I just don't know the answer to these questions.
And the only way I know to cope with these conundrums is to humble myself, and accede to the 'great mystery of being'.
The Book of Revelations is just an archaic text written by men. It is not going to unravel the mysteries of God for us unless we use our imaginations to pretend that we have magically become demigods, and can know what god knows, and can judge all things as only gods could do.