Man's Nature vs Man's condition"?


I'm restudying Revelation in preparation for a Bible Study. This is my least favorite book to study!

I came across this idea of the paradox in which humankind finds itself in that God, because of His infinitude plus man's sinful condition, is unknowable to mankind yet life itself depends on mankind knowing God?

Of course this is the necessity for an intercessor.

But, what I am pondering is when God created Adam he did not have a "sinful" nature inherent in his genetic code? It was through his God given freewill that Adam chose to go against one of God's prohibitions, thereby acquiring a sinful condition which irrevocably altered his nature until the coming of Christ?

I am not a theologian so would very much like to hear the thoughts on this subject by those of you more knowledgeable than I.

Adam was created in a state of unconfirmed holiness. However, unlike the angels who too were created in unconfirmed holiness, Adam was not confirmed in unholiness and salvation was promised to man.


Everything written in Revelation has already been stated in the Old Testament except for the last two chapters.

If you don't know this, how can you study the book?

Answer: allegory or spiritualizing the text.

The best way to study Revelation and all scriptures are literally

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
God left Adam and Eve alone with the deceiver. He had to have known they would fall. The beauty of a heart and soul taught to love and share in blessed love and union with the Father and Jesus through the Spirit; obviously was worth the previous blood of the lamb and all of the other darkness that has occurred consequently. The difference seeming to me to be Adam before the fall was given will to possibly sin, where after the fall sin became inherent in man.


New member
God left Adam and Eve alone with the deceiver. He had to have known they would fall. The beauty of a heart and soul taught to love and share in blessed love and union with the Father and Jesus through the Spirit; obviously was worth the previous blood of the lamb and all of the other darkness that has occurred consequently. The difference seeming to me to be Adam before the fall was given will to possibly sin, where after the fall sin became inherent in man.

My thought? Adam and Eve were given the ability to assess a situation and make choices. That they chose to disobey their loving God is the beginning of the human condition.
Now, we have an Advocate, Jesus Christ the Righteous and He has taken my sin upon Himself so that I may be worthy to stand before almighty God in the fullness of time.


New member
Everything written in Revelation has already been stated in the Old Testament except for the last two chapters.

If you don't know this, how can you study the book?

Answer: allegory or spiritualizing the text.

The best way to study Revelation and all scriptures are literally

I start out studying the Word literally. Then, I read commentaries to gain a deeper understanding. Still, I rely on the inspiration that comes to me personally from the reading. I believe that "understanding" is an evolving and growing condition.


New member
I start out studying the Word literally. Then, I read commentaries to gain a deeper understanding. Still, I rely on the inspiration that comes to me personally from the reading. I believe that "understanding" is an evolving and growing condition.

AMEN...and yet most seem to stumble over this simple truth. Peace


I start out studying the Word literally. Then, I read commentaries to gain a deeper understanding. Still, I rely on the inspiration that comes to me personally from the reading. I believe that "understanding" is an evolving and growing condition.

Can you literally find and put together the passages in the OT that are made chronological by Revelation or is it easier to rely on "understanding"?

Because if we can't compare the texts at all then we aren't really starting out literally.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
I start out studying the Word literally. Then, I read commentaries to gain a deeper understanding. Still, I rely on the inspiration that comes to me personally from the reading. I believe that "understanding" is an evolving and growing condition.
We can't really understand any text "literally". Because as we are reading the words, we are interpreting them via our own understanding of things, and our own experiences, as we have no other way of understanding the words and their relationships to each other (or anything else for that matter). When we think about it, the act of reading does not convey information to us so much as it forces us to order information that we already have in our minds in ways that we might not otherwise have done without the author making us do it to make sense of his words. That's just how the process of communication through written text, works. It's automatic, and unconscious unless we actually stop and contemplate the process.


New member
We can't really understand any text "literally". Because as we are reading the words, we are interpreting them via our own understanding of things, and our own experiences, as we have no other way of understanding the words and their relationships to each other (or anything else for that matter). When we think about it, the act of reading does not convey information to us so much as it forces us to order information that we already have in our minds in ways that we might not otherwise have done without the author making us do it to make sense of his words. That's just how the process of communication through written text, works. It's automatic, and unconscious unless we actually stop and contemplate the process.

Good understanding is affected by emotions and making a thing Holy.