
john w

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You preach that Paul says we are saved by believing we do not have to do anything at all, and if we do then it is a damnable works salvation!

Correct, as news, by definition, is something that has already happened. Good news, as the Lord Jesus Christ did it all for me, by His dbr, and you hate that, Cain, Jr., are grinding your big, bad, wolf chops, as you read this, like your "spiritual" brother Cain, Sr., before you, as your face drops, and you want to wack me.

john w

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Hang on...not well versed in the jargon of the "dbr" death burial and resurrection?

And if so, what exactly does the dbr do to the gospel besides "I told you so?"

Was He lying before dbr? Is it another gospel?

I will slow it down for you, perverter:

"And the gospel is the gospel that Jesus Christ preached to the Jews and the gentiles and he then sent out his apostles to do the same!"-mar

No, moron, he sent the 12 to preach the gospel of the kingdom, including Judas, which is not the gospel of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV, that had as its foundation, the death, burial, resurrection, which was hid from the 12,which you were shown, over 10 times, while they were preaching the good news of the kingdom.

Your papa devil tells you to just deny it. Like son...


Well-known member
The Lord Jesus Christ did. He was not a "nice guy". Try reading the scripture. Keep in mind the context, which was the religious self righteous blowhards and he rebuked them sharply, to say the least. Get on board.

Which would be like some of those who are on here that are abusive to others who love God and Christ, especially insulting them because they follow the teachings of Jesus and don't follow only the teachings of Paul.

Because those who do this, don't listen to the teachings of Jesus, and dismiss them as "not for me" just like the pharasees whom Jesus rebuked!

Jesus wasn't all softy softy no, but he loves those who love him and the father, and I and others here who are regarded by some here as low life scum love them both, regardless of what many on here think of us! But then those who were proud and self-righteous looked at Jesus like that as well!

God will judge the hearts of all of us and we will be judged on what we have done, good or bad, regardless of what many think, many believe that they can do what they like, say "I believe" live by their will and please their flesh and then just walk straight into the arms of Christ and the father! No we can't, we have to obey God and live by his will, and show love, mercy and kindness to one another and bring forth the fruits of the Spirit in our lives bringing the love of Christ to our fellow man.

john w

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Working out our salvation with fear and trembling...lest we be cut off for boasting and unbelief...
What a mess, as the droid does not even know that in the passage he is quoting Paul, Philippians 2:12 KJV,is not a reference to soul/spiritual salvation/deliverance.

Of course, he does not even know what the term "salvation" means, and, yet, he weighs in here, on TOL, with the soldiers? No...I don't think so....Take your seat, or remain in your place-the bleachers/fox hole, from which you boo the players/hiss at the troops.

john w

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Which would be like some of those who are on here that are abusive to others who love God and Christ, especially insulting them because they follow the teachings of Jesus and don't follow only the teachings of Paul.

You just lied-again. Your father, the devil, taught you well.

"the teachings of Jesus," on earth, during His earthly ministry, are actually the teachings God the Father gave the Master, and the Master's words, on earth, during His earthly ministry, are God the Father's words, not his own(as was true of all OT prophets), as you/others, have been shown-over, and over.

"the teachings of Paul" are the risen, glorified, ascended, and seated "Lord from heaven"'s teachings, in this dispensation, and Paul's words, are the risen, glorified, ascended, and seated "Lord from heaven"'s words, in this dispensation.

You have been shown this, but since all you do is spam what others say the bible teaches, not studying the details of the book itself, you continue your satanic lie, false dichotomy.

You, to the Israelites: You need to follow the teachings of the LORD God, and don't follow only the teachings of Moses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Stop following Moses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Follow the LORD God!!!!!!!~ Stop!!!!!!!!

The Israelites, to you: Get behind us, demon, as the LORD God told us to obey Moses, as his teachings, are the LORD God's, moron, as what Moses, says, are the LORD God's words/directives/teachings, Moses being His prophet("prophet"-to speak for another).

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
But I do not say or did say I am saved nor sinless nor obey all Jesus' teachings. So I am well prepared.:)

Who has met the "sinless/obey all Jesus' teachings" standard, to be saved?

Has anyone ever been saved? Name them, and provide evidence.

You: "You are on ignore..What's your point?...Good day.."

Not a peep.