

Well-known member
I uttered no insult. I made observations based solely upon everything the three of you post.

First, no one is so "dead in sin" that he/she can't hear and believe the Word of God, which is itself the living power of God unto salvation. That's the reason God can justly condemn those who won't believe -- because they DID hear and COULD have believed but REFUSED to. Your nonexistent Calvinsitic "dead" people who can't hear or believe God without His enabling them gives a false excuse to those who won't believe -- it lets them say that God didn't choose them. You help damn them when you post lies like that.

Second, you are not Christ's unless you have His Spirit. You do not have His Spirit unless and until you have believed the Gospel of the grace of God, which is condensed for us in 1 Cor 15:3-4 by the apostle who received it. That Gospel is completely WITHOUT works of any kind to be forgiven and justified.

You, like GT and Meshak, reject the idea that forgiveness and justification can be received without your own works helping obtain and/or keep them.

That means you've rejected Paul's Gospel in favor of a false one.

That means you are lost and headed for the Lake of Fire lest you repent [change your mind, believe the saving Gospel you currently despise].

We know.

Let's get something straight.

SHOULD salvation result in a changed life? YES!

Will it AUTOMATICALLY do so? NO! The Corinthians are proof of that, even though Paul called them saints and could not say ANY of them were unsaved...not even the man fornicating with his own mother, and if there was anyone in the whole NT Paul could say wasn't saved on the basis of bad behavior, he was the one. Paul may have been unsure that man wasn't saved but he never came out with a word of knowledge from the Holy Spirit and SAID the man isn't saved.

Do you know why he didn't?

Because that's what happens when salvation is SOLELY on the basis of grace through faith, and is not earned, kept or proved by works (good works OR bad works).

We are all dead in sin until we believe, and have faith in God and Christ, being are born of God, being blessed with the holy spirit within. Once we are quickened by the holy spirit it is then that we are brought from death to life, this is the baptism that brings life, without the holy spirit we are dead and blind living by the lusts of our flesh and under the control of Satan! But through Christ Jesus, we are brought out of darkness into the light and through him being born anew, we live by the will of God. And the holy spirit should be giving us the strength to overcome!

And the gospel is the gospel that Jesus Christ preached to the Jews and the gentiles and he then sent out his apostles to do the same!

When Jesus sent out his apostles, he didn't send them to only preach to the Jews, but the the Jews and the gentiles. The Samaritans were gentiles, and Jesus also told them to preach to the uttermost part of the earth, which would include Jews and gentiles!

Acts 1

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

This is the same gospel as Paul preached, here is what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15

Therefore whether it were I or they, so we preach, and so ye believed.

They all preached the same gospel including Paul!

As for being saved, those who are being saved have the fruits of the spirit. If you go back and look at this thread, then you'll see that there isn't much in that way of the fruits of the spirit in the mouths of some here!

Galatians 5

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.

Ok it's late here I'm off to bed :)


New member
I uttered no insult. I made observations based solely upon everything the three of you post.

First, no one is so "dead in sin" that he/she can't hear and believe the Word of God, which is itself the living power of God unto salvation. That's the reason God can justly condemn those who won't believe -- because they DID hear and COULD have believed but REFUSED to. Your nonexistent Calvinsitic "dead" people who can't hear or believe God without His enabling them gives a false excuse to those who won't believe -- it lets them say that God didn't choose them. You help damn them when you post lies like that.

Second, you are not Christ's unless you have His Spirit. You do not have His Spirit unless and until you have believed the Gospel of the grace of God, which is condensed for us in 1 Cor 15:3-4 by the apostle who received it. That Gospel is completely WITHOUT works of any kind to be forgiven and justified.

You, like GT and Meshak, reject the idea that forgiveness and justification can be received without your own works helping obtain and/or keep them.

That means you've rejected Paul's Gospel in favor of a false one.

That means you are lost and headed for the Lake of Fire lest you repent [change your mind, believe the saving Gospel you currently despise].

We know.

Let's get something straight.

SHOULD salvation result in a changed life? YES!

Will it AUTOMATICALLY do so? NO! The Corinthians are proof of that, even though Paul called them saints and could not say ANY of them were unsaved...not even the man fornicating with his own mother, and if there was anyone in the whole NT Paul could say wasn't saved on the basis of bad behavior, he was the one. Paul may have been unsure that man wasn't saved but he never came out with a word of knowledge from the Holy Spirit and SAID the man isn't saved.

Do you know why he didn't?

Because that's what happens when salvation is SOLELY on the basis of grace through faith, and is not earned, kept or proved by works (good works OR bad works). God alone truly knows those who are in Christ. Works -- good or bad -- reveal NOTHING about that.

Wait wut? Sorry but the noise and the dust is everywhere in here!! Or din and stench of sin...

But you are talking about this?

"we will see that the Corinthians responded with pride and disobedience. Paul writes, “You have become arrogant11 and have not mourned instead, so that the one who had done this deed would be removed12 from your midst.” First, it is important to see that Paul does not attack the man who is guilty of this atrocity. Instead, he rebukes the church for allowing the “immorality” to go on unchecked.

Apart from 5:5 where Paul instructs the church “to turn this man over to Satan,” he says nothing else about the man. However, four times he charges the community to remove the man (5:2b, 5, 7, 13).13 Indeed, both the man and the church are guilty of sin before God—the former for the act of incest and the latter for its failure to impose discipline."

Which then is counselled thusly:

"In 5:4-5, Paul now specifies what the appropriate judgment on the immoral man should entail. He puts it like this: “In the name [i.e., the authority] of our Lord Jesus, when you are assembled, and I with you in spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus, I have decided to deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.”17 To “deliver” (NASB, ESV), “turn” (NET, HSB), or “hand” (NRSV, NIV) a person over to Satan means to dismiss that person from the church into the world (i.e., the realm of Satan).18 The primary meaning of the “destruction19 of the flesh” is the purging of the man’s sinful propensity. This phrase does not necessarily refer to his physical body being destroyed.20 The goal is this man’s repentance and restoration to the church family. Now, if he refuses to repent, the Lord may bring financial, emotional, and physical problems. Eventually, the Lord may have to take his physical life. Yet Paul typically designates “flesh”‘ and “spirit” as the whole person, as viewed from different angles. “Spirit” means the whole person as oriented towards God, while “flesh” means the whole person as oriented away from God. The “destruction of one’s flesh” would thus belong to the same kind of imagery as in “crucify” it (Gal 5:24; cf. Rom 7:5-6).21 By putting this man outside of the church community, Paul is seeking to “destroy” what is “fleshly” in him, with the purpose of having the “spiritual” in him come out.22 The goal, then, is for this man to be “delivered/restored” or be found “healthy” and “whole”23 “in the day of the Lord Jesus.” Probably it saved him from a worse verdict when Christ would evaluate his stewardship of his life at the judgment seat."

Means for you and yours that are utterly MAD that the man remains saved after being thrown out...already is still saved...even upon getting to the day of the Lord...His Judgement day unrepentant?

Wow...that does explain a lot about the stench in here...


Well-known member

This post made me have to pretend I had something in my eye! It may have been directed towards 3 people that will brick wall it... but to many who read it... it is pure gospel gold...

My only complaint is that I was reading it in a Brit accent for some reason.

Jolly good though! Jolly good indeed! I'm saving this one in my blog section!

My mental reading voice is oscillates between Tom Baker and Larry Fine.