ECT MADists don't follow Paul


Such an individual is set in stone as to such an OVER RELIANCE - there is NO reasoning with such. NONE.

Everything you parrot on TOL has come from books.

Your Dispensationalism didn't even exist until a man invented it in 1830.

If it wasn't for books about Dispensationalism, you would not be able to post anything.


And yours doesn't? What conceit!

Mine is different.

Dispensationalism without a doubt can be traced to one man (Darby), and not a trace of Dispensationalism can be found before 1830

Preterism cannot be traced to one man, and I can show teachings of Preterism from just about every century, from the first century to this century.

Plus, I can defend Preterism with scripture, whereas Danoh and all the other Darby followers cannot.


Well-known member
Mine is different.

Dispensationalism without a doubt can be traced to one man (Darby), and not a trace of Dispensationalism can be found before 1830

Preterism cannot be traced to one man, and I can show teachings of Preterism from just about every century, from the first century to this century.

Plus, I can defend Preterism with scripture, whereas Danoh and all the other Darby followers cannot.

You mean 1830bce right? In post #1881,pg.126 Interplanner explains that the idea of a "restored Israel" was of the Jews of old and then go's on to explain that in literature all the way to the 1800's they believed that Israel would be a restored kingdom.

Now I disagree in part on the veiled part and is why I said what I said about Acts 1:6-7 KJV,,,unless the disciples and Jesus were under the veil also(I don't think so).

Now Interplanner states in his 10 points thread that he "interpreted Josephas" so wouldn't you think he would know best it's origin?


You mean 1830bce right? In post #1881,pg.126 Interplanner explains that the idea of a "restored Israel" was of the Jews of old and then go's on to explain that in literature all the way to the 1800's they believed that Israel would be a restored kingdom.

Christ rejecting Jews have believed in a restored kingdom since the days of Christ, and before Christ since they returned to Judah from Babylon. They still think God is going to send them a Messiah.

They still believe it. It's called Zionism.

Now I disagree in part on the veiled part and is why I said what I said about Acts 1:6-7 KJV,,,unless the disciples and Jesus were under the veil also(I don't think so).

Now Interplanner states in his 10 points thread that he "interpreted Josephas" so wouldn't you think he would know best it's origin?

I don't understand what point you are trying to make?

Christ rejecting Jews of today and Dispensationalists are both wrong. There isn't going to be a restored kingdom on planet earth with a Messiah (not Christ or anyone else) ruling over it.


Well-known member
Christ rejecting Jews have believed in a restored kingdom since the days of Christ, and before Christ since they returned to Judah from Babylon. They still think God is going to send them a Messiah.

They still believe it. It's called Zionism.

I don't understand what point you are trying to make?

Christ rejecting Jews of today and Dispensationalists are both wrong. There isn't going to be a restored kingdom on planet earth with a Messiah (not Christ or anyone else) ruling over it.

So in Acts 1:6-7 KJV are those "Christ rejecting Jews"? It seems pretty clear they believed the kingdom would be restored(they ask) and Jesus himself did not disagree he told them they were not to know the things that the Father hath put in his own power. So even Jesus believed it would,and that the Father had put it in his own power to accomplish it in it's time and season. Are these "unbelieving Jews"?


New member
So in Acts 1:6-7 KJV are those "Christ rejecting Jews"? It seems pretty clear they believed the kingdom would be restored(they ask) and Jesus himself did not disagree he told them they were not to know the things that the Father hath put in his own power. So even Jesus believed it would,and that the Father had put it in his own power to accomplish it in it's time and season. Are these "unbelieving Jews"?

Sooner or later, Whitestone, you will learn why he is justly referred to as Tel-a-lie.

If it is not in a book somewhere, or that he is unaware of; it is false.

If it is, but does not match those books he and his have bought into, well; it is wrong.

If this or that passage says so; well, see, that passage does not mean what it says.

Such fool's have no use for the Bible they have long since read their notions into all the way back to all those psuedo Roman Catholic ECF such put on a pedestal.

Mark my words, the man has a delusion for any question you might ask or statement you might make.

His real problem is plain old heresy - he and his kind simply do not believe the Bible is not only its own interpreter, but its own pointer of how to extract from within its own pages its own interpretation.

So destitute of the truth are they that they right off project their corrupt practice into the conclusion that EVERYONE gets it out of books about...

I've seen where much of the basic tenents of Dispensationalism has traced back many centuries.

But you know what? As I have related to those who have shared said research with me - I - COULD - CARE - LESS.

Scripture is SOLE Authority.

Watch this... Watch one of them distort the following passage...

2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 3:17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

Preterist Interplanner does it anytime I cite that passage.

Tel-a-lie will do likewise.


Well-known member
I'm just content that instead of "Darby invented it",,,we all now agree that the belief of a restored kingdom in Israel has it's origins,,,well to the first century and beyond...


New member
I'm just content that instead of "Darby invented it",,,we all now agree that the belief of a restored kingdom in Israel has it's origins,,,well to the first century and beyond...

Lol, that is part of what exposes Tel-a-lie for the incompetent he actually is.

His whole deal is his obvious OVER RELIANCE on books "about" and yet he is so incompetent even in "research" to then vomit through that method, that he has yet to hear of writings on these issues prior to Darby.

Of course, now he'll demand to know what they are; proving the obvious to all but him...once...more... :chuckle:

Cross Reference

New member
Mine is different.

Dispensationalism without a doubt can be traced to one man (Darby), and not a trace of Dispensationalism can be found before 1830

Preterism cannot be traced to one man, and I can show teachings of Preterism from just about every century, from the first century to this century.

Plus, I can defend Preterism with scripture, whereas Danoh and all the other Darby followers cannot.

You live a deceived life.


So in Acts 1:6-7 KJV are those "Christ rejecting Jews"?

Of course not, they were Disciples of Christ Jesus.

It seems pretty clear they believed the kingdom would be restored(they ask) and Jesus himself did not disagree he told them they were not to know the things that the Father hath put in his own power.


That's because the Holy Spirt that was to come on Pentecost had not come yet.

If you'll notice, there isn't one mention of a restored kingdom after the Day of Pentecost found in the Bible.

So even Jesus believed it would,


Jesus said His kingdom was not of this world. Jesus also said the kingdom of God does not come with observation.

and that the Father had put it in his own power to accomplish it in it's time and season. Are these "unbelieving Jews"?

It's a spiritual kingdom. People in the kingdom have spiritual bodies.

There was no way the Disciples could have understood any of the spiritual stuff before the Day of Pentecost.

Again, show me any writer in the NT saying something about a restored kingdom after the Day of Pentecost?


I'm just content that instead of "Darby invented it",,,we all now agree that the belief of a restored kingdom in Israel has it's origins,,,well to the first century and beyond...

The restored kingdom has it's origin to when the kingdom of Israel split into two kingdoms.

Christ Jesus joined the two sticks together (Israel & Judah) when He made the New Covenant with His shed blood, and there is now one kingdom with Christ Jesus as the King.

Dispensationalism is a lie. That's why most of the Darby followers on here deny the New Covenant was made, and in place right now.


Not true.
Several of the early church fathers taught premillenialism, and a future anti-christ, and a future reign of Christ on earth.

Preterism denies all of it.

Yes, chiliasm has been around since the first century.

Darby invented the secret rapture, the secret parenthetical dispensation, the 7 year trib between the rapture and third coming, the demarcation line between Israel and "the church", etc.

All you are doing is proving you live in denial.


Well-known member
lol,,,"spiritualize or alagorize that is the question",,,

In Matthew 24:21 KJV from the beginning of the kosmos till that point in time,and then still onward their would not again be an tribulation as great as the one mentioned.

lets see,destruction of Israel ad70 1.1 million die in Jerusalem(your source Josephus),,,then afterward in the 1940's between 6-9 million of the same people face a greater tribulation(after the one you claim),, is it spiritual or allegorical or proof that if one is greater than the former that you might just be incorrect? I suppose you could just deny the Holocaust and the number of dead and claim the former as the greatest.


lol,,,"spiritualize or alagorize that is the question",,,

In Matthew 24:21 KJV from the beginning of the kosmos till that point in time,and then still onward their would not again be an tribulation as great as the one mentioned.

lets see,destruction of Israel ad70 1.1 million die in Jerusalem(your source Josephus),,,then afterward in the 1940's between 6-9 million of the same people face a greater tribulation(after the one you claim),, is it spiritual or allegorical or proof that if one is greater than the former that you might just be incorrect? I suppose you could just deny the Holocaust and the number of dead and claim the former as the greatest.

Over 1.1 million Jews died in Jerusalem.

Not since then has one city experienced such death and tribulation.

In WWII, even if you combine the death tolls of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it's not even half of how many died in Jerusalem in 70AD. Not to mention the deaths in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were swift, whereas the deaths in Jerusalem were long and drawn out.

Same thing for Berlin, Paris, London, Moscow, or any other city in WWII, not one of those cities experienced what Jerusalem experienced.

Nor WWI, or any other war since 70AD has one city had as many people die in it as Jerusalem did from 66AD - 70AD.

You should read the account Josephus gave. Woman ate their children, bodies and blood everywhere, etc.

Jesus was correct, the tribulation that happened to the city of Jerusalem was greater than any tribulation that has happened to any city since.

As you see, there is no need to spiritualize or allegorize. What Jesus said has stood literally, and will continue to do so.


BTW Whitestone, in Matt 24 only those in Judaea are told to flee to the mountains.

And, just as Jesus said, the Christians in Judaea fled to the mountains before the tribulation began on the Jews. History from almost 1,700 years ago tells us so:

"But the people of the church in Jerusalem had been commanded by a revelation, vouchsafed to approved men there before the war, to leave the city and to dwell in a certain town of Perea called Pella. " - Eusebius, History of the Church 3:5:3 (325AD)

"The Nazoraean sect exists in Beroea near Coele Syria, in the Decapolis near the region of Pella, and in Bashan in the place called Cocaba, which in Hebrew is called Chochabe. That is where the sect began, when all the disciples were living in Pella after they moved from Jerusalem, since Christ told them to leave Jerusalem and withdraw because it was about to be besieged. For this reason they settled in Peraea and there, as I said, they lived. This is where the Nazoraean sect began." - Epiphanius, Panarion 29:7:7-8 (375AD)

patrick jane

BTW Whitestone, in Matt 24 only those in Judaea are told to flee to the mountains.

And, just as Jesus said, the Christians in Judaea fled to the mountains before the tribulation began on the Jews. History tells us so:

"But the people of the church in Jerusalem had been commanded by a revelation, vouchsafed to approved men there before the war, to leave the city and to dwell in a certain town of Perea called Pella. " - Eusebius, History of the Church 3:5:3 (325AD)

"The Nazoraean sect exists in Beroea near Coele Syria, in the Decapolis near the region of Pella, and in Bashan in the place called Cocaba, which in Hebrew is called Chochabe. That is where the sect began, when all the disciples were living in Pella after they moved from Jerusalem, since Christ told them to leave Jerusalem and withdraw because it was about to be besieged. For this reason they settled in Peraea and there, as I said, they lived. This is where the Nazoraean sect began." - Epiphanius, Panarion 29:7:7-8 (375AD)

You can site all the history of the time but it certainly does NOT show the 2nd coming of Christ Jesus, you're delusional


Well-known member
Over 1.1 million Jews died in Jerusalem.

Not since then has one city experienced such death and tribulation.

In WWII, even if you combine the death tolls of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it's not even half of how many died in Jerusalem in 70AD. Not to mention the deaths in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were swift, whereas the deaths in Jerusalem were long and drawn out.

Same thing for Berlin, Paris, London, Moscow, or any other city in WWII, not one of those cities experienced what Jerusalem experienced.

Nor WWI, or any other war since 70AD has one city had as many people die in it as Jerusalem did from 66AD - 70AD.

You should read the account Josephus gave. Woman ate their children, bodies and blood everywhere, etc.

Jesus was correct, the tribulation that happened to the city of Jerusalem was greater than any tribulation that has happened to any city since.

As you see, there is no need to spiritualize or allegorize. What Jesus said has stood literally, and will continue to do so.

lol,you sure you don't want to edit this and add in the American Indians,the Chinese wars and possible wars on Mars?,,,I thought we were working with "Jews,ad70",,,"Jews 1940's" and the tribulations they faced.


New member
Over 1.1 million Jews died in Jerusalem.

Not since then has one city experienced such death and tribulation.

In WWII, even if you combine the death tolls of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it's not even half of how many died in Jerusalem in 70AD. Not to mention the deaths in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were swift, whereas the deaths in Jerusalem were long and drawn out.

Same thing for Berlin, Paris, London, Moscow, or any other city in WWII, not one of those cities experienced what Jerusalem experienced.

Nor WWI, or any other war since 70AD has one city had as many people die in it as Jerusalem did from 66AD - 70AD.

You should read the account Josephus gave. Woman ate their children, bodies and blood everywhere, etc.

Jesus was correct, the tribulation that happened to the city of Jerusalem was greater than any tribulation that has happened to any city since.

As you see, there is no need to spiritualize or allegorize. What Jesus said has stood literally, and will continue to do so.

You absolute low life jerk of a fraud - you stoop to dishonoring the dead for the sake of your Preterist heresy.

Consider the following fellow TOLers that this jerk Tel-a-lie so easily spits on.

And even that changes as new information continues to be uncovered.