You were "so hoping for" that?
Wow. You have sunk that low. Wow...the passages are now a means of glorying in the MISperceived of another.
Slither then, if that is what you must do...
See this puffing up mess of yours; see this OVER reliance of yours in what is obviously your books based "Theology Proper, Anthropology Proper, Hamartiology, Ponerology, Soteriology, and others..."
See all that "proper" mess?
That OVER reliance right there is the very beguiling through its subtilty by which you yourself have ended up having corrupted your mind away from the simplicity that is in Christ, to more and more of "the wisdom of" just the right "words" of men in their same vain Adversary's quest for self-glory.
You were "so hoping for that" passage from RD?
Regretabbly, you were.
Give yourself a pat on the back; the intended corruption had been "ye shall be as gods" and deify yourself through your parroted words you have...
For this "wisdom" of yours is not even yours; rather, the parroting of another's parroting labor all the way back to all those beguiling parrots that fallen garden has continued to spawn in your kind to this very day.