ECT MADists don't follow Paul


Danoh wants to sound like he has really plowed the depths of the NT and found that MAD truly is there, and that Paul had 'patterns of thought' like Darby


The Darby Followers all think Paul taught the rubbish Darby invented.

If Paul was alive today, he would call Dispensationalism what it is, a false belief system.

john w

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Yes, the Roman army

Why did the Roman army not leave one stone left upon another?

ANSWER: " because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you"

How much plainer does the verse need to be for you?

Jesus makes it clear that the Roman army would destroy the temple because the Jews rejected Him when God the Father sent Him to them.
How much plainer do the verses need be for you, TOL audience, that yes, it was the Roman army that was the second coming, according to habitual liar, satanic Preterist Tettie? Again....

"Jesus never physically returned, and never will physically return to planet earth after He ascended to Heaven"-Preterist deceiver Tet.


“And that is what happened. The Lord came in a way that everyone could see Him. However, He never touched planet earth, and when this event was over, He then sat on the throne in Heaven NOT on planet earth.”-Tet.

"Everyone" that saw Him, according to Craigie, was Josephus, and Wikipedia. Wait....According to Craigie the Clown, he did not return physically, but all of Jerusalem saw him.. And, according to Craigie the Clown, signs are invisible...



"Tet is a preterist that believes Christ already returned in 70 AD viathe Roman Army."-Tambora, on another TOL thread

"Correct, and thanks for making it clear that it was the Roman army that was His return."-stupid Craigie

"The Roman army destroyed Jerusalem in 70AD. That is what Jesus meant when He said He will return."-Gomer Tet.

Hebrews 9:28 KJV
So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

Craigie the Clown: The Roman army was looking for him-that is the "them" above. My infallible AD 70/Pteterist "teachers" taught me,like Hank Hanegraaf, from whom I copy'npaste/spam.

Shazam, Gomer!

Preterist Gomer Tet...from the army of the ignorant.

I know, I know....Darby...Bullinger....You follow the teachings/inventions/theories of fallible men, unlike me, as I, Craigie, follow the teachings of infallible men, or women, or the of a teenage girl.....Darby.....Bullinger.....figurative.....hy perbole...fulfilled AD 65, or 66, 0r 70, 0r 666......No one taught dispensationalism, until Darby, and no one taught that the earth was round, until, and no one taught of the concept of "God the Father," until this "Jesus" I reference, in disrespect, flipping the bird at him, came around, and the idea that he will be King on the planet earth, ..........and Pluto was a planet, at one time, as when you discover objective truth, determines if it is, in fact, objective truth, you see, well, uh, urr, and thus, the Lord Jesus Christ was not really the Lord God, until I, Gomer Tet., discovered it, you see.....



After 2 years of being asked to explain this "Roman army" jazz, and his contradiction/lie above, our spineless, obsessed hero will not.



Well-known member
First off, you Darby Followers don't even know what "blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord" means.

You guys think it's a future event when Jews of the future will one day all accept Jesus, and then all together at one time shout "blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord".

That's not what the saying means, and it's not what will happen.

Three of the seven feasts required pilgrimages to Jerusalem. When the Jews who lived away from Jerusalem would travel to the city, the Jews who lived in the city would line the streets and sing "blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord". The line of this song is found in Psalm 118:26

(Psalm 118:26) Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
From the house of the Lord we bless you

Jesus told the Jews they would not see Him again until they said "blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord".

The next pilgrimage feast that was to occur after Jesus said what He said was Pentecost.

you should ask yourself if they (saw Jesus) on the next Passover when they sang the song.

How is it that they saw him,(next Passover) when they crucified him the year before?

Do you think they saw Christ the next time they sang this when he was in heaven?

john w

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Now, let's look at how Josephus described Jerusalem shortly before 70AD:......................
Do you see how Josephus confirms the fulfillment of Rev 16:19?

Once again, the hypocrite quotes "fallable men" like Flavey Joe, despite his 1/3 trash "posts" having a reference to " following the teachings of fallable men,......," one of his alleged arguments against MAD.

And he cites a Christ rejector at that, Flavius Josephus.



Once again, the hypocrite quotes "fallable men" like Flavey Joe, despite his 1/3 trash "posts" having a reference to " following the teachings of fallable men,......," one of his alleged arguments against MAD.

And he cites a Christ rejector at that, Flavius Josephus.


Josephus was a historian.

Darby and Bullinger (who you follow) were not historians, they were false teachers who perverted the Word of the Lord.

john w

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tetelestai;4566319 [YELLOW said:
The Greek word Paul [/YELLOW]uses in 2 Thess 2:3 is the word "apostasia" (Strongs #646)

"Apostasia" is the exact word Josephus used to describe the Great Jewish Revolt of 66AD
You fraud. You know no "The Greek" -cannot speak it, write it, understand it, translate it.

And stuff your "Strongs" plagiarism, as using Strongs to translate is a scam, promoted by wanna bee so called "experts" to act "scholarly," impress others, by con artist like you, who have no knowledge of any such non existing "The" Greek."You frauds think that accurate translation can be obtained by just Looking up "the Greek " words in an ms, and its corresponding "The" English meeting, and, presto, you are a translator of accuracy. It is a fraud. And you plagiarized that, having just read itg another site.

Identity this "The" Greek you cite above, Craigie. Does it have a name?

You won't-lying clown. Fraud.


Well-known member
Pentecost NOT Passover.

They didn't.

pentecost 49 days later(including the Passover) did they see him while he was in heaven? ,,,

I thought you were referring to the "next year",but if you are not what happened 49 days later did those who he said this to see Jesus?


pentecost 49 days later(including the Passover) did they see him while he was in heaven? ,,,

The Pentecost that happened after the cross saw the Holy Spirit that Christ Jesus promised come.

I thought you were referring to the "next year",but if you are not what happened 49 days later did those who he said this to see Jesus?

The Holy Spirit came.

john w

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There is no such thing as a rapture.

You won't find "rapture" anywhere in the Bible.

t was invented by John Nelson Darby.

Before Darby, you won't find any mention of a rapture in all of Christendome.

This "sweetie" can't help from lying.

Again, he spams his satanic "when you discover objective truth, determines if it is, in fact, objective truth" "argument," an "argument" that originates from the pits of hell.

And he was caught lying about that.

"Dispensationalism is a false doctrine that was invented by John Nelson Darby in the mid 1800's."-Con artist

You lying punk, full of sophistry. You follow Preterism/AD 70-ism, which was invented by Russell, King, Sproul......................and you even admit it, lying punk.

Observe, the continue deception, and lies...

Observe, the deception, of Craigie Tettie. To wit:

" That's not my argument.

"I have never said that dispensationalism was "wrong" because of how old it was. I specifically said that no one taught about Christ coming back twice before Darby did."-Tet.

“I never said it was wrong for how old it is.”-Tet.


"No matter how hard you try, you can't take away the fact that dispensationalism was invented by John Nelson Darby in the mid 1800's..."-Deceiver Tet.

"My argument is that if there is not one single trace of something for 1,800+ years by anyone, then it was invented.”-Tet.

"... Deep down you know that your belief system has only been around for not even 50 years, and that it was "developed" by men..."-con artist Partial Preterist Soddy Tet.

"...Your false teachings of men is a false teaching since there is not one trace of it in the first three centuries. None of the early church fathers taught your theory, its only about 50 years old."-con artist Partial Preterist Soddy Tet.

"MAD didn't exist until the mid 1800's"-con artist Partial Preterist Soddy Tet."

Tet,-the habitual liar, and deceiver. He will not address this above, on record, lie-he is so obsessed with MAD, and has a "man" crush on me, he will lie on any subject.

"Before Darby, you won't find any mention of a rapture in all of Christendome."-Wimpy

Made up.

And, this piece of trash lies about his "Before Darby, you won't find any mention of a rapture in all of Christendome," spam, as I, and others, for years, having given him references made by others, time after time, but his father, the devil just keeps telling him to deny it.

Habitual liar, spammer.


Well-known member
The Pentecost that happened after the cross saw the Holy Spirit that Christ Jesus promised come.

The Holy Spirit came.

the psalm they sing do they sing it at the beginning as the people were coming to the Passover or 49 days later on Pentecost(end of the 50 days)?

he didn't say this to those who were in the upper room Acts 2,,,he said it to who?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Show us anyone who taught about a "rapture" before John Nelson Darby.

HINT: I can save you a lot of time, it doesn't exist.

We already have, you viper, exact quotes by other referencing the "plucking away by force," but you keep spamming the above, on your father, the devil's orders.


Well-known member
Why did the Roman army not leave one stone left upon another?

The Romans DIDN'T leave not one stone standing upon another throughout Jerusalem, as Christ warned would happen in Luke 19. Your lord and savior Josephus said so. The intact stone remains that are still there prove it. The Luke 19 prophecy has not been fulfilled yet. That means 70 was not the prophetic culmination you want it to be.

Preterism is beaten. Refuted. Done. Stop lying.


the psalm they sing do they sing it at the beginning as the people were coming to the Passover or 49 days later on Pentecost(end of the 50 days)?

They only sang it three times a year.

They sang it when the Jews/Israelites traveled to Jerusalem for the 3 feasts that required the pilgrimage.

Matt 21:9 shows us them singing it when the Jews making the pilgrimage entered Jerusalem for the Passover in 30AD

(Matt 21:9) The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, "Hosanna to the Son of David!" "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Hosanna in the highest heaven!"

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Then show us who wrote about the rapture before Darby?

Show us these writings about a rapture before the mid 1800's

You guys must like embarrassing yourselves.

Instead of just admitting that you all are Darby Followers, and that Darby invented what you guys adhere to, you guys make fools out of yourselves claiming the things Darby invented existed before Darby.

We have, punk. You continue your satanic lying.

Craigie Tettie:the habitual liar of TOL.


The Romans DIDN'T leave not one stone standing upon another throughout Jerusalem, as Christ warned would happen in Luke 19. Your lord and savior Josephus said so. The intact stone remains that are still there prove it. The Luke 19 prophecy has not been fulfilled yet. That means 70 was not the prophetic culmination you want it to be.

Preterism is beaten. Refuted. Done. Stop lying.

Well, it looks like a good night sleep didn't change you from your foolishness.

Have you stopped to think how stupid your theory sounds?

You want us to believe that in the yet future, the Jews are going to build a third temple, then Jesus is going to destroy this third temple along with every building in Jerusalem with not one stone left standing upon another because the Jews of 2,000 years ago rejected Him.

(Luke 19:44) ...They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.

And at the same time, you want us to believe that what happened in 70AD was only for Luke 21, but not Luke 19

Why do you keep embarrassing yourself?