ECT MADists don't follow Paul

patrick jane

Obviously, one of Tettles favorite words is RAPTURE. He thinks that word was created or invented by Darby. How can I invent a word ?

The Word of God is written regardless of a new or different adjective.

Tet would have folks believe that the word rapture changes what is written, when in fact, it stablishes the record.


Well-known member
Irenaeus didn't teach a rapture.

However, let's look at what Irenaeus did say:

"..but they used the Mosaic law until the coming of the Lord; but from the Lord's advent, the new covenant which brings back peace, and the law which gives life, has gone forth over the whole earth, as the prophets said: "For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem ; and He shall rebuke many people; and they shall break down their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruninghooks, and they shall no longer learn to fight." - Against Heresies," Book IV, Chapter 34

Notice Irenaeus taught that the New Covenant has gone forth over the whole earth.

Do you agree with Irenaeus on the New Covenant?

what do you think he meant by "church will be suddenly caught up from this..."?


Well-known member

Pictured: preterism.


No questions.

All you're doing is proving what a fool you are.

You want us to believe that sometime in the yet future, there's going to be a third temple made entirely out of stones.

Then, some army is going to surround Jerusalem, a bunch of Christians are going to flee to the hills, then the army is going to destroy the temple and all the buildings of Jerusalem so bad that not one stone is left standing upon another. (even though most of the buildings in Jerusalem are made of steel, and have no stones in them)

BUT, don't forget, Jerusalem will have a wall around the entire city with a big gate that is the only way in and out of the city.

AND, in this new third temple, someone is going to stand in it and cause the abomination that causes desolation.

Like I said, you're a fool.


Well-known member
All you're doing is proving what a fool you are.

You want us to believe that sometime in the yet future, there's going to be a third temple made entirely out of stones.

Then, some army is going to surround Jerusalem, a bunch of Christians are going to flee to the hills, then the army is going to destroy the temple and all the buildings of Jerusalem so bad that not one stone is left standing upon another. (even though most of the buildings in Jerusalem are made of steel, and have no stones in them)

BUT, don't forget, Jerusalem will have a wall around the entire city with a big gate that is the only way in and out of the city.

AND, in this new third temple, someone is going to stand in it and cause the abomination that causes desolation.

Like I said, you're a fool.

Prove it.

Deal with Luke 19 being unfulfilled prophecy. You have to deal with it for Preterism to work, and you know it.

Do it.


Well-known member
Luke 19:41, 44 -- Christ says all of Jerusalem will be left with not one stone upon another.

Luke 21:5-6 -- Christ says the temple will be left with not one stone upon another.

Two different predictions.

The second happened.

The first has not.

Preterism dies.


Well-known member
Throw the blood stained towel, Tettles. Quit the field like a man. Try to go out with some dignity. You're beaten.


Prove it. Deal with Luke 19 being unfulfilled prophecy. You have to deal with it for Preterism to work, and you know it. Do it.

Luke 19 was fulfilled.

Not one stone was left standing in the temple and the buildings of Jerusalem.

HINT: Keep reading Josephus and you will see that The Phasael Tower, The Hippicus Tower, and The Mariamme Tower eventually are destroyed by the Romans.

Like I said, you might want to take some time to study your new position. You have only held this position for less than 24 hours.

There's a really good reason most people don't hold this position. Maybe you should consult with your buddy STP.


Well-known member
Josephus said they were left standing. They were not destroyed in 70. That wall is still there, and that wall is made of stones upon stones. Give it up.


Luke 19:41, 44 -- Christ says all of Jerusalem will be left with not one stone upon another.

Luke 21:5-6 -- Christ says the temple will be left with not one stone upon another.

Two different predictions.

The second happened.

The first has not.

Preterism dies.

Just when I thought you couldn't embarrass yourself anymore than you already have, you did exactly that.

Now you're claiming Luke 21 was fulfilled in 70AD, but Luke 19 is a yet future fulfillment.

Like I said, I didn't think you could do it, but you did it. But then again, when you have to defend the false teachings of Darby, anything is possible.


Well-known member
Jerusalem was not completely destroyed stone by stone in 70. Christ said it would happen. That means this prophecy is yet unfulfilled. That means preterism fails and dies.

Man up, give it up, let it go.