Some folks do hold the view that the BOC will be here and suffer like everyone else, or be here and be protected.I don't think the body of Christ has any wrath that we need to suffer in tribulation. That's israel's appionted time of trouble. The body may get caught in the crossfire though
Lack of scripture stating either one is what hinders me from holding that view.
One point you might consider is that if the BOC is here experiencing the wrath pour out is how does that fit in with the BOC provoking Israel to jealousy? (Rom 11:11)
It's hard to see how Israel would feel jealous if the BOC was experiencing the same wrath as they.
One thing has bothered me, in which I have no sufficient answer.
What happens to children in the womb during the rapture?
If both mother and child are saved, then both are raptured, but are they raptured together or in separate bodies?
And if one is saved but the other is not, how does that happen?