Departure was always a trick used by Darby....every word has two or three meanings. A dictionary will give the prime meaning first then the secondary meaning...departure in the greek is the third meaning given for Apostacy...the prime meaning is rebellion.
What is so bad is that it is a deliberate deception, it was thrown out by every single British theologian...but Darby took it to America
I hate bringing this up, Totty, as I don't like asserting a thing based on books.
But your above is absolute nonsense.
One hundred years before Darby, Morgan Edwards wrote a paper in which he departed from his normal, heavily (so called) "spiritual" interpretation of Scripture, for a time, taking the literal route, just to see what he might see from there.
He concluded a Pre-Trib Rapture.
He then returned to his (so called) "spiritual" position on Scripture, and put that document away, where it remained until his own fellow (so called) "spiritualizers" found it with all his other unpublished writings.
I agree with you that "a falling away" refers to a rebellion.
But you are off on what that rebellion is - it is unbelieving Israel's rebellion, together with the world's - both of whom will persecute the Israel of God.
And no, I did not get that from books.
If that is what they teach, then fine.
But quit accusing me of that.
I read all sorts of secular books.
While, whenever I do read books having to do with matters of the faith, I prefer books by the opposition.
Even more so, by atheists.
Both kinds for their challenge.
Because I know Mid-Acts and know it well from time in the Scripture because Scripture is what I prefer when it comes to knowing about the Scripture.
In fact, very few books are written from a Mid-Acts Perspective to begin with - perhaps a shopping bag full and that's about it.
The overwhelming emphasis througout the movement is "Get in The Book" not in endless books supposedly "about" the Scripture.
Thanks for your challenge, sis, now get your facts straight